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Grisgram edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 51 revisions

Welcome to the raptor3 wiki!

When you create a new game from the template, you will find a preset structure of folders and rooms in the project. Of course, you are not forced to work in this structure, but the way it is set up currently allows you to press F5 immediately after creating the project and you have your initialization, all libraries, external files, snap, scribble and the required controller objects at hand, initialized and working.

Working with raptor

  • Example ProjectA short demo that shows most of raptor in a nutshell
    The example will help you understand how your thinking pattern should be when doing things "the raptor way"

raptor and Feather

Please let me start with a strong recommendation, to turn feather off.
Even though I tried to disable and ignore all Feather messages throughout all raptor libraries, it still shows lots of errors and warnings, which are simply wrong.
Feather gets confused heavily by the use of macros and the language design of GML simply does not allow strong type checking on a level, Feather tries to achieve.
My personal opinion is, that Feather is so bad, that the only viable way to use it, is, to not use it at all.

When you look in other big libraries from other authors like Juju or Elf, you see a // Feather ignore all in almost every file of each library. This is a strong sign, that even other authors stopped bothering about this totally failed feature.

So please, if you still want to use Feather, ignore the errors it shows from within the raptor library. They are not errors, they are false positives but they are so many, that I can't open tickets for them. It's just too much. Some of them can't even be turned off as they result from macros, which Feather does not understand.

Create a Game

Installing the Template Step-by-Step how to get the template working in your GameMaker installation
Project Template Overview All details about the contents of the template and how to start developing your game
Starting a new game Please read Project Template Overview first!


Global #macros Some platform objects fill global variables, you should know
Self and View #macros Macros that help in positioning and calculating object positions
Utility and Helper #macros QoL macros that make some of the GML stuff a bit easier to read

All Subsystems Explained

raptor's object model The most important objects that raptor provides and their hierarchy
Controllers Controller objects provided by raptor
Particle Effects Create cool particle effects with a supported editor
Savegame System All you need to know when saving/loading your game state
LG Localization Powerful and feature-rich engine to localize your game
RACE (The Random Content Engine) Endless ways to create random content
StateMachine Control your objects, control your game
Animation Powerful and more easy to use than sequences
UI Subsystem Hierarchical UI System
Tools, other Objects and Helpers Audio, Files, Tiles, Camera, Testing, ...

Getting started

Raptor Modules

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