React UI sensor hook that detects when the user is pressing a specific key on their keyboard.
Complex bindings like detecting when multiple keys are held down at the same time or requiring them to be held down in a specified order are also available via KeyboardJS key combos. Check its documentation for further details on how to make combo strings.
Requires keyboardjs
npm add keyboardjs
# or
yarn add keyboardjs
import { useKeyPress } from "react-use";
const Demo = () => {
const hasPressedQ = useKeyPress("q");
const hasPressedW = useKeyPress("w");
const hasPressedE = useKeyPress("e");
const hasPressedR = useKeyPress("r");
const hasPressedT = useKeyPress("t");
const hasPressedY = useKeyPress("y");
const hasPressedWord = useKeyPress("q + w + e + r + t + y", {
useKeyboardJS: true
return (
Try pressing each one of these at a time: <code>Q W E R T Y</code>
{!hasPressedWord && (
{hasPressedQ && "Q"}
{hasPressedW && "W"}
{hasPressedE && "E"}
{hasPressedR && "R"}
{hasPressedT && "T"}
{hasPressedY && "Y"}
<div>And now press them all at once!</div>
<div>{hasPressedWord && "Q + W + E + R + T + Y"}</div>
const hasPressedSingleKey = useKeyPress("<key>");
const hasPressedKeyCombo = useKeyPress("<key combo>", {
useKeyboardJS: true