This document is a set of encoding guidelines for the digital edition of the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series, the official documentary history of U.S. foreign relations. The basis for encoding FRUS is the Text Encoding Initiative (see for the complete TEI P5 Guidelines). This document describes the project-specific subset of the TEI standard and practices used for encoding FRUS, hereafter called FRUS TEI. The primary purpose of FRUS TEI is to accurately and canonically encode the text of the publication and capture its core structural features, including document headings, datelines, paragraphs, footnotes, page numbers, tables, figures, and indexes. Besides capturing these structural features, each volume is enhanced with by identifying all cross references within the series and encoding them as hyperlinks to facilitate reading. Once encoded according to these guidelines, a FRUS TEI document should validate against the FRUS TEI schema without errors and thus will be compatible with tools for electronically publishing and analyzing the FRUS digital archive, including the Office of the Historian website, ebook catalogs, data feeds, and APIs. These guidelines, written in TEI using the ODD (One Document Does it all) format, provide the following information:
Although this guide cannot anticipate every situation encoders will encounter, its design allows for new sections or examples to be added as circumstances demand. The discretion to add to or alter this guide lies solely with the Chief of the Division of Publishing.
FRUS TEI files, like all TEI files consist of a root <TEI> element, with one child <teiHeader>, which contains metadata about the publication, and one child <text> element, which contains the content of the volume.
FRUS TEI stores several pieces of metadata about a volume in the <teiHeader> element:
: The volume's complete title and its components (series, subseries, volume number, and volume title)fileDesc/titleStmt/editor
: Names of the editors (leave empty if no editors are listed)fileDesc/publicationStmt/publisher, pubPlace, date
: Publication details (publisher, location, date)fileDesc/publicationStmt/idno
: Identifiers (DOS Publication Number, ISBN-10, ISBN-13, FRUS Volume ID, and OCLC)fileDesc/sourceDesc
: A description of the source information used in the creation of the FRUS-TEI editionencodingDesc/editorialDecl/correction
: Corrections made to the source text and known issuesencodingDesc/classDecl/taxonomy
: Any taxonomies referenced by the volumerevisionDesc/change
: A log of major revisionsThe Office of the Historian provides vendors with a shell document containing the volume's complete <teiHeader>. The vendor should only add a <change> tag in the <revisionDesc> section to indicate the delivery date for a volume, and supply a list of any corrections made to the text and unresolved issues, in the form of <correction> elements in the <encodingDesc> section.
A sample <teiHeader> element:
This document is a set of encoding guidelines for the digital edition of the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series, the official documentary history of U.S. foreign relations. The basis for encoding FRUS is the Text Encoding Initiative (see for the complete TEI P5 Guidelines). This document describes the project-specific subset of the TEI standard and practices used for encoding FRUS, hereafter called FRUS TEI. The primary purpose of FRUS TEI is to accurately and canonically encode the text of the publication and capture its core structural features, including document headings, datelines, paragraphs, footnotes, page numbers, tables, figures, and indexes. Besides capturing these structural features, each volume is enhanced with by identifying all cross references within the series and encoding them as hyperlinks to facilitate reading. Once encoded according to these guidelines, a FRUS TEI document should validate against the FRUS TEI schema without errors and thus will be compatible with tools for electronically publishing and analyzing the FRUS digital archive, including the Office of the Historian website, ebook catalogs, data feeds, and APIs. These guidelines, written in TEI using the ODD (One Document Does it all) format, provide the following information:
Although this guide cannot anticipate every situation encoders will encounter, its design allows for new sections or examples to be added as circumstances demand. The discretion to add to or alter this guide lies solely with the Chief of the Division of Publishing.
FRUS TEI files, like all TEI files consist of a root <TEI> element, with one child <teiHeader>, which contains metadata about the publication, and one child <text> element, which contains the content of the volume.
