All issues in this section have a matching tracker bug created in this project to contain work and contributions. |
only use nested elements on listitem if first element in paragraph; otherwise, treat as inline text
create proper API; tuck inside a Ruby module
set default attributes for article doctype
add option to drop role names for literals
implement variablelist children
implement inline formatting in table cell content
implement citetitle and attribution on blockquote
list continuation doesn’t get added if literallayout is delimited (bug)
implement qanda list (i.e., qandaset)
implement callouts (i.e., calloutlist)
implement list IDs
implement nested lists (currently using same level)
text after variablelist inside same paragraph gets adjoined to text of last item (bug)
don’t start output document with blank line if input document does not start with section
All issues in this section are pending tracker bug creation, and will be converted in subsequent backlog grooming sessions. |
introduce entity_ref?, comment?, pi? methods instead of comparing type to a constant (mixin if necessary)
make level shifting configurable (or auto-detectable?)
make dsl block for adjoining children inside delimited block
handle preface correctly
honor table width
honor table col widths
implement verse blockquote
make character used for emphasis quoting an option
make literal paragraph indent size an option
try to set leveloffset only once
try to use + for literal (passthrough) when possible
find cleaner solution for skipping title node
make a function for detecting need for unconstrained formatting marks
unordered / ordered list with complex content
nested lists
description lists
uses double `` if literal phrase is surrounded by a word character (before, after or both)
retrieves section title from either first child named title or title child of info
honors sentence_per_line option
auto-generates ids for sections
handles id override on section
follows xi:include elements in section content
replaces xi:include with include macro in programlisting