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File metadata and controls

390 lines (294 loc) · 11.3 KB

BricksBuilder.create(brick, target, settings)


mp.bricks().create('cardPayment', 'cardPaymentBrick_container' , {
    initialization: {
        amount: 100
    callbacks: {
        onReady: () => {
            // handle form ready
        onSubmit: (cardData) => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                fetch("/process_payment", { 
                    method: "POST",
                    headers: {
                        "Content-Type": "application/json",
                    body: JSON.stringify(cardData)
                .then((response) => {
                    // get payment result
                .catch((error) => {
                    // get payment result error
        onError: (error) => {
            // handle error


brick | string, REQUIRED

Selected Brick. Possible values are: cardPayment.

target | string, REQUIRED

Id of the container that the brick will be rendered in. Can be any HTML element.

settings | object, REQUIRED

The settings object has properties to initialize and customize the brick being created.

Setting key Type Description
initialization object Defines the initialization data.See more REQUIRED
callbacks object Defines the callback functions. See more REQUIRED
customization object Defines custom properties. See more OPTIONAL
locale string Defines locale. OPTIONAL


Initialization is an object with the properties the brick will initialize with.

Initialization key Type Description
amount number Defines the transaction amount. REQUIRED
payer object Defines payer initial data. Possible values OPTIONAL


Payer contains initial payer information.

Payer key Type Description
email string Defines the payer email. Brick will hide email field if this value is correctly filled
identification object Defines payer identification. Contains keys type and number
identification.type string Identification type. Possible values vary based on siteId
identification.number string Identification number. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the identification number input
SiteId Identification Type Values
MLB (Brazil) CPF, CNPJ
MLA (Argentina) DNI, CI, LC, LE, Otro
MCO (Colombia) CC, CE, NIT, Otro
MLC (Chile) RUT, Otro
MLU (Uruguay) CI, Otro
MPE (Peru) DNI, C.E, RUC, Otro


The callbacks object contains the callbacks functions the brick will call during its life cycle.

Callback key Description Params Returns
onReady It is called when the brick finishes loading REQUIRED void void
onError It is called when there is an error in the Brick REQUIRED BrickError void
onSubmit It is called when the user clicks on the submit button OPTIONAL CardData, AdditionalData Promise<void>
onBinChange It is called when the user fills or update card's BIN (first 8 digits) OPTIONAL bin void


    type: 'non_critical' | 'critical';
    message: string;
    cause: ErrorCause;




    'token': string,
    'issuer_id': string,
    'payment_method_id': string,
    'transaction_amount': number,
    'payment_method_option_id': string | null,
    'processing_mode': string | null,
    'installments': number,
    'payer': {
        'email': string,
        'identification': {
                'type': string,
                'number': string

Note: The CardData object can be processed directly to the Mercado Pago payment API.


    'bin': string


Customizations object is used to load Brick under different conditions.

Customization key Type Description
visual object Control the visual aspects of the brick. Contains style, font, texts, hidePaymentButton and hideFormTitle OPTIONAL
visual.font string Defines the custom font URL. This only applies to the Secure Fields. OPTIONAL
visual.texts CustomTexts Defines custom texts for the Brick (available custom texts vary by Brick). OPTIONAL Style Defines custom theme and CSS variables OPTIONAL
visual.hidePaymentButton boolean Hides the payment button and disables the onSubmit callback. OPTIONAL
visual.hideFormTitle boolean Hides the form title row. OPTIONAL
paymentMethods object Object that allow payment methods configuration. Contains maxInstallments, minInstallments, and types OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.maxInstallments number Maximum number of installments to be offered to the user OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.minInstallments number Minimal number of installments to be offered to the user OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.types object Control of the accepted payment types. Contains excluded and included OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.types.excluded string[] Not accepted payment types. Accepts: credit_card, debit_card OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.types.included string[] Accepted payment types. Accepts: credit_card, debit_card OPTIONAL


Accepted properties are:

Property Type
formTitle string
cardNumber object
cardNumber.label string
cardNumber.placeholder string
expirationDate object
expirationDate.label string
expirationDate.placeholder string
securityCode object
securityCode.label string
securityCode.placeholder string
cardholderName object
cardholderName.label string
cardholderName.placeholder string
cardholderIdentification object
cardholderIdentification.placeholder string
installmentsSectionTitle string
selectInstallments string
selectIssuerBank string
emailSectionTitle string
email object
email.label string
email.placeholder string
formSubmit string


Style is an object with keys for theme and custom CSS variables.

Style key Type Description
theme string Defines theme for Brick. Possible values: default, dark, flat, bootstrap OPTIONAL
customVariables object Defines custom variables to be applied. Possible values OPTIONAL


    theme: 'dark',
    customVariables: {
        textPrimaryColor: 'blue'
Custom Variables

Accepted properties are:

Property Type
textPrimaryColor string
textSecondaryColor string
inputBackgroundColor string
formBackgroundColor string
baseColor string
baseColorFirstVariant string
baseColorSecondVariant string
errorColor string
successColor string
outlinePrimaryColor string
outlineSecondaryColor string
buttonTextColor string
fontSizeExtraSmall string
fontSizeSmall string
fontSizeMedium string
fontSizeLarge string
fontSizeExtraLarge string
fontWeightNormal string
fontWeightSemiBold string
formInputsTextTransform string
inputVerticalPadding string
inputHorizontalPadding string
inputFocusedBoxShadow string
inputErrorFocusedBoxShadow string
inputBorderWidth string
inputFocusedBorderWidth string
borderRadiusSmall string
borderRadiusMedium string
borderRadiusLarge string
borderRadiusFull string
formPadding string

Note: All sizing properties accept values in: px, rem, em, and %

Returns: Promise<BRICK CONTROLLER>

Brick Controller

The Brick Controller contains methods that allow the integrator to interact with the rendered Brick.

unmount METHOD
getFormData METHOD
getAdditionalData METHOD

Brick Controller.unmount()

The unmount methods removes the rendered Brick from the page.





Brick Controller.getFormData()

The getFormData method returns the data the user filled in the form (only works if the submit button is disabled).




Brick Return Data
cardPayment CardData

Brick Controller.getAdditionalData()

The getAdditionalData method returns additional data that may be useful to you (only works if the submit button is disabled).




Brick Return Data
cardPayment AdditionalData