- Features of Spring Boot
- Spring Boot starters
- Auto configuration
- Bootstrapping an application
- Spring Initializr
- Data access
- Spring MVC
Spring Boot requires only one dependency to get all the basics for web application development up and running:
- Spring MVC
- Tomcat
- Jackson
Spring boot will add most of the libraries needed for testing using also just one dependency:
- JUnit
- Mockito
- Hamcrest
- Spring Core
- Spring Test
Another dependency will add everything required for Spring Data JPA with Hibernate:
- Hibernate
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring ORM
- Command Line Interface
- Applications using Groovy scripts
- Rapid Prototyping
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
sdk install springboot
spring --version
- Go to this link
- Download and extract spring-boot-cli-2.5.4-bin.zip to a desired location
- Follow the 'INSTALL.txt'-instructions
- Create a SPRING_HOME environment variable
- Add %SPRING_HOME%/bin to the classpath
- (Or just use the 'spring.bat'-file in the bin folder)
spring init fundamentals2
spring init --dependencies=web,data-jpa fundamentals3
spring run app.groovy
- Monitor running application
- Manage via HTTP endpoints or JMX
- Health status, metrics, loggers, audit events, HTTP trace
The parent pom.xml holds pre-configured versions for a lot of dependencies, selected by the Spring team to work well together:
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
Spring Boot takes a convention over configuration approach.
- Finds JARs on the classpath and auto-configures bean
- DAta source for Hibernate or DispatcherServlet for Spring MVC
- User defined beans take precedence over defaults
- Auto-configuration is applied after user defined beans are registered
Start application with --debug switch
Add a simple property to application.properties
Use the Spring Boot Actuator
The @SpringBootApplication annotation:
Replaces @Configuration and annotates a class af configuration
Tells Spring Boot to configure beans
Tells Spring Boot to scan current package and subpackages
Different properties for multiple Spring Boot Profiles:
Persistence Data Store
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
Connects to DB and executes queries
Java Persistence API (JPA)
Abstraction that makes it easy to map Java objects to relational DB (Doesn't 'DO' anything)
Hibernate (Persistence Provider, Springs implementation for JPA)
Provides repository support for the JPA
Representation of data in te system
Responsible for displaying data
Directing incoming user requests
- Fragments
- Repeatable chunks of code
- Components reused across pages
- Repackages our JAR / WAR files to be executed
- Runs Spring Boot Application
- Provides built-in dependency resolver
- Manages lifecycle of Spring Boot Application
- Packaged as a traditional web application in a WAR file
- Standalone application, packaged in executable JAR file