In ros2_control, there is one main node responsible for running the framework, which is the ControllerManager
. In this section, we will focus on how to set up and run this node and how to interact with it.
The ControllerManager
node requires in addition to the robot description a configuration file with additional parameters, such as the control loop update rate, as well as a list of the desired controllers and their parameters. Such a configuration file is usually formatted as follows:
update_rate: 100 # Hz
type: {namespace}/{class_name}
# controller parameters
In the controller configuration file, the update_rate
parameter allows to set the update rate of the ControllerManager
node. In addition, the desired controllers that we plan to run need to be referenced and set up.
In the example of the scara robot, the configuration file is the following:
update_rate: 100 # Hz
type: joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster
type: position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController
- joint1
- joint2
- joint3
In this configuration the update_rate
is set at 100Hz and 2 controllers are referenced:
- The
, which is of typeJointStateBroadcaster
, is a general purpose controller available in theros2_controllers
package. This controller is a broadcaster, which means that it does not command the robot but only publishes its state to make it available to other ros2 components. - The
, which is of typeJointGroupPositionController
, is also a general purpose controller available in theros2_controllers
package. The purpose of this controller is to command the robot joints using the position interface.
Notice here, that in contrary to the joint_state_broadcaster
that streams by default all states of all joints, the scara_position_controller
requires additional parameters that specify the targeted joint names.
For more information about available controllers and their usage refer to the ros2_controllers
Now that we have the robot URDF description and the configuration for the Controller Manager node, let's create a launch file to run the scara robot.
In the
file, we first need to load the robot description from URDF. As we use XACRO, the global description file scara.config.xacro
of the robot needs to be evaluated first, what can be achieved as follows:
robot_description_content = Command([
' ',
[FindPackageShare('scara_description'), 'config', 'scara.config.xacro']
robot_description = {'robot_description': robot_description_content}
In addition we need to load the previously defined configuration file for the Controller Manager. This can be done as follows:
robot_controllers = PathJoinSubstitution(
With this done, we can now create a node running the ros2_control Controller Manager as follows:
control_node = Node(
parameters=[robot_description, robot_controllers],
For the purpose of this tutorial you will also need to launch an rviz2
node as well as robot_state_publisher
, which are required to have a visual of the scara robot.
See here for the complete launch file used for this tutorial.
After building your workspace, you can run the launch file using:
$ ros2 launch scara_bringup
A RViz2 window should open and display the following:
This output indicates that the robot_state_publisher
node does not have any information about the robot current state. This is not an error in the configuration of your robot and is due to the fact that by default, the controller_manager
node does not load any controllers, including the joint_state_broadcaster
responsible for sharing the state data with the ROS2 environment.
The ros2_control framework comes with some command line functionalities that allow you to interact with Controller Manager. For example, to see what are the hardware interfaces that are currently running, run in a new terminal:
$ ros2 control list_hardware_interfaces
which should produce the following output:
command interfaces
joint1/position [available] [unclaimed]
joint2/position [available] [unclaimed]
joint3/position [available] [unclaimed]
state interfaces
This shows, as expected from the robot description, that a position command interface is available for all joints and that for each joint there is a position and velocity state interface. Notice also the unclaimed
flag next to the command interfaces. This flag indicates that no controller was loaded to claim this particular command interface. In fact, if you now run:
$ ros2 control list_controllers
It will give you and empty output. In this case, let's load the joint_state_broadcaster
. To do so, run in your terminal:
$ ros2 control load_controller joint_state_broadcaster --set-state active
what should return;
Successfully loaded controller joint_state_broadcaster into state active
Now have a look at your RViz2 window. It should finally display the expected output:
Also, if you run again:
$ ros2 control list_controllers
it will output:
joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active
This means that only the joint_state_broadcaster
is currently running. This particular controller is responsible for reading the states from the hardware and publishing them in the \joint_states
topic, so that it can be interpreted by the robot state publisher node and displayed in RViz2. You can also read the current state of the robot by listening directly to the \joint_states
topic by running:
$ ros2 topic echo /joint_states
Even though the joint_state_broadcaster
is a controller, it does not command any interface of the robot. In the next section, let's focus on running another controller that this time will move the robot.
Let's now focus on another controller that was set up in the scara_controllers.yaml
configuration file. In order to give position commands to the scara robot, load the scara_position_controller
by running:
$ ros2 control load_controller scara_position_controller --set-state active
Now if you run:
$ ros2 control list_controllers
that should give you:
joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active
scara_position_controller[position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController] active
Your scara_position_controller
is now ready to receive position commands. In fact, if you run
$ ros2 topic list
you will see that a new topic /scara_position_controller/commands
appeared. Let's inspect this topic by running :
$ ros2 topic info /scara_position_controller/commands
which will output:
Type: std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray
Publisher count: 0
Subscription count: 1
This shows you that the expected command message format is of type Float64MultiArray
. Let's check how this message type is defined by running :
$ ros2 interface show std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray
which will return :
# Please look at the MultiArrayLayout message definition for
# documentation on all multiarrays.
MultiArrayLayout layout # specification of data layout
float64[] data # array of data
The expected message is an array of float64
. Let's now publish a set of position commands on that topic:
ros2 topic pub --once /scara_position_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "{data: [0.5,-1.5,0.3]}"
Your robot moved to the desired position!
Notice here that the motion to the desired position was done in one shot, what on a real robot would require excessive torques. In the case of a real robot, it would be more suited to use another controller that is able of interpolating the robot motion such as the joint_trajectory_controller
. After adding the new controller to the configuration file as the scara_trajectory_controller
, let's see how to switch from one controller to the other. We consider that the application was not stopped and that the scara_position_controller
is still running.
At first, the new controller needs to be loaded. If we run the previous command:
$ ros2 control load_controller scara_trajectory_controller --set-state active
it will return:
[ERROR] [1663347965.049772820] [controller_manager]: Resource conflict for controller 'scara_trajectory_controller'. Command interface 'joint1/position' is already claimed.
As explained in the overview section, the command interfaces are exclusively accessed to avoid this particular case where two controllers claim the same interface. To deal with it, the scara_position_controller
needs to release the interface before the scara_trajectory_controller
can claim it. One way of doing it is to first deactivate the scara_position_controller
by running:
$ ros2 control set_controller_state scara_position_controller inactive
and then activate the other controller by running:
$ ros2 control set_controller_state scara_trajectory_controller active
As a result, the controllers are switched what can be checked running once again:
$ ros2 control list_controllers
that should give you:
joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active
scara_position_controller[position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController] inactive
scara_trajectory_controller[joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController] active
Alternatively, in order to avoid the period where teh hardware is not controlled, both actions can be done simultaneously by running:
$ ros2 control switch_controllers --deactivate scara_position_controller --activate scara_trajectory_controller
Notice that in order to be able to activate the scara_trajectory_controller
, its state needs to be inactive
meaning that is was already configured. In order to configure the controller without activating it, you can run:
ros2 control load_controller scara_trajectory_controller --set-state configured
In ros2_control, controllers can be loaded, unloaded and switched on runtime without stopping the hardware. This allows to address the need of applications that have multiple different operating phases. More information can be found here.
Also, in most applications the controller to be loaded is known from start and therefore it can be loaded directly at startup in the launch file by calling the spawner
controller_spawner = Node(
Some additional information about available controllers can be found here. If, however, for the purpose of your applications you need a custom controller, you can go to the section on how to develop one.