title: Android and Facebook's Litho: Getting started tags: android,litho
Litho allows you to declare your view in code with speed optimisations for lists.
It uses flexbox layout logic, via the Facebook Yoga library, allowing you to use your existing web knowledge. This applies to iOS too since Yoga also exists for iOS.
It supports one-directional data binding, thereby allowing you dive into the flux architecture a little.
Let's do the basic getting started first. Let's bung all the depenedencies into your app's build.gradle
compile 'com.facebook.litho:litho-core:0.2.0'
compile 'com.facebook.litho:litho-widget:0.2.0'
provided 'com.facebook.litho:litho-annotations:0.2.0'
annotationProcessor 'com.facebook.litho:litho-processor:0.2.0'
compile 'com.facebook.soloader:soloader:0.2.0'
debugCompile 'com.facebook.litho:litho-stetho:0.2.0'
compile 'com.facebook.litho:litho-fresco:0.2.0'
Create an Application
class in your app and ensure your manifest points to it. In the onCreate
method add this:
SoLoader.init(this, false);
In your Activity's onCreate
change the view layout code to:
ComponentContext c = new ComponentContext(this);
setContentView(LithoView.create(c, MyComponent.create(c).build()));
We're creating a Litho context, and then creating a Litho view with that context, and a component too. Where does that MyComponent
come from?
public class MyComponentSpec {
static ComponentLayout onCreateLayout(ComponentContext c) {
return Column.create(c)
.paddingDip(YogaEdge.ALL, 16)
The annoation @LayoutSpec
takes the class name minus Spec
, thereby creating the MyComponent
class via facebook's annoation processor.
We create a Column
using flexbox terminology, with two Text
children, which are not TextViews incidentally.
Later tutorials will focus on using Android Views within Litho and events I should think.