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File metadata and controls

155 lines (109 loc) · 4.87 KB

Contribution guidelines

So you want to hack on Istio? Yay! Please refer to Istio's overall contribution guidelines to find out how you can help.

The contents below is copied from the old readme for building/running/testing ambient from source:


./local-test-utils/ # consider localhost:5000

# Build Istiod and proxy
tools/docker --targets=pilot,proxyv2,app,install-cni --hub=$HUB --tag=$TAG --push # consider --builder=crane

Cluster Setup and Install


# Configure cluster to use the local registry

# Move images from your remote registry to the local one (if needed) - not needed if building and pushing images to localhost.

Setup Ambient

# Mesh config options are optional to improve debugging
CGO_ENABLED=0 go run istioctl/cmd/istioctl/main.go install -d manifests/ --set hub=$HUB --set tag=$TAG -y \
  --set profile=ambient --set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout --set meshConfig.defaultHttpRetryPolicy.attempts=0 \

kubectl apply -f local-test-utils/samples/

New Test with Ambient

# Label the default namespace to make it part of the mesh
kubectl label namespace default

kubectl exec -it deploy/sleep -- curl http://helloworld:5000/hello

# In a separate shell, start an interactive session on the client pod
k exec -it $(k get po -lapp=sleep -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}') -- sh

# (From the client pod) Send traffic
curl helloworld:5000/hello

Tests with Sidecar Continue to Work

# Label the foo namespace with istio injection
kubectl create ns foo
kubectl label namespace foo istio-injection=enabled

# Deploy and test the sample with sidecars
kubectl apply -f local-test-utils/samples/ -n foo
kubectl exec -it deploy/sleep -n foo -- curl http://helloworld:5000/hello

# Test ambient to sidecar and sidecar to ambient:
kubectl exec -it deploy/sleep  -- curl
kubectl exec -it deploy/sleep -n foo -- curl  http://helloworld.default:5000/hello


Turning on debug logs

WORKER1=$(kubectl -n istio-system get pods --field-selector spec.nodeName==ambient-worker -lapp=ztunnel -o --no-headers)
WORKER2=$(kubectl -n istio-system get pods --field-selector spec.nodeName==ambient-worker2 -lapp=ztunnel -o --no-headers)

kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $WORKER1 15000:15000&
kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $WORKER2 15001:15000&

curl -XPOST "localhost:15000/logging?level=debug"
curl -XPOST "localhost:15001/logging?level=debug"

kubectl -n istio-system logs -lapp=ztunnel -f
# Or,
kubectl -n istio-system logs $WORKER1 -f
kubectl -n istio-system logs $WORKER2 -f

curl "localhost:15000/config_dump"

Run the tests

Note: We have to use the custom image to allow installing ipsets.

INTEGRATION_TEST_FLAGS="--istio.test.ambient" prow/ \
  --kind-config prow/config/ambient-sc.yaml --node-image kindest/node:v1.24.0 \

A workaround for private repo in-containers:

# add a replace directive for istio/api to ../api
# clone/checkout ambient branch in api repo
CONDITIONAL_HOST_MOUNTS="--mount type=bind,source=$(cd ../api && pwd),destination=/api" \
INTEGRATION_TEST_FLAGS="--istio.test.ambient" prow/ \
  --kind-config prow/config/ambient-sc.yaml --node-image kindest/node:v1.24.0 \

Run integration tests locally on KinD cluster:

# spin up kind cluster using existing scripts

# tell integration test framework which cluster to use
export KIND_NAME=ambient

# run integation tests
# rely on HUB and TAG env vars being set and docker images built using steps above
# use -v to get live output during test run
# use -run to execute a specific test: i.e. -run "TestServices"
# skip test cleanup in order to debug state with --istio.test.nocleanup
go test -tags=integ ./tests/integration/ambient/... --istio.test.ambient -p 1

EKS specific notes

kubectl version against working setup:

Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21+", GitVersion:"v1.21.12-eks-a64ea69", GitCommit:"d4336843ba36120e9ed1491fddff5f2fec33eb77", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-05-12T18:29:27Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

kg nodes against working setup (node version only):


newer versions appear to be slightly broken (same node works, cross node request to other envoy looks malformed), such as
