- New v6.0.0.0 Launcher, check the discord announcement channel for more information: it now uses a portable git client to download and update GAMMA, GAMMA Large Files, and Gunslinger Guns in a much faster a reliable manner + many other fixes.
- Fixed modlist for new Launcher
- New EXE version by Demonized v2023.12.17
New Addons
- AS VAL Reanimation by Sedzhimol
- 9x39 Family Beautification by Blackgrowl
- Psysucker redone by Gergi2000
- Smooth Campfire Illumination by MrWhite
- Optimised World Models by Burn
- FDDA Enhanced Animations by Mirrowel & MFS Team & Gunslinger Team
- ylyxa's Alt Aim Views for guns with Lasers
- Optimised Guns World models by Burn, fixes many FPS issues in certain maps like Agroprom, Dead City and Rostok
- Added ADAR, PKP and PKM BAS 2022
- Added Retrogue's AMB17 in game
- RD-9x39 remade model and fixed animations: no canted sight, 30 rounders magazine model, fixed grenade launcher animations, fixed shoot animation clipping.
- Doubled PKM rounds per box (easier crafting)
- MP5 supports BAS scopes
- SV98 shoot cam animation
- Nimble trades PKM for PKM Zenit
- AMB17 = lowest 9x39 recoil
- Increased Thompson damage to match UMP
- Adjustable 1p59 scope for Vihr 9a91 and Val
- Stealth bonus for weapons shooting subsonic bullets by Oleh
- AK104 Alfa fixed cam anim shot
- ADAR Repair as B type
- Weapon Sounds Tweaks and Fixes v1.11.1 by Oleh
**Gameplay **
- Fentanyl exo animations
- Nerfed grenades spawn chance (/5)
- NPC Loadouts changed for 9x39 and less silencers on pistols
- Craftable Hideout Expansion items
- Many FreeZoom fixes: Free Zoom aim toggle and no weapon scenarii fixes, Melee zoom fix, Free Zoom fire bug fixed in 95% of the cases, Fix for Free Zoom FOV not resetting properly when reloading, fix for aim toggle, weapon fire unzoom priority fix
- Gavrilenko task crash fix again
- Small bandwith and storage space gain by downloading a 2ko dummy addon for useless addons.
- Item pickup device pull bug fix
- Fixed artefacts conditions resetting when empowering them and for junk artefacts
- PU scope radius fix
- Mocked large github files coming from github
- Disabled Take item and Backpack animations because of busy hands
- Vityaz THAP Hands patch
- Alt Tab Scroll Issue fix by DPurple
- Vihr aim and sound fixes
- No Silencer upgrades for winchester
- Oleh's Scopes zoom patch + Weapon Cover Tilt offset values update
- PSU Reactor description adjusted to remove the wrong info about power
- Loadout injector disabled + fort17 isg new game loadout removed by n0x
- Utils UI Icon offset fix thanks to RavenAscendant and Burn
- Built-in silencer compatibility for some weapons (to use stereo sounds)
- No Red Flavor text for GMTOP guns
- Fixed trade presets by n0x