Behat is an open source behavior-driven development framework for PHP 5.3 and 5.4. What is behavior-driven development, you ask? It's the idea that you start by writing human-readable sentences that describe a feature of your application and how it should work, and only then implement this behavior in software.
For example, imagine you're about to create the famous UNIX ls
Before you begin, you describe how the feature should work:
Feature: ls
In order to see the directory structure
As a UNIX user
I need to be able to list the current directory's contents
Given I am in a directory "test"
And I have a file named "foo"
And I have a file named "bar"
When I run "ls"
Then I should get:
As a developer, your work is done as soon as you've made the ls
behave as described in the Scenario.
Now, wouldn't it be cool if something could read this sentence and use it to
actually run a test against the ls
command? Hey, that's exactly what Behat
does! As you'll see, Behat is easy to learn, quick to use, and will put the
fun back into your testing.
Behat was inspired by Ruby’s Cucumber project, especially its syntax (called Gherkin).
To become Behat'er in 20 minutes, just dive into the quick-start guide and enjoy!
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 quick_intro
Learn Behat with the topical guides:
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 guides/1.gherkin guides/2.definitions guides/3.hooks guides/4.context guides/5.closures guides/6.cli guides/7.config
Learn specific solutions for specific needs:
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 cookbook/behat_and_mink cookbook/migrate_from_1x_to_20 cookbook/using_spin_functions
Other useful resources for learning/using Behat:
- Cheat Sheet - Behat and Mink Cheat Sheets by Jean-François Lépine
- Behat API - Behat code API
- Gherkin API - Gherkin parser API
Once you're up and running with Behat, you can learn more about behavior-driven development via the following links. Though both tutorials are specific to Cucumber, Behat shares a lot with Cucumber and the philosophies are one and the same.