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英语残酷共学第 1 期残酷指引

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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。


之前主要做人工智能AI相关的算法工作,做的算法方向比较杂,诸如自然语言处理、搜索算法(搜索建议词推荐)以及营销算法(会员转化、分发优惠劵等)。 想通过学英语更好进入web3或者出国深造。

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  • 语言学习的本质
    • 语言表达一定程度上会决定别人的印象分。
      • 学习双方都能理解的表达方式和表达思维,比如英文的思维习惯是从细节到具体(地址先说门牌号最后是国家,日期先说天最后是年份)
    • 语言受限于表达能力,对意识、知识的传递是有损的,尤其是翻译。
      • 语言的表达不能通过转换为自己知道的语言再转换,一是存在信息折损,二是思考过程的速度影响交流的时效性。
  • 如何构建一个识别英语的程序
    • 语言交流是听说读写:
      • 输入:听力识别器 + 视力识别器
      • 中间件:理解器
      • 输出:口语表达器和书写表达器
  • 如何训练自己的英语
    • 做好自己的Benchmark评估,然后设置目标,目标最好是可衡量的(比如PTE考试)
    • 老师说的不一定对,要跟自己的知识进行对比,合理质疑,确认无误后吸收(不是白纸比白纸的修正难度更高)
      • 扩充语料库
        • 从一个单词举例:
          • 第一步:全方面认识单词
          • 第二步:闪卡复习单词
          • 第三步:重复第二步
          • 第四步:第N遍,掌握单词
      • 发音和听力
        • 音标:最基础的语音语料库
        • 发音:纠音+大量训练,关键是嘴形、舌头位置、气息相互配合产生声音
          • 具体方法:
            • 影子跟读
            • 泛听
            • 精听
      • 英语思维
        • 唯一方法:转述
          • 具体方案:
            • 听力 -> 转述 -> 说
            • 阅读 -> 转述 -> 写

todo: 1、单词量测试工具: 2、快速刷新一下英语语法(从 0 开始学习英语语法 ): 3、英语兔——重塑英语语法体系(48个标准美式发音): 4、开始每日英语听写(可26号开始)


1、单词量测试:3200words 2、英语语法(单词->句子成分->句子,不保证完全相等,但大部分是的,有助于语法体系建立):

  • 单词: | 名词性 | 动词性 | 名词性 | 形容词性 | 副词语 | 名词性或形容词性 | 词性不定 | 名词性 |

  • 句子成分: | 主语 | 谓语 | 宾语 | 定语 | 状语 | 表语 | 补语 | 同位语 |

  • 句子: | 主谓 主系表 主谓宾 主谓宾宾 主谓宾补 |

  • 十大词性:

    • 非重点:代词、数词、感叹词
    • 重点:
      • 实词:名词、副词、形容词、动词
      • 虚词:介词、连词、冠词
  • 八大句子成分:

    • 主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语、同位语、表语
  • 五大句型

    • 主谓
    • 主谓宾
    • 主谓补
    • 主谓宾宾
    • 主谓宾补
  • 形容词和名词

    • 前置定语,一般形式是限定词+形容词+名词,形容词之间的先后顺序:
      • | 美 | 小 | 圆 | 旧 | 黄 | 中国 | 木书 | 房 |
      • | 观点 | 尺寸 | 形状 | 新旧 | 颜色 | 国籍 | 材料 | 名词 |
    • 后置定语。
      • some-, any-, no-, every-,这些都要形容词后置
      • a-开头的单词,后置
      • 修饰词后置
    • 某些特殊形容词存在前置后置含义不同的情况
  • 副词

    • 形容词+ly
    • 不+ly,和形容词一样的
      • 总结:
        • 找到句子中的被修饰词
        • 判断其是名词还是其他词
        • 如果是名词,用形容词;如果是其他词(形容词副词动词),用副词。
  • 介词

    • 描述两个事物之间的相对关系
      • 强调在里面,用in
      • 强调在平面上,用on
      • 强调在某一个点,用at
  • 比较级

    • 一般的,去同存异就行
    • 注意比较对象
    • 跟自己比,时间不一样,过去式动词不能省略
    • 句子比较,去同存异可能会导致意思不一样

todo: 1、听写、听说训练:



  • Answer: Mother Preter who received the Nobel Piece Price for whole work for poor dessert in Indian, she is eighty seven years old.

  • Fix: Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Price for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in CalcuHa, India —— she was 87 years old.

