- Quantum state generation & gate simulation with multi-process and multi-nodes using distributed state vector (Single Program Multiple Data:SPMD model).
- Qulacs distributes a state (QuantumState) when it is instantiated and flag "use_multi_cpu=true" is enabled.
- However, in the case "(N - k) <= log2(S)", the flag is ignored. "S", "N" and "k" are the MPI size, the number of qubits and the min number of qubit per process (k = 2 constant), respectively.
- Please also see Limitation
Instantiation of QuantumState
QuantumState state(qubits, use_multi_cpu)
- use_multi_cpu = false
- Generate state vector in a node (same as the original)
- use_multi_cpu = true
- Generate a state vector in multiple nodes if possible.
- qubits are divided into local_qc + global_qc internally.
- local_qc: qubits in one node
- global_qc: qubits in multiple nodes (=log2(#rank))
- use_multi_cpu = false
return the list of devices having the state vector.
ret value explanation "cpu" state vector generated in a cpu "multi-cpu" state vector generated in multi cpu "gpu" state vector generated in a gpu
state.to_string() Each rank outputs only state information that has itself.
to_string() example -- Output from rank 0 process ------------------ *** Quantum State *** * Qubit Count : 10 * Local Qubit Count : 9 * Global Qubit Count : 1 // MPI-size=2 * Dimension : 1024 (1.0 ,0) // c0000000000 (0, 0) // c0000000001 ... (0, 0) // c0111111111 -- Output from rank 1 process ------------------ * State vector (rank 1): (0, 0) // c1000000000 (0, 0) // c1000000001 ... (0, 0) // c1111111111
- Initialize each item with random value
- In the case state vector distributed in multi nodes
- If the seed is not specified, random value in rank0 is broadcasted in all ranks.
- Based on the specified or broadcasted seed, each rank uses (seed + rank) as a seed. Even if the same seed is set in a distributed state vector, the random created states are different if the number of divisions is different.
state.sample( number_sampling [, seed])
- As the same as gate operation, you must call it in all ranks.
- Even if a seed is not specified, the random value in rank0 is shared (bcast) and used as a seed.
- If you specify a seed, use the same one in all ranks.
- In the case state vector distributed in multi nodes, load to the element with each rank.
- In the case state vector distributed in multi nodes, returns the elements that each rank has.
Automatic FusedSWAP gate insertion of QuantumCircuitOptimizer // not supported yet
- optimize(circuit, block_size, swap_level=0)
- swap_level = 0
- No SWAP/FusedSWAP gate insertion
- swap_level = 1
- Insert SWAP/FusedSWAP gates to reduce communication without changing gate order
- swap_level = 2
- Insert SWAP/FusedSWAP gates to reduce communication with changing gate order
- swap_level = 0
- optimize_light(circuit, swap_level=0)
- swap_level = 0
- No SWAP/FusedSWAP gate insertion
- swap_level = 1
- Insert SWAP/FusedSWAP gates to reduce communication without changing gate order
- swap_level = 2
- Insert SWAP/FusedSWAP gates to reduce communication with changing gate order
- swap_level = 0
- optimize(circuit, block_size, swap_level=0)
circuit.update_quantum_state(state, seed) // not supported yet
- Enables updating of the state vector with a random number of seeds
environmental variable QULACS_NUM_THREADS : Specifies the maximum number of threads to be used in Qulacs. (Override OMP_NUM_THREADS; valid range is 1 - 1024)
- Prerequisites (Verified version)
- GCC 11.2
- CMake 3.24.0
- Open MPI 4.1
$ cd [Qulacs_Home]
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -U pip wheel
$ pip install pytest numpy mpi4py
$ C_COMPILER=mpicc CXX_COMPILER=mpic++ USE_MPI=Yes pip install .
$ USE_TEST=Yes ./script/build_mpicc.sh
$ pushd build
$ make test
$ make pythontest
$ mpirun -n 2 pytest python/test
import qulacs
from qulacs.gate import Y, CNOT, merge
from qulacs.circuit import QuantumCircuitOptimizer as QCO
import numpy as np
if qulacs.check_build_for_mpi():
from mpi4py import MPI
print("Qulacs module was build without USE_MPI.")
