Classes related to networking. For example,
sending emails through SMTP, connecting or
creating TCP/UDP servers, getting network
interfaces and perform netmask calculations, etc.
Follow the instructions on the last published version in maven repository
By using this class, you can be sure the emails conform with the expected format.
try {
Email email = new Email("some@example-com")
} catch(EmailMalformedException e) {
Log.e("Email was not correct", e)
Class to send emails using SMTP server. For convenience, you can set up most of the settings in the configuration file:
# file:
# If port 465 or 587 are used, encryption settings will be added automatically
# If no username is set, authentication will be disabled
mail.smtp.from[email protected]
mail.smtp.fromName=Sender Name
mail.smtp.replyTo[email protected]
# If most or all of the messages are destined to a single account:
mail.smtp.defaultTo[email protected]
# When true, it will only report in logs and it won't send the message
Smtp smtp = new Smtp()
smtp.addAttachment(new File("manual.pdf"))
if(smtp.send(new Email("[email protected]"), "This is a test", "Please ignore this message")) {
Log.i("Mail sent successfully")
// Other options:
smtp.sendDefault(subject, body)
smtp.send(listOfAddresses, subject, body)
Convert format from and to MacAddress format:
Note: although it is usually used with networking, this class can be used in any other context in which you need to handle pairs of hexadecimal values.
From String to binary array
MacAddress mac = MacAddress.fromString("3F:1A:99:05:3C:1B") //it will be stored as byte[]
byte[] bytes = mac.bytes
println bytes // [63, 42, 143, 5, 60, 27]
From binary array to String:
MacAddress mac = new MacAddress(
bytes : [63, 42, 143, 5, 60, 27] as byte[],
separator : '-', // Default ':'
upperCase : false // Default true
println mac.toString() // 3f-2a-99-05-3c-1b
From String to String:
MacAddress mac = MacAddress.fromString("3F-1a-99-05-3c-1B") // mixed case, any separator, any length
mac.separator = ''
println mac.toString() // 3F1A99053C1B
Useful methods about networking
// Get all IPs in a range
List<Inet4Address> addresses = Network.getIpsFromRange("")
// Get all network interfaces
List<NetFace> interfaces = Network.networkInterfaces()
Simple representation of a Network Interface, it stores:
- Interface name
- Mac Address
- IP (Inet4Address and Inet6Address)
Simple to use FTP client wrapper of FTPClient
from Apache Commons
# By default the client will use 'passive' mode, you can change it with:
FtpClient ftp = new FtpClient(ip, port, user, pass, path)
if (ftp.connect()) {"pictures")
List<String> files = ftp.listFiles()
File file = ftp.getFile(files.first())
BufferedImage img = ftp.getImage(files.last())
TCP servers and clients implemented using java ServerSocket
TCPServer server = new TCPServer(port, {
String clientCommand ->
/* do something with the command */
return "pong" //Response
TCPClient client = new TCPClient(serverIP, port)
client.sendRequest(new Request("ping", {
Response response ->
if(response.sent) {
println response.toString() //output: "pong"
UDP server is an implementation of Java DatagramSocket
UDPServer server = new UDPServer(port, {
String clientCommand ->
return "pong" // response
UDPClient client = new UDPClient(serverIP, port)
client.send("ping", {
String response ->
println response // output: "pong"