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Player Kick Sequence

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This diagram illustrates how we can use Discord message components to kick a player from a group.

We create a 'kick player' menu component only visible to the group leader, have them select a user to kick, then bind that user's ID to a new 'kick confirmation' button component. Once the confirmation button is clicked, we perform the operation and clean up the components and message.


actor USER
participant DISCORD
participant CONSUMER
participant HANDLERS
participant DATABASE

USER--)CONSUMER: Click "Kick a player"
Note over CONSUMER: "LFGBOT_KICK_INIT" <> session_id
CONSUMER->>HANDLERS: InteractionHandlers<br/>.initialize_player_kick()
Note over HANDLERS: {session_id}
HANDLERS-->>DISCORD: interaction response: Create msg
Note left of DISCORD: [Ephemeral msg]<br />Kick player components:<br/>Player select menu,<br/>kick btn (disabled)
USER--)CONSUMER: Select "player to kick"
Note over CONSUMER: "LFGBOT_KICK_SELECT" <> session_id
CONSUMER->>HANDLERS: InteractionHandlers<br/>.select_player_to_kick()
Note over HANDLERS: {session_id, player_to_kick_id}
HANDLERS-->>DISCORD: interaction response:<br/>Update 'kick btn': bind player_to_kick_id
Note left of DISCORD: [Ephemeral msg]<br />Kick player components:<br/>Player select menu,<br/>kick btn (ENABLED)
USER--)CONSUMER: Click 'kick'
Note over CONSUMER: "LFGBOT_KICK_SUBMIT" <> session_and_player_to_kick_id
CONSUMER->>HANDLERS: InteractionHandlers<br/>.kick_player()
Note over HANDLERS: {session_id, player_to_kick_id}
HANDLERS->>DATABASE: Remove player from session
HANDLERS->>DISCORD: edit session msg<br />(show updated teams)
HANDLERS-->>DISCORD: interaction response: ACK
HANDLERS->>DISCORD: delete 'kick player' msg
Note left of DISCORD: ✅ Player kicked, and<br />temp message deleted

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