FRUS TEI stores several pieces of metadata about a volume in the <teiHeader> element:
: The volume's complete title and its components (series, subseries, volume number, and volume title)fileDesc/titleStmt/editor
: Names of the editors (leave empty if no editors are listed)fileDesc/publicationStmt/publisher, pubPlace, date
: Publication details (publisher, location, date)fileDesc/publicationStmt/idno
: Identifiers (DOS Publication Number, ISBN-10, ISBN-13, FRUS Volume ID, and OCLC)fileDesc/sourceDesc
: A description of the source information used in the creation of the FRUS-TEI editionencodingDesc/editorialDecl/correction
: Corrections made to the source text and known issuesencodingDesc/classDecl/taxonomy
: Any taxonomies referenced by the volumerevisionDesc/change
: A log of major revisionsThe Office of the Historian provides vendors with a shell document containing the volume's complete <teiHeader>. The vendor should only add a <change> tag in the <revisionDesc> section to indicate the delivery date for a volume, and supply a list of any corrections made to the text and unresolved issues, in the form of <correction> elements in the <encodingDesc> section.
A sample <teiHeader> element:
Most FRUS volumes consist of a three-part structure: front matter (<front>), a body (<body>), and back matter (<back>). Major divisions within these sections are marked by nested <div> elements. Footnotes are captured with <note> elements. Page breaks are captured with the <pb> element.
A simplified overview of structure within the <text> element
Most FRUS volumes consist of a three-part structure: front matter (<front>), a body (<body>), and back matter (<back>). Major divisions within these sections are marked by nested <div> elements. Footnotes are captured with <note> elements. Page breaks are captured with the <pb> element.
A simplified overview of structure within the <text> element
Front matter consists of the title page (<titlePage>) and typically the following sections: Preface, Table of Contents, Note on Sources, List of Terms and Abbreviations, List of Persons.
A simplified overview of the <front> element:
Front matter consists of the title page (<titlePage>) and typically the following sections: Preface, Table of Contents, Note on Sources, List of Terms and Abbreviations, List of Persons.
A simplified overview of the <front> element:
The contents of the original printed title page are captured in the <titlePage> element.
A sample <titlePage>:
The contents of the original printed title page are captured in the <titlePage> element.
A sample <titlePage>:
After the <titlePage>, there are typically a number of sections, such as the Preface, Table of Contents, etc. Each <div> requires xml:id, type, and subtype attributes and a child <head>element.
After the <titlePage>, there are typically a number of sections, such as the Preface, Table of Contents, etc. Each <div> requires xml:id, type, and subtype attributes and a child <head>element.
Lengthy tables of contents appear in many pre-1945 volumes. These should be encoded as they appear, as tables. When tables are interrupted by a page break, let the table span across the pages.
Most, but not all, volumes have the following front matter divisions, so these values are allowed:
The <body> of the volume contains primary source documents, nested within divisions known as "compilations", "chapters", and sometimes deeper subdivisions. Each of these divisions, and the documents contained within, are wrapped in <div> elements. These <div> elements require xml:id and type attributes and a child <head> element. Within these general guidelines are practices for each type of <div>:
Compilation <div>s are always the top level division for the body of a volume. They are given a type value of compilation and an xml:id value consisting of a comp prefix and a sequential number relative to the entire volume, e.g., comp1, comp2, comp3.
Chapter <div>s are given a type value of chapter and an xml:id value consisting of a ch prefix and a sequential number relative to the entire volume, e.g., ch1, ch2, ch3.
Document <div>s are given a type value of document and an xml:id value consisting of a d prefix and a sequential number relative to the entire volume, e.g., d1, d2, d3. Not all volumes contain explicit document numbers; in this case, sequential document identifiers should be assigned and used for the xml:id attribute, and the n attribute should contain the number in square brackets (e.g., [3]).
This example demonstrates the nesting of compilation, chapter, and document divisions. Note that the nesting must reflect the hierarchy shown in the table of contents, so use the table of contents as a guide to ensure the nesting structure is correct.
Lengthy tables of contents appear in many pre-1945 volumes. These should be encoded as they appear, as tables. When tables are interrupted by a page break, let the table span across the pages.
Most, but not all, volumes have the following front matter divisions, so these values are allowed:
The <body> of the volume contains primary source documents, nested within divisions known as "compilations", "chapters", and sometimes deeper subdivisions. Each of these divisions, and the documents contained within, are wrapped in <div> elements. These <div> elements require xml:id and type attributes and a child <head> element. Within these general guidelines are practices for each type of <div>:
Compilation <div>s are always the top level division for the body of a volume. They are given a type value of compilation and an xml:id value consisting of a comp prefix and a sequential number relative to the entire volume, e.g., comp1, comp2, comp3.
