- Fix sources (headers)
- Export JSON
- Pixel selection
- Match code
- Find light-weight nifti and dicom loader
- Fix loading/displaying PNGs with other pixel format than RGBA8
- Use multiple samples per pixel or force center of pixel (compare with visRtx single-shot commit)
- Make visionaray and nlohmann json mandatory
- Fix rendering bug in drr-viewer: last row is on top
- Load FOV from JSON and adjust viewport
- Add DICOM image loader
- Fix bug when replacing volume (switch LAC LUT at runtime)
- Check License for SURF
- Fix cuda::ORB constructor in template specialization
- Move renderer to own header
- Simulate emitter surface area (instead of pinhole cam)
- add routine to tune brightness & contrast to match input image
- respect voxel dims
- add scatter mask + noise
- current approach:
- generate image with current cam
- match with input image
- update camera
- loop
- new approach:
- generate multiple images with randomized cam within certain range of current cam
- match all with input image
- exclude outliers and average remaining results
- update camera
- loop