issues Search Results · repo:Goobwabber/MultiQuestensions language:C++
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inGoobwabber/MultiQuestensions (press backspace or delete to remove)It would be super awesome if you could add build instructions for Linux and vscode. I saw that the github action runs on
ubuntu so I guess building works on linux. Awesome work btw :wink:
- 2
- Opened on Apr 27, 2022
- #18
This isn t an issue but more of a question. I was wondering if there are any plans on updating this mod so it is
compatible with new versions of Beat Saber? I know that most other quest mods have or are ...
- 7
- Opened on Mar 10, 2022
- #17
with multiquestensions installed, playing beat saber online still has the block particles after being cut even though I
ve turned them off in settings.
- 3
- Opened on Jan 10, 2022
- #16
When I first tried to play with a friend it crashed as soon at we started the song, but when we both disabled Tricksaber
it seemed to work. I m guessing the issue was Tricksaber but I cant be 100% certain. ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 8, 2022
- #15
I get the above error when trying to install the mod onto my quest, I got BeatTogether up and running but for some
reason cannot get MultiQuestions to work, is there a fix to this error? No one on the ...
- 4
- Opened on Dec 27, 2021
- #14
First off - I know there are other reports - but I suspect you will not get the feedback you need there in a timely
manner, and so I am logging my own.
I am attaching the three tombstone_** files I found, ...
- 4
- Opened on Nov 18, 2021
- #13
Whenever I launch Beatsaber from either the Oculus menu or from BMBF, Beatsaber will say that it has stopped working.
Whenever I turn the mod off though, Beatsaber works perfectly fine.
- 5
- Opened on Nov 15, 2021
- #12
cant even load a multiplayer game with my friend without crashing everytime i dont have chroma installed and it crahses
everytime i start a custom song
- 2
- Opened on Nov 15, 2021
- #11
Quick Play does not work, it CFR-9 s on expert+ and blacks out on expert.
- 3
- Opened on Nov 14, 2021
- #10

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