<h4>UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office</h4><p>UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office funded the initial research into the information needs and priorities of the DRM community which created the foundation for the RDL project. FCDO also worked with GFDRR to establish the challenge fund which provided the original funding for the project.</p><p><a href="
https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/foreign-commonwealth-development-office" target="_blank"> UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office website </a><a href="
https://www.gfdrr.org/en/challenge-fund" target="_blank">Challenge Fund website</a></p><h4>GFDRR Labs</h4><p>The Labs team at GFDRR conducted the original community research for DfID and managed the challenge fund on their behalf. The Labs team has also overseen the research and development of the RDL project to date.</p><p><a href="
https://www.gfdrr.org/en/gfdrr-labs" target="_blank">GFDRR Labs website</a></p><h4>The Global Earthquake Model Foundation</h4><p>GEM led the development of the exposure component of the RDL schema. GEM has continued to contribute to the project by developing the modeled loss component and creating the unified schema and database.</p><p><a href="
https://www.globalquakemodel.org" target="_blank">GEM website</a></p><h4>University College London (UCL) EPICentre</h4><p>UCL EPICentre developed the vulnerability component and has continued to refine this in collaboration with GEM.</p><p><a href="
https://www.ucl.ac.uk/epicentre" target="_blank"> UCL EPICentre website</a></p><h4>The British Geological Survey</h4><p>BGS led the development of the hazard data component of the RDL schema.</p><p><a href="
https://www.bgs.ac.uk" target="_blank">BGS website</a></p><h4>Collaborating Partners</h4><p>Collaborating partners in the first phase of schema development also included HOTOSM, ImageCat, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NERC National Oceanographic Centre, CIMA Foundation, Earth Observatory Singapore, Global Volcano Model, and the Global Flood Partnership.</p>