Contributions to this repo are welcome. Please follow the following guidelines:
- Please fork the project using the fork button at the top of this page ☝️
- Make your proposed changes inside your fork.
- Test your build locally (see below)
- Commit to your fork.
- Follow the GitHub Guidelines on creating a pull request.
- Please be as descriptive as necessary in your PR.
- Ensure that img tags have alt attributes populated (for accessibility)
- The main page's left hand side sidebar is edited at _includes/_sidebar.html
- The navigational links at the top of the pages are at _data/_navigation.yml
- Event pages are under events; other main pages are under pages
In both of options described below the website will be served with livereload, which means your changes should be automatically reflected on the browser after you save them.
Unless stated otherwise, the website will be served at https://localhost:4000.
Install ruby and the project dependencies, then run the command:
jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml --livereload
If you have docker installed in your machine, you can run the development environment with the following commands on the root of the repository:
docker-compose up
- for Docker on linux or Docker Desktop (Windows or Mac)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-toolbox.yml
- for Docker Toolbox (legacy solution for older Mac and Windows systems)- The website will be available at
https://<docker machine ip>:4000
, which is typically - you can discover the ip with the commanddocker-machine ip
- The website will be available at
In both cases a Docker image will be build on the first time you run the commands, this step can take a few minutes.
- Do this once when you've checked out your fork of the main ISC repo:
git remote add upstream
- Do this to rebase the fork with the main ISC repo:
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master
- Make your changes and test/check them
- Push them to your fork
git add <files>
git commit -m "comment" <files>
git push origin master
- At this point, I usually go to the github web page for my fork to create the PR
Travis CI has been configured - so your change will be built and tested when you create a PR
- Install ruby
- Install bundler gem
- Run
bundle install
- Run
jekyll build -s <master branch location> -d <gh-pages location>
sudo apt install ruby ruby-bundler ruby-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
bundle install --path vendor/build
bundle exec jekyll build -d ./_site
- When merging a PR, ensure that you create a merge commit - this will ensure that travis kicks off and publishes the change.