  • Learn Point: (1)received a:received ⬇ a 连读; (2)on behalf of = for:on读 昂n,读昂n behalf ⬇️ of 连读ff; (3)dies,因为讲故事需要回到历史上的那个point,所以是dies;


  • Answer: Terry, what's time do you have? It's five o'clock.

  • Fix: Jerry, what time do you have? I have five o'clock.

  • Learn Point: (1)what time:连读what time,what的t不需要读,只需要保留第二个 (2)7个H原则(击穿效应):he、her、him、his、had、has、have —— /h/ sound cancel,it's cancellation. (3)I have 5(five):have的/v/和five的/f/需要连读,只需要保留第二个



  • Answer: There are three things that they never discuss with people relation with policy and green pabigen.

  • Fix: There are three things I have learned Never to discuss with people;religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin!

  • Learn Point: (1)There are:there的re和are的re连读,只需要保留第二个 (2)Never:这里的N需要重读 (3)to有7个不同的发音:to、tah、tuh、t'、dah、duh、d',never to这里的to读tuh (4)religion:宗教的 (5)politics:政治的 (6)Pumpkin:南瓜


  • Answer: Don't let somebody tell you,you can do something!

  • Fix: Don't ever let somebody tell you,you can't do something!

  • Learn Point: (1)三个strong sounds:S、N、L,三个weak sounds:d、t、h,意味着weak sounds遇到strong sounds,weak sounds会被cancel,比如you and i,快读的话就是 you an i,and的d被取消了 (2)Don't的t被取消 (3)let的t被取消,let = allow (4)can't的t被取消 (5)something读sump'n,直接读some,闭嘴巴


  • Answer: I have come here to pumpgun and kick us, and all the pumpgun.

  • Fix: I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and i'm all out of bubblegum!

  • Learn Point: (1)我来这里为了两个原因,一个是to chew bubblegum,一个是kick ass (2)chew:咀嚼 (3)bubblegum:泡泡糖 (4)kick ass:踢屁股 (5)to这里读成d'更顺畅 (6)and的d取消 (7)第二个and I'm,and的d取消,an I'm连读成ahm (8)out of连读成ottua(不读o读attua),整体读成an-ahm-al-outta bubblegum。


全网最适合中国人的免费音标课(纯干货, 超详细!):

  • 主要音标体系
    • International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标,最新的是IPA88
    • 标准英式英语 —— 丹尼尔.琼斯 DJ音标
    • 标准美式英语 —— 约翰.肯扬、托马斯.诺特 KK音标
    • 韦式词典 —— 韦式音标
      • 1、为什么要知道有多种不同的音标?解答音标的疑问而已
      • 2、到底学哪一套音标更好呢?搞清楚四套音标,选择一套就行,建议DJ音标,因为它被主流词典所使用,包括牛津词典、剑桥词典、朗文词典
      • 3、学美式英语,是否要学习KK音标呢?不太需要,有相通之处,只需要不搞混一些音标就行。
  • DJ音标讲解
    • 元音三要素:
      • 舌位的前后(发音时舌面隆起的最高点在口腔中的位置)、舌位的高低、嘴唇的圆唇度
        • 单元音
          • /iː/ 长音 /i/ 短音
          • /I/
          • /uː/ 长音 /u/ 短音
          • /ʊ/
          • /e/
          • /ɜː/
          • /ə/ 中央元音
          • /ʌ/
          • /ɔː/
          • /æ/
          • /ɑː/
          • /ɒ/
        • 双元音:
        • 辅音(DJ音标和KK音标的辅音发音没太大区别):
          • 清浊:发音时声带是否振动
          • 调音部位:发音时最主要用到的阻挡气流的发音器官
          • 调音方式:以什么样的方式阻塞气流发出辅音
            • /b/ 浊辅音 /p/ 清辅音
            • /d/ 浊辅音 /t/ 清塞音/清辅音
            • /g/ 浊辅音 /k/ 清塞音/清辅音
            • /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ 浊音
            • /v/ 浊辅音 /f/ 清音/摩擦音
            • /z/ 浊辅音 /s/ 清音/摩擦音
            • /ð/ 浊辅音 /θ/ 清辅音
            • /ʒ/ 浊辅音 /ʃ/ 清辅音
            • /dʒ/ 浊辅音 /tʃ/ 清辅音/塞擦音
            • /h/ 清音/擦音
            • /w/ 浊音/半元音/近音
            • /r/ 浊音/擦音/近音
            • /j/ 浊音/半元音/近音
            • /l/ 清晰L /l/ 模糊L,发音发清晰L的一半
            • /dz/ 浊辅音 /ts/ 清辅音(辅音连缀,有些并未收录)
            • /dr/ 浊辅音 /tr/ 清辅音(辅音连缀,有些并未收录)


  • Answer: Single of his life is just five minutes.

