see mcl
- 2023/Sep/08 improve the performance a little
- 2023/Aug/17 improve the invMod performance
- 2023/Jun/10 add share/recover functions of Fr, G1, G2 for secret sharing.
- 2022/May/08 fix get{X,Y,Z} and get_{a,b}.
- 2021/Dec/15 rewritten by TypeScript (Thanks to asa-taka)
- 2021/Nov/11 unify index.js of Node.js and browser (Thanks to Futa HIRAKOBA)
- 2021/Aug/28 improve performance of
- 2021/Jun/22 add index.d.ts
- 2021/Mar/02 improve performance
- 2020/Nov/10 setup function has changed.
- add
mulVec(xVec, yVec)
where xVec is an array of G1 or G2 and yVec is an array of Fr, which returnssum of xVec[i] yVec[i]
. - G1.setHashOf is compatible with hash-to-curve-09 BLS12381G1_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_
- support only BN254, ZKSNARK, BLS12-381 to remove mcl_c512.js
- add mcl.precomputedMillerLoop2 and mcl.precomputedMillerLoop2mixed
The version v0.6.0
breaks backward compatibility of the entry point.
- Node.js :
const mcl = require('mcl-wasm')
- React :
const mcl = require('mcl-wasm')
- HTML :
<script src=""></script>
node test/test.js
// Ethereum 2.0 spec mode
.then(() => {
mcl.setETHserialization(true) // Ethereum serialization
mcl.setMapToMode(mcl.IRTF) // for G2.setHashOf(msg)
a = new mcl.Fr()
a.setStr('255') // set 255
a.setStr('0xff') // set 0xff = 255
a.setStr('ff', 16) // set ff as hex-string
a.getStr() // '255'
a.getStr(16) // 'ff'
// byte array serialization
b.deserialize(a.serialize()) // b.isEqualTo(a)
// hex string of serialization()
// serialization like Ethereum 2.0 only for BLS12-381
it is big cost to to verify the order
call once after init() if you want to disable it
cf. sub group problem
see test.js
shareFr = (cVec: Fr[], id: Fr): Fr
shareG1 = (cVec: G1[], id: Fr): G1
shareG2 = (cVec: G2[], id: Fr): G2
Evaluate the value of the polynomial f(x)
whose coefficients cVec[]
are vec with x=id.
Return f(id)
recoverFr = (idVec: Fr[], yVec: Fr[]): Fr
recoverG1 = (idVec: Fr[], yVec: G1[]): G1
recoverG2 = (idVec: Fr[], yVec: G2[]): G2
Recover the polynomial f(x)
through the point (idVec[0], yVec[0])
, (idVec[1], yVec[1])
, ... and return f(0)
Note that the order of arguments is reversed from that of the recover function in bls-eth-wasm.
modified new BSD License
2019/Jan/31 add Fp.mapToG1
MITSUNARI Shigeo([email protected])