Releases: GNS3/gns3-server
Releases · GNS3/gns3-server
Version 3.0.0 RC1
- Bundle web-ui v3.0.0rc1
- Convert topologies < 3.0 to have valid node hostnames
- Fix to access resources_path and install_builtin_appliances settings
Version 2.2.49
- Bundle web-ui v2.2.48.1
Version 2.2.48
- Bundle web-ui v2.2.48
- Add 'install_builtin_appliances' and 'resources_path' settings in the server config
- Option to keep the compute IDs unchanged when exporting a project
- Forbid unsafe Qemu additional options
- Fix error when snapshot exists with an underscore in the name
- Upgrade sentry-sdk, psutil and aiofiles packages
- Fix check for IPv6 enabled on host
Version 3.0.0 beta 3
- Bundle web-ui v3.0.0b3
- Fix to allow duplicating IOS routers
- Fix to allow changing the auxiliary console for IOS router nodes.
- Replace deprecated method datetime.utcnow()
- Upgrade FastAPI to v0.111.0
- Fix reset console for non running IOU devices
- Do not allow to create a builtin template using the API.
- Use cryptography backend for python-jose. Ref #2372
Version 2.2.47
- Fix script
- Bundle web-ui v2.2.47
- Change sentry-sdk version
- Upgrade aiohttp, sentry-sdk and truststore
- Upgrade jsonschema and aiohttp
- Drop Python 3.7
- Remove dev requirements for Python 3.6
- Do not run Docker VM tests on Windows
- Do not wait for the server to close when shutting down.
- Fix test create image with not supported characters by filesystem. Fixes #2375
- Allow listing x86_64 IOU images. Fixes #2376
- Upgrade Jinja2 to version 3.1.4. Fixes #2378
- Fix link capture for ATM switch. Fixes GNS3/gns3-gui#3570
- Fix tests after updating error message when busybox is not installed.
- Add more details to error message when busybox is not installed. Fixes GNS3/gns3-gui#3569
- Fix invalid escape sequences
- Add NAT symbols
- Fix cannot stop Docker VM while console connection is still active.
- Upgrade sentry-sdk to version 1.40.6
Version 3.0.0 beta 2
- Bundle web-ui v3.0.0b2
- Fix cannot stop Docker VM while console connection is still active.
- Support for custom Qemu path in templates and nodes
- Fix CPU fractional values for Docker VMs.
- Use bcrypt directly instead of passlib
- Do not stop searching for Qemu binaries if one binary cannot be executed. Ref #2306
- Fix Ethernet switch and Ethernet hub port validations. Fixes #2334
- Update CORS policy
Version 2.2.46
- Bundle web-ui v2.2.46
- Save empty directories when exporting a project
- Backport from v3: install Docker resources in a writable location at runtime.
- Use Docker API v1.24 to get version.
- Drop support for Python 3.6
- Address the telnet console bug.
- Update
- Update
- Use Python 3.8 to publish API doc
- Upgrade sentry-sdk, psutil and distro dependencies
Version 2.2.45
- Bundle web-ui v2.2.45
- Fix mouse offset issues with VNC in Qemu. Fixes #2335
- Add project.created, project.opened and project.deleted controller notification stream. Move project.updated and project.closed from project notification to controller notification stream.
- Do not stop searching for Qemu binaries if one binary cannot be executed. Ref #2306
- Fix Ethernet switch and Ethernet hub port validations. Fixes #2334
- Update CORS policy
- Add custom executable paths on Windows
- Upgrade sentry-sdk and aiohttp
Version 3.0.0 beta 1
- Bundle web-ui v3.0.0b1
- Upgrade sentry-sdk to v1.37.1
- Upgrade aiohttp to v3.9.1
- Fix bug when listing endpoints for opened project
- Make images executable after importing a project
- Disable IOS hostname check for Dynamips ghost instances