  • Fix: The secret of life is just to live every moment.

  • Learn Point: (1)secret of:辅音连读 (2)life is:连读 (3)just:通常读成juss (4)to:/t'/ (5)live every:连读


  • Answer: Another roal trader cost bank billions.

  • Fix: Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.

  • Learn Point: (1)Another rogue,两个r,只保留第二r (2)rogue:流氓 (3)cost a:连读 (4)cost a bank billions = lost billions of dollars for a bank.


  • Answer: Genmale roles of boco tooth the man of piearings, he is got 453.

  • Fix: German, Rolf Buchholz, is the man with the most piercings; he's(has) got 453!

  • Learn Point: (1)is the:连读,zuh (2)with the:连读,只保留第二个 (3)most:连读,取消t (4)piercings:打孔 (5)hundred:hu-nerd


ask for leave:请假



  • Answer: A satlitlite was carried to the space, but the shout of gariway 2000 years ago about the fourth words, but nobody knows the world to here.

  • Fix: A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discovery to 20 years ago is about to fall to Earth, but nobody knows where the debris will hint.

  • Learn Point: (1)satellite that:连读,只需要保留第二个th (2)carried to:连读,省略ed,直接读carri to (3)aboard the:连读,省略th,直接读aboard (4)twenty years ago:连读,twenty中的t取消 years ago (5)is about to = almost ready to fall, 连读is about to, 只需要保留第二个t (6)fall to的to读d' (7)debris读d'-bree



  • Answer: It's a loft probably impossible goal.

  • Fix: It's a lofty probably impossible goal.

  • Learn Point: (1)It's a:连读IS A (2)lofty:崇高的,句子简化应该是It's a lofty(probably impossible) goal


  • Answer: New York's swaste by adaticol four to schools in the daynight double hit Wensiday.

  • Fix: New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4-2 score in a day-night doubleheader Wednesday.

  • Learn Point: (1)swept the:连读,保留第二个 (2)sweep by some numbers (3)identical:读 (4)a day-night doubleheader:means two games in one day, one game in afternoon, one game in evening. (5)4-2:读four 'd two (5)句子简化为:New York swept the doubleheader Wednesday.



  • Answer: Gemma Hansen created the marbenci from the current farm to missibery is warning in the missibi.

  • Fix: Jim henson, creator of the Mupeets - from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street - is born in Greenville, Mississippi.

  • Learn Point: (1)句子简化为:Jim henson is born in Greenville, Mississippi. (2)Mississippi:密西西比州,Greenville是个小镇town (3)creator of the:其中f可以省略 (4)muppets:布偶,比如芝麻街 (5)Kermit the Frog青蛙克米特 (6)Sesame Street:芝麻街


ask for leave:请假



  • Answer: Age Tiger mistule snipped the chopsticks South Aias, but the past year from all the across to the Unites.

  • Fix: Asian Tiger mosquitoes are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia, but in the past few years they've spread all across the southeastern United States.

  • Learn Point: (1)native to:to读d' (2)tropics:热带地区 (3)but in the past few:bu' in-nuh pas few


  • Answer: Cat repucature nine lifes and he carry one of the spentless of them, here in NewYork city.

  • Fix: Cats reputedly have 9 lives, and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of them (uh) here in New York city.

  • Learn Point: (1)reputedly=supposedly:听说 (2)clearly=absolutely=without a doubt=there's no question:清晰明了地 (3)wanted to:连读时wanted读成waned,to读d (4)at least:连读a least (5)one of them:连读则one o them, them指的是their lifes。


  • Answer: The fretic pics seem changes in 11 seconds on the every age often leaves kids ...

  • Fix: The frantic pacing - scene changes every 11 seconds on average - often leaves kids zoned out and spun up; unable to concentrate.

  • Learn Point: (1)frantic pacing:frantic means loss of control (no control,比如现在股票市场或者新闻是frantic),pacing means speed,放在一起意味着快速失控 (2)句子可以简化为:The frantic pacing often leaves kids zoned out and spun up。 (3)scene changes every 11 seconds on average:这句话描述的是frantic pacing;changes every 连读,seconds on average 连读 (4)zoned out: means spaced out 走神(mind is gone) (5)spun up:启动(比如clean up means clean perfectly, completely clean),spun原型为spin,类似wound, 原型为wind(想象转动手表指针)。 (6)unable to:to读d' (7)concentrate:聚精会神 (8)unable to concentrate:表示结果,原因是 The frantic pacing often leaves kids zoned out and spun up。



  • Answer: Bad solt and flow ... the ... been happening second typhoon in the week.