Chapter <div>s are given a type value of chapter and an xml:id value consisting of a ch prefix and a sequential number relative to the entire volume, e.g., ch1, ch2, ch3.
Document <div>s are given a type value of document and an xml:id value consisting of a d prefix and a sequential number relative to the entire volume, e.g., d1, d2, d3. Not all volumes contain explicit document numbers; in this case, sequential document identifiers should be assigned and used for the xml:id attribute, and the n attribute should contain the number in square brackets (e.g., [3]).
This example demonstrates the nesting of compilation, chapter, and document divisions. Note that the nesting must reflect the hierarchy shown in the table of contents, so use the table of contents as a guide to ensure the nesting structure is correct.
(See below for more information on other the features shown here, such as cross-references and footnotes and datelines.)
In cases where chapters have further subdivisions around documents, these should be marked with a type attribute carrying a value of subchapter and an xml:id attribute composed of the pattern: parent chapter's xml:id value + subch + a sequential number (e.g., ch3subch1.
Subdivisions that are not listed in the main table of contents should be marked with a type attribute carrying a value of document-group and an xml:id attribute composed of the pattern: parent <div> element's xml:id value + dg + sequential number (e.g., ch4subch4dg2).
Back matter typically consists of an index and occasionally appendices.
Indexes are wrapped in a <div> with a type value of section, a subtype value of index, and an xml:id value of index. The <head> element should be drawn from the text but is typically simply, "Index." The entire index should be wrapped in a single <list> element, with contents consisting of nested <list> and <item> elements. Special care should be taken to identify whether cross references refer to document numbers or page numbers. Some index
(See below for more information on other the features shown here, such as cross-references and footnotes and datelines.)
In cases where chapters have further subdivisions around documents, these should be marked with a type attribute carrying a value of subchapter and an xml:id attribute composed of the pattern: parent chapter's xml:id value + subch + a sequential number (e.g., ch3subch1.
Subdivisions that are not listed in the main table of contents should be marked with a type attribute carrying a value of document-group and an xml:id attribute composed of the pattern: parent <div> element's xml:id value + dg + sequential number (e.g., ch4subch4dg2).
Back matter typically consists of an index and occasionally appendices.
Indexes are wrapped in a <div> with a type value of section, a subtype value of index, and an xml:id value of index. The <head> element should be drawn from the text but is typically simply, "Index." The entire index should be wrapped in a single <list> element, with contents consisting of nested <list> and <item> elements. Special care should be taken to identify whether cross references refer to document numbers or page numbers. Some index
The text of the file should be submitted as Unicode (UTF-8).
Unicode characters should be used directly, not the escaped entity form. The only acceptable entity is & for ampersand.
Single and double quotation marks should preserve the original curly or straight quality.
Hyphens, em, and en dashes should be preserved in their original form.
Every <div> element must an xml:id attribute carrying a value unique in the document.
A document <opener> consists of material such as a <dateline>, a reference number ("No. 5" or similar) or classification indicator ("private," "top secret", etc.) and sometimes other content before the document itself. It goes inside the <opener> element. If there is no <opener> content, there is no need for an <opener> tag. The <dateline> element should be accompanied by a rendition attribute that specifies right alignment. All other <opener> content should be tagged using <seg> with rendition left alignment.
The text of the file should be submitted as Unicode (UTF-8).
Unicode characters should be used directly, not the escaped entity form. The only acceptable entity is & for ampersand.
Single and double quotation marks should preserve the original curly or straight quality.
Hyphens, em, and en dashes should be preserved in their original form.
Every <div> element must an xml:id attribute carrying a value unique in the document.
A document <opener> consists of material such as a <dateline>, a reference number ("No. 5" or similar) or classification indicator ("private," "top secret", etc.) and sometimes other content before the document itself. It goes inside the <opener> element. If there is no <opener> content, there is no need for an <opener> tag. The <dateline> element should be accompanied by a rendition attribute that specifies right alignment. All other <opener> content should be tagged using <seg> with rendition left alignment.
