This project generates a documentation for your routes of a laravel project, generates a html file with the description for each route, description include:
- Method
- Uri
- Name
- Controller
- Middleware
All this with a simple artisan command.
This package can be installed with composer with the next command:
composer require gussrw/laravel-routes
You can generate the html file from console with the next artisan command.
php artisan route:docs
This command create a html file in Project/docs.
Description are optional, but if you want to add them create a php comment over the each route in the web.php file with @description
* @description Show the home page of the site
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index') -> name('home.index');
The descriptions in the resource type routes are identified by their method in the controller.
* @index Show the main view
* @create Show the view to create a photo
* @store Save a photo in database
* @edit Show the view to edit a photo
* @update Update photo data in database
* @destroy Delete a photo in database
Route::resource('photos', 'PhotoController');
Routes params are defined with @param name Description
, you can use @param in resource type routes.
* @description Download photo with the photo id.
* @param id ID of the photo in database
Route::get('/photo/{id}/download', 'PhotoController@download');
To show the documentation in another language, you can use option --lang
, default is en
php artisan route:docs --lang=es
Languages currently available:
- en set to english
- es set to spanish
To indicate the html file path, you can use option --path
, default is /docs
php artisan route:docs --path=/routes/docs
To show only the routes that have a comment, you can use the option --commented
, default is false
php artisan route:docs --commented=true
To sort the routes by some property, you can use the option --sortby
,default is uri
php artisan route:docs --sortby=name
Properties available to order:
- method
- uri
- name
- action
- middleware
- comment