We are not 100% Scurm Nor Kanban
we have tried to capture many good ideas from both but our process is slightly different
In Xtreme programming stores are called user stories and are small, our stories are rather big and group related feature requests & bugs & tasks.
Our Stories have a strict owner who makes sure the story gets executed.
As such our requirements need to be well defined but high level.
Our breakdown in small pieces is done by feature requests which are on repo level, but the story aggregates it.
Scrum is no longer time boxed
Here we accepted the Kanban mechanism where work is effort/process boxed not time boxed like in scrum.
We create a milestone, appoint an owner for that milestone and then put story cards underneith that milestone.
The milestone is managed using a Kanban board this allows stakeholders to see immediate impact & priorities.
This is in strict contrast to scrum which is 100% time boxed per team.
Milestones can go over teams.
You can’t perform that action at this time.