These left and right rendition attributes allow the <seg> and <dateline> to render on the same line in accordance with the letterpress edition.
Paragraphs are wrapped in a <p> element. By default, a paragraph is left-aligned, roman text, and its first line will be indented, but these properties can be overridden with an optional rend attribute carrying one of the following values:
Paragraphs may not be empty.
The styles of inline spans of text can be marked as italic, bold, etc. with the <hi> element and a rend attribute carrying one of the following values:
Lists are wrapped in a <list> element, and individual items are wrapped in an <item> element. Lists receive no automatic numbering or bullet points. The list label should be entered as a <label> element preceding the <item> element. Nested lists begin at the end of, but inside, an <item> element.
These left and right rendition attributes allow the <seg> and <dateline> to render on the same line in accordance with the letterpress edition.
Paragraphs are wrapped in a <p> element. By default, a paragraph is left-aligned, roman text, and its first line will be indented, but these properties can be overridden with an optional rend attribute carrying one of the following values:
Paragraphs may not be empty.
The styles of inline spans of text can be marked as italic, bold, etc. with the <hi> element and a rend attribute carrying one of the following values:
Lists are wrapped in a <list> element, and individual items are wrapped in an <item> element. Lists receive no automatic numbering or bullet points. The list label should be entered as a <label> element preceding the <item> element. Nested lists begin at the end of, but inside, an <item> element.
Note: In FRUS, not all numbered or bulleted blocks of text are coded as <list>. For example, section headings within a document or section may sometimes be numbered; these should be coded as <p> elements with rend attributes carrying a value of sectiontitleital. Paragraphs may be numbered; these can be distinguished from lists by their indentation: their first line is indented, but subsequent lines are flush left.
Also distinguish lists from numbered paragraphs by the amount of non-numbered paragraphs within the block of text. More than two <p> tags within an <item> usually indicate that the section is composed of numbered paragraphs and is not a list.
Certain specialized lists take the following type attributes:
Participants and subject lists often have a heading, which should be wrapped in a <head> element inside the parent <list> element.
A <list> element may not contain direct <table> or <paragraph> elements.
Cross references are wrapped in a <ref> element with the target specified in a target attribute. We tag all cross references within a volume (most commonly, to documents in the volume), as well as cross references to other volumes in the FRUS series.
Cross references to elements within the same XML document use the standard TEI method: target's xml:id value, prepended with a #. For instance, if document 1's xml:id is d1, then a cross reference to this document uses the target of #d1.
Cross references to other volumes in the FRUS series come in a few varieties: References to the volumes themselves use the target volume's ID:
Note: In FRUS, not all numbered or bulleted blocks of text are coded as <list>. For example, section headings within a document or section may sometimes be numbered; these should be coded as <p> elements with rend attributes carrying a value of sectiontitleital. Paragraphs may be numbered; these can be distinguished from lists by their indentation: their first line is indented, but subsequent lines are flush left.
Also distinguish lists from numbered paragraphs by the amount of non-numbered paragraphs within the block of text. More than two <p> tags within an <item> usually indicate that the section is composed of numbered paragraphs and is not a list.
Certain specialized lists take the following type attributes:
Participants and subject lists often have a heading, which should be wrapped in a <head> element inside the parent <list> element.
A <list> element may not contain direct <table> or <paragraph> elements.
Cross references are wrapped in a <ref> element with the target specified in a target attribute. We tag all cross references within a volume (most commonly, to documents in the volume), as well as cross references to other volumes in the FRUS series.
Cross references to elements within the same XML document use the standard TEI method: target's xml:id value, prepended with a #. For instance, if document 1's xml:id is d1, then a cross reference to this document uses the target of #d1.
