Releases: GluuFederation/flex
Releases · GluuFederation/flex
flex-linux-setup: v1.0.18
flex-cn-setup: v1.0.18
docs: v5.0.0-18
docker-casa: v5.0.0-18
docker-admin-ui: v1.0.18-1
casa: v5.0.0-18
admin-ui: v1.0.18
1.0.18 (2023-09-23)
- admin-ui: add favicon in admin ui #1290 (f1149ac)
- admin-ui: api test cases for admin-ui plugins #1284 (688d5d7)
- admin-ui: display error if license activation fails (c68a272)
- admin-ui: implement auth code flow using javascript library #1303 (6cf6749)
- admin-ui: implement authorization code PKCE flow (63cba77)
- admin-ui: implement navigation path for tab view in a page #1333 (f265fcf)
- admin-ui: jans-link UI changes #1287 (4d964fa)
- admin-ui: lazy load app components (cde3e19)
- admin-ui: replace user-info with userInfoEndpoint endpoint (62e8dd2)
- admin-ui: replaced connect from react redux with hooks (d971c6d)
- admin-ui: show trial license screen when no valid license key found (2871a53)
- admin-ui: task related to localization and tooltips #1289 (ea26225)
Bug Fixes
- admin-ui: added support for api spec response parameter (61a9bca)
- admin-ui: change admin ui license api spec branch in json file #1295 (f767e08)
- admin-ui: display error message if license activation fails (d2f3e7f)
- admin-ui: display upload ssa UI if configs are not valid #1310 (81173c9)
- admin-ui: install openid dependency (0ef277d)
- admin-ui: jans-link source ldap server not saving (21a6315)
- admin-ui: minor localization adjustments (32b4e3e)
- admin-ui: prepend / for chunk.js entries (9fd5f71)
- admin-ui: resolve ResizeObserver error on jest test (7a4bb7b)
- admin-ui: resolve sass warnings on local dev server #1301 (63cbafc)
- admin-ui: show message based on error code in Admin UI #1316 (9ceaf8d)
- admin-ui: sonarcloud code duplication (cdc4ac2)
- admin-ui: ui crashes on unavailable scope entries (dbb8675)
- admin-ui: update base path in admin ui test (71ae482)
- admin-ui: update base_path for code splitting (2b1e79e)
- admin-ui: use responseMessage from response body to display message (5736f26)
- admin-ui: use responseMessage to show errors (3a2254d)
- prepare for 5.0.0-18 release (29f822f)
- prepare for 5.0.0-18 release (4af69cb)
5.0.0-16 (2023-08-14)
- adding PKCE in admin-ui authentication #1221 (e4f87b0)
- admin-ui: add more details to user profile page #1213 (b8580c8)
- admin-ui: api test cases for admin module #1262 (4054893)
- admin-ui: need api test cases for auth-server module #1251 (5973619)
- admin-ui: remove mysql and couchbase schema configuration menus from admin ui #1263 (d634114)
- admin-ui: remove Server IP Address field & ldap test action #1266 (ade6657)
- admin-ui: replace all checkboxes with switch buttons #1219 (ce46408)
- admin-ui: revert restructuring of fido and schema plugin #1246 (aecd484)
- admin-ui: ui & client component tests added (d721edc)
- fix code smells (04e6937)
- fix code smells (da43379)
- flex-linux-setup: update admin-ui config-api plugin (a067ff9)
Bug Fixes
- admi-ui: block user edit form in attribute loading state (82047a1)
- admin-ui: add attribute slice actions (fcf3ba0)
- admin-ui: bugs in admin-ui #1225 (1779f62)
- admin-ui: call api protection once (3c79f4e)
- admin-ui: change bind password not working #1214 (bb3c55e)
- admin-ui: clear input value on location type change (902a00f)
- admin-ui: clear source ldap server data on remove (fc9665d)
- admin-ui: client scope search & redirect url (4437753)
- admin-ui: code smell fixes (d28745b)
- admin-ui: code smells (9761804)
- admin-ui: code smells in test cases auth-server (582905b)
- admin-ui: custom script with location type file is not saving #1226 (086544e)
- admin-ui: field options for RPT script (7ebcca9)
- admin-ui: fix url security hotspot (fe89e9a)
- admin-ui: fixes in attribute form attributeValidation (46ac506)
- admin-ui: force exit jest test (457c6cd)
- admin-ui: improve profile details layout (da1f841)
- admin-ui: jans link change class from jansLinkConfiguration to appConfiguration2 (c51448a)
- admin-ui: jans-link not opening in admin-ui after running job #1217 (bc69bd2)
- admin-ui: jans-link save in admin-ui not working due changes in api #1194 (8551fc7)
- admin-ui: jans-link save in admin-ui not working due changes in api #1194 (4c82a43)
- admin-ui: jans-link source backend ldap servers field label changes #1253 (b733a0c)
- admin-ui: modified failing tests auth-server module (eae73ba)
- admin-ui: not able to add source backend ldap server in jans-link #1252 (29cf468)
- admin-ui: not able to change location type on edit script (d09e180)
- admin-ui: not able to save base dn in source backend ldap & inum db #1258 (d840916)
- admin-ui: override jsom test env options (a5e1aed)
- admin-ui: remove location path on db selection (b9bb41b)
- admin-ui: remove validation properties from api payload (ecd6780)
- admin-ui: replace XMLHttpRequest with xhr2 in jest tests (fcef9db)
- admin-ui: smtp configuration test is failing #1209 (717e529)
- admin-ui: source & destination react component malfunctioning #1269 (edcc08e)
- admin-ui: tooltips missing in SSA Management form #1199 (c26c891)
- admin-ui: update location path on script path change (c464876)
- flex-linux-setup: admin-ui plugin path after upgrade (c34db77)
- flex-linux-setup: do not remove duo script after upgrade (dbf41d0)
- flex-linux-setup: don't backup jar file in upgrade (1e53d42)
- inspect the cause of higher memory requirement in prod build creation #1243 (d3ae6fb)
- inspect the cause of higher memory requirement in prod build creation #1243 (ce87406)
- inspect the cause of higher memory requirement in prod build creation #1243 (3bda913)
- inspect the cause of higher memory requirement in prod build creation #1243 (fcb4397)
- prepare for 5.0.0-16 release (699d534)...