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Does the standard CheerpJ Non Commercial Licence allow me to do non-commercial purposes such as non-commercial applications or internal technology evaluation?

Yes, you can perform technical evaluations using the CheerpJ AOT compiler and linking the CheerpJ Runtime hosted on the Leaning Technologies Limited cloud.

However, according to this licence, you CANNOT have commercial use of your product using the CheerpJ AOT compiler.

So what does the CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence allow in addition?

This dedicated licence allows you to distribute the library "plantuml-core.jar.js" which has been built by CheerpJ AOT compiler with your own library.

It ONLY applies to the official plantuml-core.jar.js file distributed on PlantUML website, and must be used alongside the CheerpJ Runtime hosted on the Leaning Technologies cloud.

So you can build your own library based on plantuml-core.jar.js and distribute it, as long as you integrate the text of the CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence in your own licence.

This CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence grants specific rights as End User Licence Agreement:

  • Evaluation of your library.
  • Non commercial use of your library.
  • Internal use of your library within your organization without any commercial use or publication of the output created with your library.

To benefit from this special licence, you must display the message "Powered by CheerpJ, a Leaning Technologies Java tool" and the CheerpJ logo somewhere in the page that is running thanks to your library.

So can I install and use plantuml-core.jar.js on the intranet (internal network) of my organization?

Yes, as long as you are running it for internal usage only and that you do not have a commercial use of the output created with your library and that you do not publish the output created with that tool.

You must also ensure that the message "Powered by CheerpJ, a Leaning Technologies Java tool" and the CheerpJ logo is visible for end users.

And can I install and use some third-part library or product that depends on plantuml-core.jar.js inside my organization?

Yes, as long as you are running it for internal usage only and that you do not have a commercial use of the output created with this third-part library and that you do not publish the output created.

You must also ensure that the message "Powered by CheerpJ, a Leaning Technologies Java tool" and the CheerpJ logo is visible for end users.

Can I build some software that uses plantuml-core.jar.js directly or through some third-part library and sell it?

No, you cannot. This is a commercial usage which is not covered by the CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence. If you would like to do so, you have to request for a dedicated licence from Leaning Technologies Limited at [email protected].

Can I self-host the CheerpJ Runtime instead of having to use the runtime hosted by Leaning Technologies?

If you want to host a self-hosted CheerpJ Runtime, you will need to request a dedicated licence from Leaning Technologies Limited at [email protected].

Can I provide a service on the Internet which would be running thanks to plantuml-core.jar.js?

To be able to do so, your service must be open sourced by some license recognized by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

Your service must also be completely free and not intended for any commercial usage.

And finally, you must also ensure that the message "Powered by CheerpJ, a Leaning Technologies Java tool" and the CheerpJ logo is visible for all end users on all pages that run thanks to CheerpJ.

Can I patch or modify the plantuml-core.jar.js file and use this new library according to the CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence?

No, you cannot. The CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence ONLY applies to the beta and official releases provided by PlantUML.

Still, you can retrieve official PlantUML Java sources and use the CheerpJ AOT compiler to build your own plantuml-core.jar.js file. But you MUST NOT modify those Java sources if you want the CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence to be applied.

Can I add another .jar.js file to my own library and benefit from the CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence?

No, you cannot. The CheerpJ for PlantUML Licence ONLY applies to the beta and official releases provided by PlantUML.

Is there any information sent to Leaning Technologies or PlantUML when I use the runtime?

No, nothing is sent from your browser. Everything is generated locally. The runtime is hosted on a CDN which cannot receive any data.