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英语残酷共学第 1 期残酷指引

⚠️ 正式开始前请确保你在身体上和精神上都处于合适的状态,请刻意练习,残酷面对 🆒。

为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。


  • Developer
  • In recently years, I suddenly feel that English is very important for me. And it's necessary for web3. I like learning sth by my interest.
  • 体验共学的学习方式、流程 。

Do you think you will finish the whole CoLearning program?

Yes 100%



  • Dictation 14


  • scary mosquito
  • check out the answers 看看答案
  • be native to
  • where are you native to ?
  • tropic 热带
  • Vietnam 越南 Korea 韩国 Thailand Malaysia
  • palm trees 棕榈树 coconut 椰子
  • gotta 是have got to 简写
  • spread
  • sting 刺
  • kitten 小猫咪


  • Asian
  • mosquito
  • but in the


  • Dictation 15


  • repute 名声、名誉 reputation ,reputedly 据说
  • I'v heard , reputedly , Somebody told me , There's a rumor that 据说
  • clearly ,absolutly , without a doubt ,there's no question
  • Sponge Bob 海绵宝宝


  • in/on/at 在里面,在表面,在某点
  • 了解了比较级


今天看了一下其他共学人的笔记,发现自己的笔记实在是太差了^_^, 另外这些dictation 盲听,我基本听不懂,标准的英语我还能听个半解。 下面是收集其他学员的学习资料:


  • Dictation 3 ,4 重听


  • 我的:Terry what time you have ? I have 5 o'clock.
  • 答案:Jerry, what time do you have ? I have 5 o'clock.
  • 我的:There are 3 things I was learned ever discussed people,religon,politics and great ***.
  • 答案:There are 3 things I have learned Never to discuss with people; religion,politics and Great Pompkin!


  • blanket 毯子 ,
  • religion 宗教
  • Great pumpkin 老外对南瓜 很喜欢
  • genius 天才
  • Santa Claus 圣诞老人
  • Halloween


  • do you have 连读
  • I have 去掉 h


  • Dictation 5、6 重听


  • 我的:Don't let sb to tell you ,you can't do sth.
  • 答案:Don't ever let sb to tell you ,you can't do sth.
  • 我的:I have come here to chu bublegum and kick ass. and all out of bublegum .
  • 答案:


  • Strong 发音: S、N、L
  • Weak 发音:d t th
  • You an(d) I :n cancel d
  • in(t)ernational
  • don't : n cancel t
  • le(t) : le
  • and I'm : an-ahm-al I'm 发: 啊m
  • out of : outta


  • alien


  • Dictation 7、8 重听


  • 我的:she got her life,just leave moment.
  • 答案:The sceret of life is just to live every moment.
  • 我的:An other rougn trader has cost bank billions.
  • 答案:Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.


  • live every moment
  • carpe diem
  • sieze the day
  • regret 后悔
  • casino 赌场
  • investment
  • amateur 业余的


  • Dictation 9、10 重听


  • 我的:Gen roft ,is the man most pringc。 He is got 453.
  • 答案:German,Rolf Buchol ,is the man with the most piercings he‘s got 453.
  • 我的:A satellite was broken here *** 20 years ago, but nobody knows where they hit.
  • 答案:A satellite that was carried to space aboard the Shuttle Discorvery 20 years ago, is about to fall to Earth, but nobody knows where the debreis will hit.


  • piercings
  • satellite 卫星
  • shuttle 航天飞机
  • aboard
  • be about to do 将要做什么
  • Jewish 犹太人的


  • Dictation 11、12 重听


  • 我的:It's lofty,probably impossbile goal.
  • 答案:It's lofty,probably impossbile goal.
  • 我的:New York **** for to school. in a daynight double,wensday.
  • 答案:New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night doublehead Wednesday.


