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File metadata and controls

184 lines (140 loc) · 6.32 KB

Learning Notes

Section one HTML

b - bold text
p - paragraph
h1...h2 - heading. h1 using only onse on the page. Add structure to the page can be only one head and one body
ol/ul - order list un order lists. Can be nested list
li - elements in the lists
a - anchor element. Should be at the end of the element. Can be links to your doc
img - not have closing tags src and alt are important. Can be store as in internet or on disk.

<!-- --> - comments :-)

hr - line break
br - line break element
sup - superscript
sub - subscript chemical formulas
< - this is reserved HTML. Should used entitycodes name or number

Semantic markup

main header section nav footer - behaves like div. Using for crawels. Using for screen readers. More readable for developers.
main - main content of the page
nav - navigation link
section - stadelone section. mb for different paragraphs.
article - block articles. Reusable. Should be heading in it.
aside - color boxes. Bonus content.
time - machine readable time code
figure - ilustrations

Tables structure

table - table of the content
td - single cell of the table that contains data.
tr - table row to group data in rows.
th - define a header of the column.
rowspan - fill the number of cells in the table.
colspan - create two columns
thead - multiple rows can be in the the headers can be wrap.
tbody - body of the table.
tfooter - for overall calculations can be used


form - when submitting the form http request will be send.
input - no closing tags. A lot of different types.
placeholder - placeholder text for input fields.
button - better to specify in a form.
name - for forms is crusual if you want to send the parameters in http requests.
value - need for radio buttons to submit correct data.
select work together with option
required - attribute for validations.


A lot of different properties. CSS is cascade language. So the order valeus. Read from top to down Specificity: more specific selectors wins! ID > Class > element color - represet the color of the text
h2 takes all the space for the background
; - end of line
text-align- where the text will be placed. Alight against the size of the box
font-weight - 400 - normal font, 700 - usually bold
text-decoration - controls appearance of decorative lines on text underline, dotted ...
line-height - controls the line height
letter-spacing - control the spacing between the letters
font-size - relative em rem vh vw % absolute px pt cm in mm

CSS units

Relative units

% - 50% = half of the size. Half of the with of the parent
em - 2em = 2 * font size of the parrent element. If using with elements (like margin) it's takeing the size of the element itself. Note: not use in nested elements.
rem - get element size from the root element. Get size from html element.


* - select everything
button - select every button
adjacent selector - select after another h2 + button
direct chind - h2 > button one level down
attribute selector - inside attribute

Pseudo classes

:hover - differnet representation on hover
:active - click on buttons
:checked - checked checkbox
nth-of-type() - 3 only the third one element. 3n each 3d element

Pseudo element

::first-letter - set the first letter of the element
::first-line - select the line
::selection - can be done on the text. Select backgound color
::after - add after element the value
::before - add after element value if use content or you can adjust some values

Not used inline styles and important
color can be inherited.

Box Model

Everething in css is a box.
Top | Right | Bottom | Left
margin - add outside spacing on the border of the box.
padding - space between the content and the border element. Green stuff in dev tools. You can set padding
border - width, color, style. Box-sizing can be the same size as the box border-box
border - width | style | color
border-radius - make borders rounded

Display properties

inline - get not all the width of the entire line. Example is span
block - get the width of the entire line. Example is h1
inline-block - behaves like inline element except Width and height are respected
none - hide element

Opacity + Alpha channels

opacity - make the element not visible. Transparent
alpha channel - work only on one property. Other elements are not affected.


Property sets how an element is positioned in a document. Top, right, bottom, left
static - element position with respect to position. Can't influence position
relative - position the element relative to another elements
absolute - element is removed from normal document flow. No space is created for the element in the page layout. Position can be taken from parent
fixed - the element will stay at the same place. Like absolute positioning but doesn't affects by parent
sticky - position element. Element will go down along with container.


transition - looks fun. Transition properties in defined order. You can specify property name, duration, timing function, delay
transition-timing-function - easy-in


Flexbox - distribute content in a container. flexible elements In flex bos there is two axis main and cross. flex-direction - default axess diraction is row. From left to right. justify-content - move elements in container (start,end,center, space-between, around) flex-wrap - elements can align on multiple lines if set value to wrap align-items - working with y horizonal


transform - rotate. You can rotate elements. transform-origin from where to start transform
A lot of stuff for transformation. Scale can be scale on x and y
translate - move thing around the page. Can be influence only X or Y
Transformation apply for all content elements\


Function scope

Can be inner functions and scopes are in the block

function bob() {
  let hello = "Hello world";
  function print() {

Function expression

const add = function (x, y) {
  return x + y;

Call stack

Mechanism to check what was called. Used data structure stack. Adding always on the top of the stack. When get the value is returned deleted from the stack.