Build 1
Open Node Observation Deck
For you guys to use this on your router will need the below packages:
uhttpd-mod-lua - it's used to allow tthe front end to send commands to the uhttpd server to start the logger
libiwinfo-lua - Used to poll data from the router
To install those packages, you should be able to use it opkg update & opkg install .
you will also need to reinstall uhttp AFTER uhttpd-mod-lua has been installed. You can do this by opkg install uhttpd --force-reinstall. you won't lose your configuration of the uhttpd server it just needs to be restalled so the lua binds to the uhttpd server.
What's not in here?
Configure menu for changing the settings of the logger, currently you can only start or stop the logger to run forever and scans every 5 seconds. ( Build two)
Wireless Scan tab did not get re factored in time for build one (will be in build two!) + we are waiting for the bar graph!
Obviously other tabs will be in build two.
Alfred generated host names. (plus being able to edit them, Possibly build two, probably build three)
Known issues
Because this is build 1, there still some bugs in the system that we are sorting out. Build One is just a initial taste tester of the system, and to get it in the hands of as many people as possible.
Currently there is a memory leak in firefox, so it's best to not use firefox to the view the status page currently, though if you think you can hunt down the leak, that would be great. But we hope to kill it by build two.
Graphs don't rescale to the change of the browser window. (Build Two)
Error handling of the tab switching when in between graph updates, it should stop you. But we need to make that a little more robust (YAY for ajax).
Logger still requires pruning of the actual log.
As always, feedback is welcome!