look at the free version of https://deviceatlas.com/pricing?form=cloud-free
improve design
- highlight the url on the host page
- get a color scheme
automate https certificate renewal
build out account features to remember previous UAs
- allow account creation
- use bcrypt
- consider allowing oauth (optional)
- allow logging in
- remember logged-in status in a cookie (optional, but desired)
- allow url customization
- identify custom URLs
- different prefix vs anon's
- no prefix - check performance impact, consider preloading list into mem
- on custom hit, store in db (probably as a new doc)
- allow account creation
offer free open-source accounts
charge money for pro & business accounts
look into https://github.com/googleanalytics/autotrack#loading-autotrack-via-npm
figure out how to make antifreeze work
get useragent.io
- make https work there