  • Fix: Battered, soaked and flooded; the Philippines is being hit by its 2nd typhoon in a week.

  • Learn Point: (1)Battered, soaked and flooded:遍体鳞伤,浑身湿透,洪水泛滥;soaked的ed读t,

  • battered means to be constantly hit, always repeatedly.
  • soaked means to be drenched(湿透了) in water, completely wet with water.
  • flood is when there is so much rain that a river or a lake overflows and goes into the streets and into our homes, and into our fields and goes into the streets and into our homes, and into our fields. water goes, and gets higher and higher, when water shouldn't to be. So water goes where is not supposed to be water, and it gets higher and higher. (2)Philippines:菲律宾 (3)2nd typhoon:连读为senc typhoon.


  • Answer: A few years ago, there was thought useless past prine not now.

  • Fix: A few years ago, they were thought to be useless - past their prime - not now.

  • Learn Point: (1)they:指代stray dogs 流浪犬,rescue dos搜救犬 (2)were thought to = were considered to (3)past their prime:过了壮年


ask for leave:请假



  • Answer: If you are bring things, it is not too late. Get going!

  • Fix: If you are breathing, it is not too late! Get up and get going!

  • Learn Point: (1)If you are:连读可以I few are (2)breathing:呼吸


  • Answer: A sixty seven years old grandpa has been found alive after stuff 6 days in the bottom of the villa.

  • Fix: A 67-year-old grandpa has been found alive after being stuck for 6 days at the bottom of the a ravine.

  • Learn Point: (1)grandpa:连读granpa (2)has been:been读ben (3)stuck:卡住了, it means to be in a place. or you cannot leave。 (4)ravine:峡谷



  • Answer: Saturday is also play the crash to fresl at the will festival in the Australia, yet some how no one in the museum know the plan with her.

  • Fix: Saturday, an ultralight plane crashed into a Ferris wheel at a rural festival in Australia, yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plane was hurt.

  • Learn Point: (1)ultralight:超轻的 (2)Ferris wheel:摩天轮 (3)rural festival:城市的节日,rural=urban (4)somehow:means magically (5)amusement ride:游乐设施


  • Answer: Heidi wants to walk over with her kids, but it is likely confused look.

  • Fix: Heidi won the world over with her forever cute but slightly confused look.

  • Learn Point: (1)won 。。。over with:以什么赢得 (2)句子简化为:Heidi won the world over with her cute look. (3)look = expression = appearance (4)slightly confused look:连读为slighly confuse look



  • Answer: The project put a line except the completely by 2016.

  • Fix: The project to put them online is excepted to be completed by 2016.

  • Learn Point: (1)the project to: 连读the project, to读t'省略 (2)put them online is excepted: 需要连读 (3)them:指代The Dead Sea Scrolls 死海古卷 (4)句子简化为The project is excepted to be completed。 (5)excepted = thought = anticipated (6)completed = finished = done


  • Answer: Annolege SAT cheating scroll is covered president Allen Tai School is count students quite taking collgent and example, this 16 students.

  • Fix: An alleged SAT cheating scandal has been uncovered at a prestigious Long Island high school. This college student is accused of taking the college entrance exam for at least six students.

  • Learn Point: (1)alleged:所谓的 (2)scandal:丑闻 (3)prestigious:著名的, = important = famous,读成presteegous /preˈstiːdʒəs/ (4)prosecutor:检察官 (5)student is:连读为studen is
    (6)is accused of:被指控 (7)taking the:连读为taking nuh,the读成nuh (8)students:连读为studens



  • Answer: Sam Loris takes the world series open on a cool night. He was 49 degrees at the start of the game.

  • Fix: St. Louis takes the World Series opener on a cool night. It was 49 degrees at the start of the game.

  • Learn Point: (1)takes the world series opener on a cool night:连读takes e World series opener on a (2)at the start of:连读 (3)It:指代temperature (4)Fahrenheit 华氏温度,celcius 摄氏度,49degrees F = 9.4degrees C


  • Answer: It is searching the missing xx night under the general power of flow lights as a family waited amount of degrees montiters.