Cross references to other volumes in the FRUS series come in a few varieties: References to the volumes themselves use the target volume's ID:
Cross references to items in other volumes are composed of the volume ID and the xml:id of the target element:
Cross references to items in other volumes are composed of the volume ID and the xml:id of the target element:
Page breaks are marked with a <pb> element. The following attributes are required:
Footnotes are wrapped with a <note> element, and are placed in the text where the footnote reference appears, rather than where the footnote text appears on the page. The following attributes are required:
The following attributes are required in some circumstances:
As mentioned above, source notes contain the archival source of the document, and are generally encoded as the first footnote in a document: a <note> element hung on the document's heading, with n=1, type=source, and, of course like all footnotes, an xml:id attribute whose value is the concatenation of the parent document's identifier and the footnote position, e.g., for document 32, xml:id=d32fn1.
Source notes generally begin with the text, "Source:". In the case of documents that are withheld in full, the source note is bracketed and placed in the body of the document, as an inline note (meaning it will appear in the body text, rather than as a footnote reference, and as such, no n or xml:id attributes should be used):
Page breaks are marked with a <pb> element. The following attributes are required:
Footnotes are wrapped with a <note> element, and are placed in the text where the footnote reference appears, rather than where the footnote text appears on the page. The following attributes are required:
The following attributes are required in some circumstances:
As mentioned above, source notes contain the archival source of the document, and are generally encoded as the first footnote in a document: a <note> element hung on the document's heading, with n=1, type=source, and, of course like all footnotes, an xml:id attribute whose value is the concatenation of the parent document's identifier and the footnote position, e.g., for document 32, xml:id=d32fn1.
Source notes generally begin with the text, "Source:". In the case of documents that are withheld in full, the source note is bracketed and placed in the body of the document, as an inline note (meaning it will appear in the body text, rather than as a footnote reference, and as such, no n or xml:id attributes should be used):
When a source note contains more than one paragraph, each paragraph therein is wrapped a <p> element. Source notes that contain only a single block of text, however, are not wrapped in a <p> element.
In some Nixon-Ford electronic-only volumes, the source note and summary are placed within a single footnote. In this case, the no type attribute is placed on the <note> element. Instead, a <seg> element with type=source|summary is placed within the relevant paragraphs. For example:
When a source note contains more than one paragraph, each paragraph therein is wrapped a <p> element. Source notes that contain only a single block of text, however, are not wrapped in a <p> element.
In some Nixon-Ford electronic-only volumes, the source note and summary are placed within a single footnote. In this case, the no type attribute is placed on the <note> element. Instead, a <seg> element with type=source|summary is placed within the relevant paragraphs. For example:
A dateline appears at the beginning of every FRUS document, containing the location and date of the document's origin. The dateline is wrapped in a <dateline> element. The location is wrapped in a <placeName> element, and the date is wrapped in a <date> element, with a when attribute with the date expressed in XML Schema date (xs:date) or date time (xs:dateTime) notation.
The complete dateline is part of the <opener> element, described above in 3.3.4., and is usually (but not always) preceded by a <seg> element. If preceded by a <seg> element, the dateline should include a rendition attribute specifying right alignment.
Datelines can also be found at the end of documents wrapped in <closer> or <postscript> elements. The same guidelines apply for the <placeName> and <date> elements given above.
In the case that more than one date appears in a dateline, wrap only the one: the date the document was created, with the <date> element. For example, in the dateline, "United States Legation, Vienna, October 3, 1870. (Received October 26.)" the first date indicates the date of creation, and the second indicates the date the document was received by the recipient. Therefore, only the first date is tagged, and the second is left untagged:
A dateline appears at the beginning of every FRUS document, containing the location and date of the document's origin. The dateline is wrapped in a <dateline> element. The location is wrapped in a <placeName> element, and the date is wrapped in a <date> element, with a when attribute with the date expressed in XML Schema date (xs:date) or date time (xs:dateTime) notation.
The complete dateline is part of the <opener> element, described above in 3.3.4., and is usually (but not always) preceded by a <seg> element. If preceded by a <seg> element, the dateline should include a rendition attribute specifying right alignment.
Datelines can also be found at the end of documents wrapped in <closer> or <postscript> elements. The same guidelines apply for the <placeName> and <date> elements given above.
In the case that more than one date appears in a dateline, wrap only the one: the date the document was created, with the <date> element. For example, in the dateline, "United States Legation, Vienna, October 3, 1870. (Received October 26.)" the first date indicates the date of creation, and the second indicates the date the document was received by the recipient. Therefore, only the first date is tagged, and the second is left untagged:
Dates are most often wrapped in the <dateline> elements. (Occasionally, quoted material may contain a <date> within <quote> but these encoded dates do not constitute a document date.)
