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Releases: ImDaMilan/SpigotAdditions

1.1 Release Candidate 4

25 Dec 23:36
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This should, hopefully, be the final RC before 1.1, since all the stuff is now done, I've tested everything and got rid of all bugs I could find!

  • Fixed a major bug that appeared in configs where values could not be read (effing typos)
  • Removed useless Metrics

1.1 Release Candidate 3

25 Dec 19:13
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  • The Path annotation will now automatically take the name of the field if no name is passed (it can now be parameterless)
  • Added the PlayerStripLogEvent
  • Fixed a small bug in data saving configs

1.1 Release Candidate 2

23 Dec 15:43
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  • Fixed a bug where Path annotations would only be able to access public fields and not private or protected ones
  • Added custom events, PlayerKillEntityEvent and AnvilItemTakeEvent that dependencies can listen to

1.1 Release Candidate 1

18 Dec 17:21
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This release candidate adds the much-needed custom config API! Here is an insight into what it contains:

  • A Config annotation used to mark a class as a data class which's data will be stored in the file
  • A Path annotation used to mark a field as a field which's data will be stored under the specified section
  • A ConfigKey annotation used to mark a string field as a config key, used to differentiate between objects in files
  • A StaticConfig annotation used to mark a class as a class which's static field will be saved in a configuration file
  • A ConfigManager class used for writing and reading data from config files!

Documentation on the API is coming soon, along with 1.1 official release!
Keep in mind that this is not yet the release, meaning that this is used for testing and shouldn't yet be used in production until I make sure that all bugs have been cleared up and 1.1 is ready for release!


08 Dec 16:20
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Here it is! The first release version! Supports the Inventory API, Event Listener+Handler API, Enchantment API, Command API, Items API, Mongo and MySQL API, Serealization API (WIP), Utils and the Updater API!

Changes from 1.0-RC3

  • Added useful methods to InventoryGUI and Utils
  • Fixed PlayerHeadItem so that player heads will now work with OfflinePlayer UUIDs

1.0 Release Candidate 3

03 Dec 14:07
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  • Fixed small bugs
  • Added a few useful methods and fields
  • Added Javadocs to BukkitUtils

1.0 Release Candidate 2

23 Nov 17:52
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  • Fixed bugs in Utils and Mongo API
  • Mongo classes would only return data from the first document, this is now fixed
  • Renamed Mongo API methods to plural for accuracy and made them return lists
  • Added Javadocs to most methods and built them as a JAR

1.0 Release Candidate 1

21 Nov 21:35
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  • Added a MongoDB API
  • Finished PlayerUtils
  • Finished ItemUtils
  • Added BukkitUtils
  • Added Version API (previously separate, now part of BukkitUtils)
  • Fixed minor bugs

Most of the features originally planned for the library are done! Meaning that the plugin/library is ready to get out of Beta and step into actual releases, but before that, here's an RC instead of the actual release, just to make sure that the final 1.0 release is as bug-free as possible, I'll release release candidates until I'm sure that the features currently in are stable enough for production! There are still plans for updates after 1.0, like a Custom Recipe API, Config API, HTTP API, Perms API, and so on, but those are things that are already straightforward enough with either vanilla Spigot/Bukkit or an external library, and aren't really that necessary for SpigotAdditions specifically, but it would be nice to have, so they might be implemented once the current features are fully stable and properly implemented!

0.3.1 - Utils WIP and Various Fixes!

13 Nov 20:29
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  • Added Utils package (will contain more Util classes in the future)
  • Added ItemUtils (Work-In-Progress)
  • Added PlayerUtils (Work-In-Progress)
  • Fixed various bugs

0.3 - Serealizers, LinkedGUIButtons, breaking changes and bugfixes!

09 Nov 19:00
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  • Added JSONSerealizer and YAMLSerealizer interfaces for creating custom serealizers
  • Added ItemSerealizer class for serealizing ItemStacks to JSON and/or YAML (more coming soon!)
  • Added LinkedGUIButton class for connecting a button of one InventoryGUI to another
  • Breaking changes to EnchantmentWrappers and more
  • Fixed various bugs