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Releases: GAM-team/GAM

GAM 7.01.04

05 Dec 00:11
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Admin role assignments are now in the v1 stable API, use that and remove custom local workaround for the beta. #1724

Remove duplicate local JSON discovery files. #1724

Suppress "UserWarning: Attribute's length must be..." messages on service accounts with long emails. #1725

Added options internal, internaldomains <DomainNameList> and external to these commands
that expand the options for viewing group members:

gam info group
gam print groups
gam print|show group-members
gam info cigroup
gam print cigroups
gam print|show cigroup-members

By default, when listing group members, GAM does not take the domain of the member into account.

  • internal internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display members whose domain is in <DomainNameList>
  • external internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display members whose domain is not in <DomainNameList>
  • internal external internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display all members, indicate their category: internal or external
  • internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Defaults to value of domain in gam.cfg

Members without an email address, e.g. customer, chrome-os-device and cbcm-browser are considered internal.

Updated to Python 3.13.1.

GAM 7.01.03

27 Nov 06:52
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  • 7.01.03

Fixed bug in gam update cigroups <GroupEntity> delete|sync|update where cbcm-browser and chrome-os-device
addresses were not properly handled.

GAM 7.01.02

27 Nov 00:02
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  • 7.01.02

Added option positivecountsonly to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecomments that causes
GAM to display the number of comments and replies only for files that have comments.

Added my_commentable_items to <DriveFileQueryShortcut> that can be used with
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecomments my_commentable_items to speed up processing.

Updated code that uses the Domain Shared Contacts API with an HTTPS proxy to avoid a trap:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "atom/", line 250, in _prepare_connection
AttributeError: module 'ssl' has no attribute 'wrap_socket'

GAM 7.01.01

24 Nov 00:23
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  • 7.01.01

Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filetree where no error message was generated
if a user had Drive disabled.

GAM 7.01.00

22 Nov 18:40
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Fixed bug in gam update chromepolicy that caused some policy updates to fail.

Added option showhtml to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages that, when used with showbody,
will display message body content of type HTML.

Added support for managing/displaying Chrome profiles.

GAM 7.00.40

21 Nov 01:18
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  • 7.00.40

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> update serviceaccount to properly set the readonly scope
for [R] 35) Meet API (supports readonly) as it is a special case.

GAM 7.00.39

18 Nov 12:20
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Supported MacOS versions are now in the download filename.

GAM 7.00.38

11 Nov 04:31
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  • 7.00.38

Fixed logic flaw in gam print|show policies where non-matching policies were displayed.

  • 7.00.37

Added options group <RegularExpression> and ou|org|orgunit <RegularExpression>
to gam print|show policies that causes GAM to only display policies whose group email address
or OU path match the <RegularExpression>.

GAM 7.00.37

10 Nov 17:43
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  • 7.00.37

Added options group <RegularExpression> and ou|org|orgunit <RegularExpression>
to gam print|show policies that causes GAM to only display policies whose group email address
or OU path match the <RegularExpression>.

Updated gam get|update|delete contactphotos to use the People API for domain shared contact photos
as Google has deprecated the Domain Shared Contacts API for these commands. Unfortunately,
the People API fails with gam update|delete contactphotos.

GAM 7.00.36

05 Nov 23:09
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  • 7.00.36

Updated gam print chromeapps to correct a trap caused by an API change.