Authentication service for ICOS Carbon Portal and SITES Data Portal.
Works as a SAML2 Service Provider.
Acts as a single sign on system for all the services provided by the ICOS Carbon Portal (
Hosted on and on
SAML metadata: /saml/cpauth
Generate a key pair for a cpauth domain (such as or;
note that shares authentication service with ICOS):
$ openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out private.pem
Extract the public key from the keypair:
$ openssl ec -pubout -in private.pem -out public.pem
The public key shall be copied to core/src/main/resources/cpauthCore/crypto/
the names should be prefixed with cpauth domain, e.g. cpauth_public.pem
Convert PEM private key to DER format:
$ openssl ec -outform DER -in private.pem -out private.der
Convert private key from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8:
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform DER -outform DER -in private.der -out private8.der -nocrypt
Generate a certificate for SAML SP:
$ openssl req -keyform DER -key private.der -new -x509 -days 3650 -out self_signed.crt
The resulting contents of the certificate shall be pasted into the corresponding
file in src/main/resources
To produce SAML SP metadata, edit and run
in Scala REPL (before that edit the corresponding ..._unsigned.xml
file in src/main/resources
To inspect a public key:
$ openssl ec -pubin -in public.pem -text
To inspect an x509 certificate:
$ openssl x509 -in self_signed.crt -text -noout