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ECA European RI

Dag Endresen edited this page Jun 14, 2021 · 5 revisions

Task group for European infrastructures

Europe and Central Asia GBIF nodes and Research Infrastructures

Lead: Niels Raes

Members: Paco Pando, Rui Figueira, Piotr Tykarski, André Heughebaert, Anne-Sophie Archambeau Secretariat support: Kyle Copas

Task: draw up a suggested guidance document in a couple of months on positioning on the national and regional level. Define different national models on how GBIF nodes can collaborate and align efforts/activities with other RIs (DiSSCo, ELIXIR, LifeWatch, eLTER, EOSC/EGI) and use the strategic position to apply for national funding; aiming for a first draft by July!

The European Union is promoting large research infrastructure (RI) investments - including for open research data (EOSC) and collections (DiSSCo), LifeWatch ERIC, ELIXIR, and eLTER, to name a few. Some of these RIs may overlap with the services provided by GBIF ECA nodes. This can be a fantastic opportunity for expanding GBIF node services - or could become an existential threat if nodes will engage in unproductive competition for limited funds and mandates.

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