This document outlines the project's roadmap. It is a dynamic document that will be updated as the project progresses.
This is the initial version of the compiler. It includes the basic functionality of the language and the compiler, serving as a starting point for Housify. Although it is not yet suitable for real projects, it lays the foundation for future development.
- Basic grammar for the language
- AST resolver with type checking
- JSON output generator
- Constant evaluation in simple cases
- Necessary actions, conditions, events, and functions from Hypixel Housing
- Basic support for conditions
- Minimal tests for all parts of the compiler
- Basic CLI with a single command for compiling the Housify module
- Language syntax
- Structure of the Housify module
- Installation guide
- Usage guide
- Basic examples of Housify modules
- npm package
- Contributing guidelines
- Issue and pull request templates
- CI pipeline for project testing
- Formatter, linter, spellchecker, and pre-commit hooks
This version of the compiler is ready for publication and testing. It includes most basic features of the language and the compiler but is not yet suitable for actual Housing development due to the missing deployment tool. It is intended for initial testing and feedback.
- Inline functions
- Full support for conditions
- All actions, conditions, events, and functions from Hypixel Housing
- Comprehensive tests for all parts of the compiler
- Improved error messages
- Actions Emulator MVP
- Additional CLI options for the compiler
- Complete documentation of the language syntax
- Detailed explanation of the structure of the Housify module
- Comprehensive installation and usage guide
- More examples of Housify modules
- Labels and milestones
- Release checklist template
This is the 1.0.0 version of the compiler, ready for production development in Hypixel Housing. It includes all the necessary functionality of the language and the compiler. This stable version is fully equipped for the development process and public use.
- Housing functions
- Basic optimizations
- Support for commands, NPCs, action buttons, and other features from Hypixel Housing
- Imports
- Loops
- Traits
- Full support for all actions and conditions in the Actions Emulator
- Additional CLI options for the compiler
- New guides and tutorials
- More examples of Housify modules
- Website
- VSCode extension
- Deployment tool
This section outlines the features planned for future versions of the project. These features are still in the planning stage and are subject to change.
- To be filled
- To be filled
- To be filled
- To be filled