Dates must have one or more of the following attribute sets:
All <date> should receive a calendar attribute identifing all the calendars referenced in a date phrase.
Examples of encoded dates follow:
Dates are most often wrapped in the <dateline> elements. (Occasionally, quoted material may contain a <date> within <quote> but these encoded dates do not constitute a document date.)
Dates must have one or more of the following attribute sets:
All <date> should receive a calendar attribute identifing all the calendars referenced in a date phrase.
Examples of encoded dates follow:
Signatures are wrapped in a <signed> element inside the document's <closer> element. The <closer> element is rendered as a right-aligned block, so no rend or rendition attribute is needed to achieve right-alignment of the <closer>. Every <signed> element must have at least one <persName> element—even if the person does not have a corresp value in the volume. Typically, the person names in FRUS signature blocks are set in bold text in the print edition, so in FRUS TEI, use a <hi> element with a rend attribute value of strong. When a signatory's title appears beneath the name in italics, use <lb> to break the lines and use <hi> rend=italic to italicize the title.
The typical signature block containing a single person name and title is encoded as follows:
Signatures are wrapped in a <signed> element inside the document's <closer> element. The <closer> element is rendered as a right-aligned block, so no rend or rendition attribute is needed to achieve right-alignment of the <closer>. Every <signed> element must have at least one <persName> element—even if the person does not have a corresp value in the volume. Typically, the person names in FRUS signature blocks are set in bold text in the print edition, so in FRUS TEI, use a <hi> element with a rend attribute value of strong. When a signatory's title appears beneath the name in italics, use <lb> to break the lines and use <hi> rend=italic to italicize the title.
The typical signature block containing a single person name and title is encoded as follows:
When a signature block contains multiple names, enclose them all in a single <signed> element (not one per person), using a <list> structure, with one <item> per person:
When a signature block contains multiple names, enclose them all in a single <signed> element (not one per person), using a <list> structure, with one <item> per person:
Tables are marked with a <table> element, containing one or more <row> elements, which in turn contain one or more <cell> elements. The following attributes are required on the <table> element:
The following attributes are optional on the <table> element:
The following attributes may be used on <row> and <cell> elements:
The following attributes may be used on <cell> elements:
First, check that you're working with the latest files.
<TEI> (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, combining a single TEI header with one or more members of the model.resource class. Multiple <TEI> elements may be combined within a <TEI> (or <teiCorpus>) element. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | textstructure | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | textstructure: TEI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | This element is required. It is customary to specify the TEI namespace on it, for example: <TEI version="4.4.0" xml:lang="it" xmlns="">. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Example | <TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="">
+</closer> 3.3.15. TablesTables are marked with a <table> element, containing one or more <row> elements, which in turn contain one or more <cell> elements. The following attributes are required on the <table> element:
The following attributes are optional on the <table> element:
The following attributes may be used on <row> and <cell> elements:
The following attributes may be used on <cell> elements:
