The openHAB Bticino binding allows to connect to Bticino My Home Automation installations by OpenWebNet protocol. For example you can switching lights on and off, activating your roller shutters etc.
To access your Bticino My Home bus you need an IP gateway (like e.g. the MH200N, F453, F454).
For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page [[Bindings]].
# OpenWebNet gateway IP address / Hostname
# OpenWebNet gateway Port (optional, defaults to 20000)
# OpenWebNet bus status rescan interval (optional, defaults to 120 seconds)
A sample configuration could look like:
In order to bind an item to a Bticino device you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add binding information in your 'item file' (in the folder configurations/items). The syntax for the Bticino binding configuration string is explained here:
Table of WHO
Code Description
0 Scenarios
1 Lightning
2 Automation
3 Load control
4 Temperature Control
5 Alarm
13 Gateway Management
15 CEN commands
16/22 Sound diffusion
17 MH200N scenarios
18 Energy management
25 CEN plus / scenarios plus / dry contacts
1001 Automation diagnostic
1004 Thermoregulation diagnostic
1013 Device diagnostic
For more details refer to the official document OpenWebNet Introduction.
At the moment only 2 (Automation), 1 (Lightning), 15 (Basic & Evolved CEN) and part of the 4 (Temperature Control) are supported.
Group Entrance
Group Corridor
Group Living
Group Plugs
Group RollerUpShutters
// Sceneries
Switch Movie_Scenery "Movie scenery"
// Plugs
Switch Plug_AV_Amplifier "Audio Video amplifier" (Living, Plugs) <socket> {bticino="if=webserver;who=1;what=0;where=1"}
Switch Plug_Subwoofer "Subwoofer" (Living, Plugs) <socket> {bticino="if=webserver;who=1;what=0;where=2"}
// Lights
Switch Spotlights_TV "TV spotlights" (Living, Lights) {bticino="if=webserver;who=1;what=0;where=35"}
Switch Corridor_Warning "Corridor warning light" (Corridor, Lights) {bticino="if=webserver;who=1;what=0;where=36"}
// CEN example
Switch Doorbell_Light "Doorbell courtesy light" (Entrance, Lights) {bticino="if=webserver;who=15;what=01;where=98"}
// Rollershutters
Rollershutter RollUpShutter_1 "Roller-up shutter 1" (Living, RollerUpShutters) {bticino="if=webserver;who=2;what=0;where=46"}
Rollershutter RollUpShutter_2 "Roller-up shutter 2" (Living, RollerUpShutters) {bticino="if=webserver;who=2;what=0;where=47"}
sitemap demo label="Main panel" {
Frame label="Rooms" {
Group item=Entrance label="Entrance"
Group item=Living label="Living room"
Frame label="Sceneries" {
Switch item=Movie_Scenery mappings=[OFF="Turn OFF",ON="Turn ON"]
// Movie scenery management
rule "Movie scenery"
Item Movie_Scenery received command
if (receivedCommand == ON) {
sendCommand(Plug_AV_Amplifier, ON)
sendCommand(Plug_Subwoofer, ON)
sendCommand(Spotlights_TV, ON)
sendCommand(RollUpShutter_1, DOWN)
sendCommand(RollUpShutter_2, DOWN)
} else if (receivedCommand == OFF) {
sendCommand(Plug_Subwoofer, OFF)
sendCommand(Plug_AV_Amplifier, OFF)
sendCommand(Spotlights_TV, ON)
sendCommand(RollUpShutter_1, UP)
sendCommand(RollUpShutter_2, UP)
// Doorbel ringer light
rule "Doorbel ringer"
Item Doorbell_Light received update
if (Doorbell_Light.state == ON) {
var Number idx = 0
// Number of rings
while (idx < 5) {
sendCommand(Corridor_Warning, ON)
sendCommand(Corridor_Warning, OFF)
idx = idx + 1