  • thumbs up to you.
  • lofty
  • championship 锦标赛
  • muppets


  • Dictation 13 重听


  • 我的: hansen ,create *** is born ***。
  • 答案:Jim Henson,creator of the muppets-from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street is born in Greenville Mississippi.


  • muppet 木偶
  • Kermit the frog 青蛙
  • Sesame Street 芝麻街
  • Greenville 格林威尔
  • Mississippi 密西西比州
  • mosquito 蚊子


  • Dictation 14、15 重听


  • 我的:Asian Tiger mosquitos named *** South east .but past few years ,they spread all course South east of US.
  • 答案:Asian Tiger mosquitoes are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia,but in the past few years they've spread all across the southeastern US.
  • 我的:Cats likes have 9 lifes,he clearly wanted to spent one of them .here in New York city.
  • 答案:Cats reputedly have 9 lives, and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of them here in New York City.


  • native to
  • tropics 热带地区
  • Southeast Asian 东南亚
  • southeastern 东南的
  • Asian 亚洲的, Asia 亚洲
  • supposedly reputedly
  • sponge 海绵


  • Dictation 16、17 重听


  • 我的:基本写不出, *** unable to
  • 答案:The frantic pacing--scene changes every 11 seconds on average--often leads kids zoned out and spun up;unable to concentrate .
  • 我的:bad so and *** ,The philipings has been hit second by typhoon in a week.
  • 答案:Battered,soaked and flooded; the philipings is being hit by its 2nd typhoon in a week.


  • pacing : speed
  • frantic : loss of control 手忙脚乱的,忙乱的 frantic day
  • extremely =very,extreme 极端的 ,goto extreme 走极端
  • I‘m extremely sorry for that.
  • The beers left me drunk.
  • zone out 走神,my mind was gone。
  • concentrate 集中精神,专注 focus ,concentration
  • clear up, spun up, shut up, eat up
  • hyper 超级, hyperactive 极度活跃 hypertext
  • Philippines 菲律宾, Pacific Ocean 太平洋的
  • Atlantic Ocean 大西洋
  • typhoon 台风 huge flood, bad flood
  • constantly ,repeatedly
  • continue ,continuous ,continuously 连续不断的
  • stray dog ,流浪狗


  • Dictation 18、19 重听


  • 我的:A few years ago.There are be thought useless past the prime,not now.
  • 答案:A few years ago there were thought to be useless past their prime--not now;
  • 我的:If you are breathing,it is not too late,get up and get going.
  • 答案:


  • past their prime, in my prime
  • rescue dog
  • lack energy ,depressed
  • retired


  • alcohol 酒精
  • pathetic 可怜的
  • mutable 可变的,immutable


  • Dictation 20、21 重听


  • 我的:67 years old grandpa ,has been found lie **** six day, bottom of vin.
  • 答案:A 67 years old grandpa, has been found alive after being stuck for 6 days,at the bottom of ravine.
  • 我的:Saturday an *** plane crashed *** in Australia ,*** somehow ,no one player hurt.
  • 答案:Saturday an ultralight plane crashed into a Ferris wheel at a rural festiral in Australia yet somehow on one on the amusement rid nor the plane hurt.


  • stuck for the meeting
  • ravine
  • sharp down
  • really scary story ,but happy ending
  • Ferris wheel
  • urban
  • somehow magically




  • Dictation 22、23


  • 我的:hidi one *** cute but confused look.
  • 答案:Heidi won the world over with her forever cute but slightly confused look.
  • 我的:The project **put my mind *** completely by 2016.
  • 答案:The project to put them online is expected to be completd by 2016.


  • win the world over with my english
  • cross eye
  • slighthly : a little
  • confuse 困惑
  • archaeology 考古学
  • is expected to be completed
  • cheat 作弊


  • Dictation 24


  • 我的:hidi one *** cute but confused look.
  • 答案:An alleged SAT cheating scandal has been uncovered at a prestigious Long Island high school. This college student is accused of taking the college entrance exam for at least 6 students.


