- bswpm - windowmanager
- compton - transparency for windowmanagers
- dunst - notifications
- git - just git
- i3lock-fancy -lockscreen
- lightdm - log in screen
- polybar - status bar
- rofi - program launcher
- sxhkd - keybind for bspwm
- termite - terminal
- xss-lock-git - autolock
- zsh - shell
- android-studio - development for android apps
- arduino - microcontroller development
- atom - github opensource editor
- chromium - browser, good to debug html/js
- deeping-image-viewer - image viewer
- dropbox - you should know dropbox
- dropbox-cli - service for dropbox, normal dropbox service sucks
- evince - pdf viewer
- firefox - it's an browser
- gedit - gnome lightweight text editor
- gimp - picture manipulation
- gnome-calculator - nice calculator (basic, advanced, programmer)
- gnome-mplayer - video player
- keepass - password manager
- libreoffice-fresh - great text / presentation / calc editors
- nautilus - file manager
- nautilus-dropbox - dropbox plugin for nautilus
- nodejs - javascript server
- npm - install nodejs packages
- pavucontrol - graphical volume control
- spotify - music client
- sqlite - lightweight sql database, used for android app dev.
- thunderbird - mail client
- virtualbox - virtual machines
- acpi - battery check
- alsa - volume control
- bc - battery check
- checkupdates-aur - checkupdate for aur packages
- feh - set background images
- htop - terminal task manager
- inxi - terminal system information overview
- openssh - ssh
- mpris - control mpris music clients like spotify
- pulseaudio - volume control
- pulseaudio-alsa - volume control
- rfkill - control wifi for laptops (turn on, off)
- screenfetch - arch short system information (u need it for reddit posts)
- scrot - do screenshots
- vim - terminal text editor
- vim-plug - plugin for vim to install plugins
- wireless_tools - u need it to get wireless information for ex.
- arc-gtk-theme
- arc-icon-theme
- awesome-terminal-fonts
- otf-hack
- ttf-dejavu
- ttf-font-awesome
- asus-kbd-backlight - keyboard led control for asus laptops
- character map - graphical characters overview to copy
- electron - create js desktop applications
- jdk8-openjdk - java
- jre8-openjdk - java