- [BC break] Dropped PHP 5.4 support
- [BC break] Intl and Bitcoin formatters and parsers now require Currencies
- ISOCurrencies now uses moneyphp/iso-currencies as currency data source
- PHP Spec tests
- absolute method to Money and Calculator
- subunitFor method to Currencies
- Currencies now extends IteratorAggregate
- Library exceptions now implement a common interface
- Formatter and Parser implementation are now rounding half up
- Documentation to be inline with upcoming version 3
- Rounding issues in calculators with negative numbers
- Formatting and parser issues for amounts and numbers with a trailing zero
- Improved many exception messages
- Registration of own Calculator implementations
- Bitcoin parser and formatter
- Also checking tests folder for StyleCI
- Currencies are now included in the repo
- Currency list generation moved to dev dependency: reduces repo size
- BC Math calculator adding and subtracting failed when bcscale was set
- Parsing zero for StringToUnitsParser
- Currency repositories (ISO currencies included)
- Money exchange (including Swap implementation)
- Money formatting (including intl formatter)
- Money parsing (including intl parser)
- Big integer support utilizing different, transparent calculation logic upon availability (bcmath, gmp, plain php)
- Money and Currency implements JsonSerializable
- Rounding up and down
- Allocation to N targets
- [BC break] Money::getAmount() returns a string instead of an int value
- [BC break] Moved stringToUnits to StringToUnitsParser parser
- Library requires at least PHP 5.4
- Library uses PSR-4
- Integer overflow
- [BC break] UnkownCurrency exception
- [BC break] Currency list is now provided by umpirsky/currency-list
- [BC break] RoundingMode class
- [BC break] Announced deprecations are removed (Currency::getName, CurrencyPair::getRatio, Money::getUnits)
- 2015-03-23 Minimum php version is now 5.4
- 2015-03-23 JsonSerializable
- (... missing changelog because who remembers to document stuff anyway?)
- 2014-03-22 Removed \Money\InvalidArgumentException in favour of plain old InvalidArgumentException
- 2014-03-22 Introduce RoundingMode object, used to specify desired rounding
- 2014-03-22 Introduced RoundingMode backwards compatible API changes to Money::multiply and Money::divide
- 2014-03-22 Allow RoundingMode to be specified when converting currencies
- 2014-03-22 CurrencyPair has an equals() method
- 2013-10-13 Base currency and counter currency in CurrencyPair named correctly.
- 2013-01-08 Removed the Doctrine2\MoneyType helper, to be replaced by something better in the future. It's available at https://gist.github.com/4485025 in case you need it.
- 2013-01-08 Use vendor/autoload.php instead of lib/bootstrap.php (or use PSR-0 autolaoding)
- 2012-12-10 Renamed Money::getUnits() to Money::getAmount()