  • Fix: They searched for the missing throughout the night under generator-powered flood lights as family members waited by the mounds of debris - some in tears.

  • Learn Point: (1)catastrophe:灾难 (2)they:指代rescuers,the search and rescue teams (3)throughout the night = all night (4)flood lights:探照灯,比如incandescent lights电灯泡、desk lamps书桌灯、table lamps 台灯、flash lights手电筒、pen light电光笔 (5)as:这里等于 while (6)by the mounds of debris:在成堆的残骸旁,其中mounds=piles=mountains,mounds读mounze,连读为mounze d'bree (7)searched for:连读serche for (8)lights:读成lighs 或者 lice



  • Answer: It's a kind thing that you look for something in the world somehow to dressed and think of the world connect just find.

  • Fix: It's the kind of thing you look forward to instead of, you know, some workouts you dread and you think of it as work and this is just fun!

  • Learn Point: (1)it:指代hanging yoga 悬挂瑜伽 (2)things = exercise (3)instead of:后面其实隐含跟着not looking forward to (4)you know:在英语中是无用的 useless (5)workouts 锻炼,训练 = exercise regime 运动方案 (6)dread:畏惧,害怕 dread losing something (7)It's the kind of thing:连读Is the kind o thing (8)workouts:连读workous (9)and you:an jou (10)just fun:连读jus fun


  • Answer: Super hero class dream that usually at the baby's year especially at the movies, like The Sor and The Green Latter.

  • Fix: Superhero costumes, as usual, are big this year - especially from recent movies like Thor and The Green Lantern。

  • Learn Point: (1)costumes:服装 /ˈkɑːstuːmz/ (2)big = popular (3)Thor:雷神 (4)The Green Lantern:绿灯侠 (5)recent movies:连读recen movies



  • Answer: It's a pain because of the freeze day, and foods gone.

  • Fix: It's a pain 'cuz my fridge is ... I dumped it today and food's gone.

  • Learn Point: (1)a pain = difficult (2)'cuz:读cos (3)fridge = refrigerator 冰箱 (4)dumped it today:today读t',it 指代the food in the fridge (5)and the:读en-na


  • Answer: It is simply going back the abroad without landing the airport here and he start the planet train for this type of accident.

  • Fix: He says he was simply going by the book when it comes to landing without year, and that he and his fellow pilots train for these types of incidents.

  • Learn Point: (1)simply = just (2)fellow pilot:同行飞行员 (3)incidents:偶发事件 = accident 意外 = bad situation 逆境,连读时,读成incidens (4)and that:连读en-na (5)train for:连读train fer



  • Answer: It is the vegetable that son love and hate,but now new bread broccoli and super broccoli developed the great map te。。 co.. even some cancel.

  • Fix: It is the vegetable some love to hate! But now a new bread of broccoli - super broccoli - developed in Britain may protect against heart disease - even some kinds of cancer.

  • Learn Point: (1)broccoli:西兰花菜 (2)is the:连读is e (3)some love to hate:some指代some people, (4)new bread = new type (5)heart disease:心脏疾病 (6)cancer:癌症


  • Answer: Mary Sam came to camping on Saturday ...

  • Fix: Mayor Sam Adams ordered that the camp be shut down Saturday citing unhealthy conditions and the attraction of drug dealers and thieves.

  • Learn Point: (1)shut down:means closed (2)citing:原词cite, 陈述原因,means stating the reasons of (3)drug:毒品,比如heroine 海洛因,cocaine 可卡因 (4)drug dealers:贩毒者 (5)thieves:小偷 (6)drug dealers and thieves:and读en



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  • Learn Point: (1)Fukashima:福岛


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听写笔记的方法和演示,以 为例,仅参考:

  1. 不看字幕,听写发音内容,不会的没关系,尽量写即可
  2. 反复听几遍,然后继续把内容进行完善,直到无法继续写出来

Mother terisa, who received a noble pice prize from her work on behalf of the pool of india 87 years old.

反复几遍直到听不出:Mother terisa, who received a Noble Pace Prize from her work on behalf of poor and dies of dia cacke in India, she was 87 years old.

  1. 到第二天或者查看答案,进行对比和完善总结,把不会的单词进行记录,跟读句子进行训练。

第二节答案:Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta India. She was 87 years old.


  • Teresa:人名,死记硬背
  • Nobel Peace Prize:诺贝尔和平奖。Pace 的发音跟 Peace 有区别,Pace 是步伐、速度的意思。
  • Calcutta:加尔各答,死记硬背