This file has become a compilation of multiple lists:
- Native Linux Games That Go Beyond Casual Gaming
- Game stores and other listings
- Free Casual Games for Linux
This list focuses primarily on games in linux repositories, which mostly includes free games and game stores but also includes a games that require a paid account.
This list does not include games described above if they are:
- games that require a disc or downloaded commercial data (such as ScummVM or trine)
- games that are run-of-the-mill shooters just with different levels and graphics
- games with primitive gameplay or graphics
- puzzle games
My initial reason for looking up linux games this time was that not all games were listed under the "Games" category on Antergos, which neither includes ufoai nor any AUR games (actually, some of the gaming platforms and stores aren't even listed under the games keyword in the AUR website). I had to search for "game" in Add/Remove Software in Antergos but I'm still not sure if I saw all that is available. As for AUR, I found out that on the AUR website you can sort programs by popularity and started there. For games that weren't listed there due to lack of a "games" keyword in AUR I had to work from memory.
[624] $ minecraft (requires a once in a lifetime fee)
[267] enemy-territory ("Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory" free multi-player only Wolfenstein)
[225] desura (a game store)
[86] maniadrive (stunt racing game with primitive graphics but focus on physics)
[81] adom ("Ancient Domains of Mystery" -- a classic pc-style top-down RPG with focus on quests and plot, that has made its way to Steam)
[56] itch (client for games, which includes highly-developed games such as Deceiver)
[55] fofix (a rhythm-based game which is a highly-improved version of Frets on Fire)
[51] $ braid-hib (humble bundle version of Braid, a popular indie platformer game with time manipulation)
[50] Eternal Lands (eternallands eternallands-sound eternallands-music -- MMORPG)
[47] lgogdownloader ( games store [for classic console and computer games] using the API)
[40] $ supermeatboy (popular indie 2D platformer with high difficulty)
[36] solarus (Zelda-like game engine with full games made by users)
[34] zsdx (a popular Zelda fangame for solarus)
[30] zsxd (a popular parody Zelda fangame for solarus)
[29] $ bastion-hib (humble bundle version of Braid, a popular indie action RPG game)
[27] runescape-launcher (popular top-view 3D MMORPG)
[25] voxatron (voxel-based top view action game with destructable environment)
[20] lugaru (third-person brawler with humanoid rabbits)
[11] zelda-roth (Zelda: Return of the Hylian -- a fan-made Zelda game)
[4] quake3-rally ("Quake 3 Rally" -- vehicular combat game based on the Quake 3 engine)
[3] solarus-quest-editor graphical tool to create and modify quests for solarus
[1] stuntrally (3D racing game with track editor and focus on physics and graphics)
- 0ad ("0 A.D." -- real-time strategy game)
- minetest (better for online play than offline unless you add mods--automatically downloads mods from the server you join--however modpacks called “subgames” or the voxelands [26 on AUR] fork can make for a complete single-player experience)
- renpy ("Ren'Py" -- visual novel engine allowing you to view or create stories that include words, images, and sounds)
- speed-dreams ("Speed Dreams" -- fork of torcs with animated drivers and other graphical improvements and expanded content)
- Supertuxkart (racing game with tasks, unlockables, and cartoonish GNU distro mascots)
- ufoai ("UFO: Alien Invasion" large and detailed turn-based strategy game with single player and multi player modes)
- warsow ("Warsow" -- cartoonish first-person arena shooter)
- xonotic (first-person arena shooter)
- Jakejw93's "Linux Gaming" YouTube channel -
- "Love" 2D game engine forum (official forum topic for games and creations made using the Love engine):
- Humble Indie Bundle: any game on AUR ending with -hib
- (may require SteamOS)
Please feel free to comment and mention games I missed if they meet all of the criteria in the first section. However, I excluded some popular native linux games intentionally because I believe they don’t.
may require a payment or paid account
Desura (game store):
PlayOnLinux (wine gaming frontend):
GamingOnLinux (gaming site):
SourceForge's list of games:
(as found on AUR, such as on Arch repos via Antergos [deprecated; or Manjaro] graphical package manager search for "game" [more results than just using the Game category for some reason :( ]; not sure if looked thoroughly after results starting with "e" yet)
- (*) abuse
- (*) digger
- (*) dwarffortress
- (*) dynablaster-revenge
- (*) tomatoes "I Have No Tomatoes"
- (*) barrage
- (*) blobwars "Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid"
- (*) btanks
- (*) clickety
- (*) glhack
- (*) gnujump
- (*) instead-launcher
- (*) kblocks
- (*) kbreakout
- (*) killbots
- (*) KSpaceDuel
- (*) megaglest
- (*) naev
- (*) performous
- (*) pingus
- (*) spring (and spring-1944 game for spring)
- (*) supertux
- (*) teeworlds
- (*) wesnoth
- (*) widelands
- (*) xpacman
- (*) xpacman2
- (*) xbill
- (*) xmoto
- (*) zazz
- (*) lincity-ng
- (*) slimevolley
- adanaxis-gpl "shooter game in four spacial dimentions" [sic]
- adonthell-wastesedge
- after-school "handpainted on paper, using pencil and watercolors"
- bitfighter "team-based outer-space multi-player combat game" tried to download a zip file from google code (Google Code is discontinued)
- caveexpress many SDL typedef redefinitions
- castles-in-the-sky "package filename is not valid"
- droidquest "package filename is not valid"
bombermaaan (multiplayer bomberman clone) doukutsu (japanese version of Cave Story nonfree) dreamweb (dystopian city adventure game)
- adom - plot-driven roguelike
- atari-combat
- avanor
- balazarbrothers
- ballerburg
- blackvoxel
This is only a list of commercial games that aren't marked as such in AUR (packages ending in -hib aren't included in this list).
- albion-online*
- (hib) dontstarve
Enable Steam Play within the Linux version of Steam to be able to see and try to play Windows games on Steam for Linux using Proton, Valve's advanced fork of Wine with DirectX support (Proton contributes code back to the wine project as well so many improvements have been made there too)! Likely, you can simply install Steam using the "steam" package on your distro's repository (such as via "Software" in your applications list).
- board games
- (*) KSirk is a world-domination strategy game
- (*) konquest
- (*) xmahjongg
- (purely) puzzle games
- (*) fillets-ng
- (*) freedroid
- (*) gweled
- card games
- (*) frtg "Race for the Galaxy"
- sports games
- (*) golf
- (purely) physics games
- (*) caph "Sandbox game based on physics"
- (*) kollision
(*) From Mainstream Repos
(hib) Requires installation via Steam? (hib protocol--Humble Indie Bundle)