In the following, we show how to build a Docker image for this project and explain additional options.
- Build the bitorch engine image according to these instructions.
- Now you should be able to build the image by running the following commands
(if you used a custom image name or tag, you can adjust with
--build-arg FROM_IMAGE="bitorch/engine:custom-tag"
# cd docker
# you should be in this `docker` directory
cp -f ../requirements.txt .
docker build -t gbai/green-bit-llm .
- You can now run the container, for example with this:
docker run -it --rm --gpus all gbai/green-bit-llm
- Alternatively, you can mount the directory
which will save the downloaded model cache locally, e.g. you could use your users cache directory:
docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v "${HOME}/.cache/huggingface/hub":"/root/.cache/huggingface/hub" gbai/green-bit-llm
Depending on your setup, you may want to adjust some options through build arguments:
- base docker image, e.g. add
--build-arg FROM_IMAGE="bitorch/engine:custom-tag"
- repository URL, e.g. add
--build-arg GIT_URL=""
- green-bit-llm branch or tag, e.g. add
--build-arg GIT_BRANCH="v1.2.3"
- if there is a problem, set the environment variable
to see all output
A docker image without the code cloned, e.g. for mounting a local copy of the code, can be made easily with the target requirements-installed
# cd docker
# you should be in this `docker` directory
cp -f ../requirements.txt .
docker build -t gbai/green-bit-llm:no-code --target requirements-installed .
docker run -it --rm --gpus all --volume "$(pwd)/..":/green-bit-llm gbai/green-bit-llm:no-code
# in the docker container:
cd /green-bit-llm
pip install -e .
However, this means the build results will not be persisted in the image, so you probably want to mount the same directory every time.