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IMerlin1009I edited this page Jan 10, 2021 · 3 revisions

Overall Use Case

Most of the time the younger audience does not enjoy museum visits! - Appealing museum exhibitions need to be engaging and interactive!

To achieve this goal our company developed an app where people take part in scavenger hunts and explore the museum in a more interactive and fun way. It works by hunting down clues, which can be just text, images, videos and so on. Each clue will guide you towards a QR-Code, which must be scanned. After successfully scanning a QR-Code you will receive your next clue. By the time you have finished all clues and thus the scavenger hunt you will have experienced the whole exhibition in an engaging way!

Boring museum visits were yesterday!

Roles within the team

Michal Zak (michalrzak) -
David Riley (rileydavid) -
Samuel Sulovsky (memoriesadrift) -
Marat Dussaliyev (zaker1998) -
Max Bosak (IMerlin1009I) -

Our Kanban (Project board)

We started with a 'basic Kanban' template and renamed 'In progress' into 'Doing'.

Online Version

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