  • allege 断言,指控
  • criminal, cheater ,murder
  • scandal 丑闻 sex scandal
  • tiger wood ,
  • the most common 最普遍的
  • uncover 揭示 discover 发现,
  • prestigious 有声望的
  • prosecutor 检察官
  • idiot 白痴, 注意发音
  • the college entrance exam 入学考试
  • accuse 控告,


  • Dictation 25 、26


  • 我的:****, cool night ,it was 69 du at the start of game.
  • 答案:St. Louis takes the World Series opener on a cool night, it was 69 du at the start of game.
  • 我的:The search of missing *** under flight line ** some in tears.
  • 答案:They searched for the missing throughout the night under generator-powered flood lights. as family members waited by the moonze of debris --some in tears.


  • St. Louis 圣路易斯 ,Gateway Arch 大拱门
  • the gateway to the west .
  • the World Series ,the best seven
  • champion
  • kind of cool 注意发音 ,
  • religious 宗教的,indured 受伤的
  • all through the night 整个晚上
  • flood light 探照灯, debris 碎片


  • Dictation 27 、28


  • 我的:It's kind for you look for too,*****you know someone you think abuout this word **just fine.
  • 答案:It's the kind of things you look forward to instead of ,you know ,some workouts you dread and you think of it as work and this is just fun.
  • 我的:super hero ** bigger this year ** movie like ** the green lantern。
  • 答案:superhero costumes ,as usual,are big this year--especially from recently movies like Thor and the Green lantern. as family members waited by the moonze of debris --some in tears.


  • yoga 瑜伽
  • workout exercise
  • look forward to intend of
  • i like the chest exercise. 胸部训练
  • wrinkles 皱纹
  • custom 风俗、习惯 custome 演戏的服装 ,cosplay =costume play
  • Indian 印第安人 ,印度人 ,Native Indians 土著印第安人
  • cow boy 牛仔,hobo 流浪汉 pirate 海盗
  • lantern


  • Dictation 29、30


  • 我的:It's a pain,cuz my fridge is *** and food gone.
  • 答案:It's a pain ,cus my fridge is I dumped it today and the food's gone.
  • 我的:simple going buy the book **** accident。
  • 答案:He says he was simply going by the book when it comes to landing without gear, and that he and his fellow pilots train for these type of accident。


  • electricty 电力
  • fridge 冰箱
  • dump = throw it away 还有 甩掉 ,拟声词
  • tragedy 悲剧 suffering 遭受苦难的事情
  • pilot in Poland
  • modest 谦虚的 gear 机械装置
  • by the book 按规则做事 regarding 关于


  • Dictation 31


  • 我的:It's vagetable like or hate, **** some kinds of cancer.
  • 答案:It's the vagetable some love to hate! but now a new breed of broccoli --super broccoli--developed in Britain may protect against heart disease--even some kinds of cancer.


  • broccoli 西兰花
  • love to hate 非常hate
  • Britain 英国
  • protect against heart disease 防止心脏病


  • Dictation 32


  • 我的:shut down statuday ****
  • 答案:Mayor Sam Adams ordered that the camp be shut down Saturday citing unhealthy conditions and the attraction of drug dealers and thieves.


  • unsanitary =dirty
  • attraction 吸引力
  • It's deal 成交, deal with ,dealer 经销商
  • drug 毒品(通常为 ) cocaine 可卡因 heroin 海洛因
  • heroine 女主角
  • tsunami 海啸 nuclear 原子的,原子核的


  • Dictation 33


  • 我的:***takes 30 years *** return to the area
  • 答案:A preliminary goverment report predicts it'll take 30 years or more to safely decommission the facility and it could be decades before nearby residents who were forced to flee can return to the area.


  • predict 预言, pre-dict
  • preliminary 初步的 ,预先的
  • commission 正式委托 decommission 正式停止委托
  • facility 设备 ,设施
  • decades 十年
  • residents 居民
  • flee =run away
