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-# FreeKD
-Official implementation of paper "FreeKD: Knowledge Distillation via Semantic Frequency Prompt", CVPR 2024.
+# FreeKD: Knowledge Distillation via Semantic Frequency Prompt
+:fire: Official implementation of paper "FreeKD: Knowledge Distillation via Semantic Frequency Prompt", CVPR 2024.
+By Yuan Zhang, Tao Huang, Jiaming Liu, Tao Jiang, Kuan Cheng, Shanghang Zhang
+## Installation
+### Install MMRazor 0.x
+git clone -b 0.x https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmrazor.git
+cd mmrazor
+pip install -v -e .
+### Prepare Data Set
+Download on [https://opendatalab.com](https://opendatalab.com)
+> [!Note]
+> If you want to distill on detection and segmentation, you should install mmdetection and mmsegmentation, respectively.
+## Reproducing our results
+### Train students with FreeKD
+This repo uses [MMRazor](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmrazor) as the knowledge distillation toolkit. For environment setup, please see [docs/en/get_started.md](docs/en/get_started.md).
+**Train student:**
+cd mmrazor
+sh tools/mmdet/dist_train_mmdet.sh ${CONFIG} 8 ${WORK_DIR}
+Example for reproducing our `reppoints_x101-reppoints-r50_coco` result:
+sh tools/mmdet/dist_train_mmdet.sh freekd_reppoints_x101-reppoints-r50_coco.py 8 work_dirs/freekd_rep_x101-fpn_x50
+### Results
+* Baseline settings:
+ | Student | Teacher | FreeKD |
+ | :--------------------: | :---------------------: | :------: |
+ | Faster RCNN-R50 (38.4) | Faster RCNN-R101 (39.8) | 40.8 |
+ | RetinaNet-R50 (37.4) | RetinaNet-R101 (38.9) | 39.9 |
+ | FCOS-R50 (38.5) | FCOS-R101 (40.8) | 42.9 |
+* Stronger teachers:
+ | Student | Teacher | FreeKD |
+ | :--------------------: | :---------------------------: | :------: |
+ | Faster RCNN-R50 (38.4) | Cascade Mask RCNN-X101 (45.6) | 42.4 |
+ | RetinaNet-R50 (37.4) | RetinaNet-X101 (41.0) | 41.0 |
+ | RepPoints-R50 (38.6) | RepPoints-R101 (44.2) | 42.4 |
+### Visualization
+## License
+This project is released under the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).
+## Citation
+If you use FreeKD in your research, please cite our work by using the following BibTeX entry:
+ title={FreeKD: Knowledge Distillation via Semantic Frequency Prompt},
+ author={Zhang, Yuan and Huang, Tao and Liu, Jiaming and Jiang, Tao and Cheng, Kuan and Zhang, Shanghang},
+ journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12079},
+ year={2023}
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