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LRVT edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Compose-Examples wiki!

  • If you identify a bug or issue in one of the provided Docker Compose examples, please do not hesitate to open a GitHub issue.
  • If you cannot find a wanted FOSS project in the current list, please open a GitHub issue by mentioning your request
  • If you have a working compose file for a now yet presented FOSS project, please free free to share!

Guidelines for PRs

If you want to share your working docker-compose.yml file to the project, please adhere to the following principle:

  1. All compose files are named docker-compose.yml.
  2. All volume definitions shall remain to bind mounts.
  3. All volume bind mount paths should default to /mnt/docker-volumes/<container-name>/ to stay persitent.
  4. All examples should contain a with a reference to the official FOSS project (e.g. GitHub page or homepage).
  5. Provide helpful steps, tricks, notes in the required of a FOSS project example.

How to submit examples

  1. Create a new folder with the name of the FOSS project inside the examples dir
  2. Define your docker-compose.yml file with helpful notes. Adhere to the above principles!
  3. Define a and reference the official FOSS project. Provide additional notes if necessary.
  4. May also adjust the root file and append your newly added project + a description.
  5. Create a pull request on GitHub.
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