mpicomm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
mpirank = mpicomm.Get_rank()
mpisize = mpicomm.Get_size()
globalqubits = int(np.log2(mpisize))
nqubits = 5
# Even if use_multi_cpu=True is specified, state vector(state) is not
# distributed if the number of local qubits is less than 2.
state = qulacs.QuantumState(nqubits, use_multi_cpu = True)
# If seed is not specified AND state is not distributed, the state of each
# process has would be initialised with a different value.
# If use_multi_cpu is not specified, state vector is not distributed.
state_on_single_cpu = qulacs.QuantumState(nqubits)
if mpirank == 0:
devicename = state.get_device_name()
print("Device name of the state vector:", devicename)
if devicename == "multi-cpu":
print("- Number of qubits:", nqubits)
print("- Number of global qubits:", globalqubits)
print("- Number of local qubits:", nqubits - globalqubits)
# build a circuit
circuit = qulacs.QuantumCircuit(nqubits)
merged_gate = merge(CNOT(0,1), Y(1))
circuit.add_RX_gate(1, 0.5)
# updating the state
print("Sampling =", state.sampling(20, 2021))
print("Sampling(single cpu) =", state_on_single_cpu.sampling(20, 2021))
observable = qulacs.Observable(nqubits)
observable.add_operator(2.0, "X 2 Y 1 Z 0")
observable.add_operator(-3.0, "Z 2")
value = observable.get_expectation_value(state)
if mpirank == 0:
print("Expectation value =", value)
# for check
value_single = observable.get_expectation_value(state_on_single_cpu)
print("Expectation value(single cpu) =", value_single)
#include <iostream>
#include <cppsim/state.hpp>
#include <cppsim/circuit.hpp>
#include <cppsim/observable.hpp>
#include <cppsim/gate_factory.hpp>
#include <cppsim/gate_merge.hpp>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int mpirank, mpisize;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpirank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpisize);
const UINT global_nqubits = (UINT)std::log2(mpisize);
int nqubits = 5;
QuantumState ref_state(nqubits); // use single cpu
QuantumState state(nqubits, 1); // use multi_cpu if possible
if (mpirank == 0) {
std::string device_name = state.get_device_name();
std::cout << "Device name of the state vector: " << device_name << std::endl;
if (device_name == "multi-cpu") {
std::cout << "- Number of qubits:" << nqubits << std::endl;
std::cout << "- Number of global qubits:" << global_nqubits << std::endl;
std::cout << "- Number of local qubits:" << nqubits - global_nqubits << std::endl;
QuantumCircuit circuit(nqubits);
auto merged_gate = gate::merge(gate::CNOT(0, 1),gate::Y(1));
circuit.add_RX_gate(1, 0.5);
// sampling
// 1st param. is number of sampling.
// 2nd param. is random-seed.
// You must call state.sampling with the same random seed in all mpi-ranks
std::vector<ITYPE> ref_sample = ref_state.sampling(50, 2021);
std::vector<ITYPE> sample = state.sampling(50, 2021);
if (mpirank == 0) {
std::cout << "Sampling = ";
for (const auto& e : sample) std::cout << e << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sampling(single cpu) = ";
for (const auto& e : ref_sample) std::cout << e << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
Observable observable(nqubits);
observable.add_operator(2.0, "X 2 Y 1 Z 0");
observable.add_operator(-3.0, "Z 2");
auto ref_value = observable.get_expectation_value(&ref_state);
auto value = observable.get_expectation_value(&state);
if (mpirank == 0)
std::cout << "Expectation value = " << value << std::endl;
std::cout << "Expectation value(single cpu) = " << ref_value << std::endl;
return 0;
The number of MPI rank (WORLD_SIZE) should be 2^n
Unsupported gates/functions may cause severe error.
Build with USE_MPI does not support with USE_GPU
The following items are supported. Qulacs with MPI does not support any other items.
- QuantumCircuit
- QuantumState
- Constructor
- get_device_name
- get_vector
- normalize
- set_computational_basis
- set_Haar_random_state
- to_string
- copy
- load
- get_entropy
- sampling
- gate
- Identity / H / X / Y / Z
- RX / RY / RZ
- S / Sdag / T / Tdag
- SqrtX / SqrtXdag / SqrtY / SqrtYdag
- U1 / U2 / U3
- P0 / P1
- Pauli
- PauliRotation
- RandomUnitary
- merge
- to_matrix_gate
- DenseMatrix gate (number of qubits <= number of local qubits)
- DiagonalMatrix gate (single target)
- GeneralQuantumOperator (w/o get_transition_amplitude)
- Observable (w/o get_transition_amplitude)
- PauliOperator (w/o get_transition_amplitude)
- Might be supported in future (T.B.D.)
- optimize
- optimize_light
- Measurement
- merge (number of qubits > number of local qubits)
- Instrument
- Adaptive
- DiagonalMatrix(multi target)
- inner_product
- tensor_product
- permutate_qubit
- drop_qubit
- partial_trace
- get_zero_probability
- get_marginal_probability
GeneralQuantumOperator.get_transition_amplitude( )
Observable.get_transition_amplitude( )
PauliOperator.get_transition_amplitude( )
- SparseMatrix
- ReversibleBoolean
- StateReflection
- BitFlipNoise
- DephasingNoise
- IndependentXZNoise
- DepolarizingNoise
- TwoQubitDepolarizingNoise
- AmplitudeDampingNoise
- add
- Probabilistic
- ProbabilisticInstrument
- CP
DensityMatrix simulation