4. Working with oXygen and eXist-db
5. Review ProceduresFirst, check that you're working with the latest files.
6. Appendix of TEI Elements, etc.6.1. Elements6.1.1. <TEI>
6.1.2. <affiliation>
6.1.2. <affiliation>
6.1.3. <anchor>
6.1.3. <anchor>
6.1.4. <attachment>
6.1.4. <attachment>
6.1.5. <back>
6.1.5. <back>
6.1.6. <bibl>
6.1.6. <bibl>
6.1.7. <body>
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6.1.8. <byline>
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6.1.11. <cell>
6.1.11. <cell>
6.1.12. <change>
6.1.12. <change>
6.1.13. <cit>
6.1.13. <cit>
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6.1.14. <classDecl>
6.1.15. <classification>
6.1.15. <classification>
6.1.16. <closer>
6.1.16. <closer>
6.1.17. <correction>
6.1.17. <correction>
6.1.18. <date>
6.1.18. <date>
6.1.19. <dateline>
6.1.19. <dateline>
6.1.20. <del>
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6.1.41. <include>
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6.1.57. <placeName>
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6.1.58. <postscript>
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6.1.61. <publisher>
6.1.62. <quote>
6.1.62. <quote>
6.1.63. <ref>
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6.1.73. <styleDefDecl>
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6.1.75. <table>
6.1.75. <table>
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6.1.77. <taxonomy>
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6.1.78. <teiHeader>
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6.1.79. <term>
6.1.79. <term>
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6.1.85. <titleStmt>
6.1.86. <unclear>
6.2. Model classes6.2.1. model.addressLike
6.2.2. model.attributable
6.2.3. model.biblLike
6.2.4. model.biblPart
6.2.5. model.common
6.2.6. model.dateLike
6.2.7. model.divBottom
6.2.8. model.divBottomPart
6.2.9. model.divLike6.2.10. model.divPart
6.2.11. model.divTop
6.2.12. model.divTopPart
6.2.13. model.divWrapper
6.2.14. model.editorialDeclPart
6.2.15. model.emphLike
6.2.16. model.encodingDescPart
6.2.17. model.frontPart
6.2.20. model.graphicLike
6.2.21. model.headLike
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6.2.23. model.highlighted
6.2.24. model.imprintPart
6.2.25. model.inter
6.2.26. model.lLike
6.2.27. model.labelLike
6.2.28. model.limitedPhrase
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6.2.30. model.measureLike
6.2.31. model.milestoneLike
6.2.32. model.nameLike
6.2.33. model.nameLike.agent
6.2.34. model.noteLike
6.2.35. model.pLike
6.2.36. model.pLike.front
6.2.38. model.pPart.edit
6.2.39. model.pPart.transcriptional
6.2.40. model.paraPart6.2.41. model.phrase
6.2.42. model.placeNamePart
6.2.43. model.placeStateLike
6.2.44. model.ptrLike
6.2.46. model.publicationStmtPart.detail
6.2.47. model.quoteLike6.2.48. model.resource
6.2.49. model.respLike
6.2.50. model.segLike
6.2.51. model.teiHeaderPart
6.2.52. model.titlepagePart
6.3. Attribute classes6.3.1. att.anchoring
6.2. Model classes6.2.1. model.addressLike
6.2.2. model.attributable
6.2.3. model.biblLike
6.2.4. model.biblPart
6.2.5. model.common
6.2.6. model.dateLike
6.2.7. model.divBottom
6.2.8. model.divBottomPart
6.2.9. model.divLike6.2.10. model.divPart
6.2.11. model.divTop
6.2.12. model.divTopPart
6.2.13. model.divWrapper
6.2.14. model.editorialDeclPart
6.2.15. model.emphLike
6.2.16. model.encodingDescPart
6.2.17. model.frontPart
6.2.20. model.graphicLike
6.2.21. model.headLike
6.2.22. model.hiLike
6.2.23. model.highlighted
6.2.24. model.imprintPart
6.2.25. model.inter
6.2.26. model.lLike
6.2.27. model.labelLike
6.2.28. model.limitedPhrase
6.2.29. model.listLike
6.2.30. model.measureLike
6.2.31. model.milestoneLike
6.2.32. model.nameLike
6.2.33. model.nameLike.agent
6.2.34. model.noteLike
6.2.35. model.pLike
6.2.36. model.pLike.front
6.2.38. model.pPart.edit
6.2.39. model.pPart.transcriptional
6.2.40. model.paraPart6.2.41. model.phrase
6.2.42. model.placeNamePart
6.2.43. model.placeStateLike
6.2.44. model.ptrLike
6.2.46. model.publicationStmtPart.detail
6.2.47. model.quoteLike6.2.48. model.resource
6.2.49. model.respLike
6.2.50. model.segLike
6.2.51. model.teiHeaderPart
6.2.52. model.titlepagePart
6.3. Attribute classes6.3.1. att.anchoring
6.3.2. att.ascribed
6.3.22. att.internetMedia
6.3.22. att.internetMedia
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6.3.25. att.naming
6.3.26. att.notated
6.3.27. att.placement
6.3.29. att.ranging
6.3.30. att.resourced
6.3.31. att.segLike
6.3.32. att.sortable