[] filter shapes with empty paths
[] should we accept the color arrays or just color strings
[] add drag n drop component
[] add wire direct manipulation
[] add color editor widget for board render
[] gerber
render function
change return to function call
[] add error messages
fix minus bug
[] fix text rendering in gram-js
[] firefox rendering bug
[] upload
- kicad module
- [] js
[] share site
converter from python to js board
improve gram-js docs
switch to full javascript parser
- esprima
- acorn
- https://github.com/meriyah/meriyah
- cherow
- https://github.com/davidbonnet/astring
recompile ast to javascript
optimize js parsing and recompilation
manipulation handles for other transformations
add component menu
python scraper for neil's components
update skypack dependency or bundle
- render as board
- clean up menu
- convert whole boards
- make tutorial
- draw wire
- fix fontBoundingBoxAscent
- render text with opentype.js
- anti-aliasing in firefox
- Should I use multiple strokes in path?
- M 0 0 L 80 80 M 0 0 L 78 5
- Booleans on beziers?
- Convert to polyline (with Turtle) then boolean
- Just use colors to union
- easier selections
- Accept all svgs
- could have fill conflicts
- could be useful for screen printing
- easier selections
- My own subset
- may need this for text anyway
- easier selections
- eg
- wire
- ["wire", pathdata, thickness] ->
<path lineJoin lineCap/>
- ["wire", pathdata, thickness] ->
- circle
- rectangle
- path
- text
- wire
{ "imports": { "gram-js": "https://leomcelroy.com/gram-js/exports.js", "code-mirror": "https://leomcelroy.com/widgets/code-mirror.js" } }