This document is for installing applications developers using Fedora Linux usually want to install.
Manual steps:
- drivers/
- Nextcloud
- extras and nonfree from rpmfusion: click and install the repo packages free and nonfree from
sudo dnf install gparted filezilla gnome-tweak-tool pysdm keepassx
- "Tweak Tool" icon allows configuring various aspects of gnome configuration
- "PySDM" is a gui for editing fstab mountpoints
- If KeePass 1 works in your version of Wine, you can manually install Windows version of KeePass 1 (NOTE: only Windows version of keepass 2 has import for KeePass 1, since dll is Windows-only). However, keepassx version 2.xx can import KeePass 1 files, unlike the linux version of KeePass 2.xx
- Install 32-BIT version of Wine to avoid issues (64-bit is not well supported and doesn't run 32-bit windows programs)
sudo dnf remove wine-core
sudo dnf install wine.i686
sudo dnf install winetricks
#(winetricks is a noarch package)
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=~/win32
This section describes changes that need to be made to this article, as well as WIP information that may help.
- Set those wine variables for the user at login (workaround: make shell script called winetricks32 containing the two lines:
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winetricks
- Then run
chmod +x winetricks32
, wait for the config window to appear, then continue. - Choose default wine prefix, OK
- Choose "Install a Windows DLL or Component", OK
- MS GDI+ (required for many applications, such as KeePass 1.xx, though KeePass 1 doesn't work on Wine 2.4)
- MS Setup API
- MS Visual Basic 6 runtime sp6
For some reason, result is: vb6run install completed, but installed file /home/owner/win32/dosdevices/c:/windows/system32/MSVBVM60.DLL not found
After the above commands, wine will be 32-bit, and wine64 will be 64-bit. ~/win32 should be used for the wine prefix for the 32-bit version, and WINEARCH=win32
should be used.
The line below is from
dnf config-manager --add-repo
# various tools:
sudo dnf install gimp blender geany xterm monodevelop qt-creator kate gitg