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英语残酷共学第 1 期残酷指引

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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。


[I'm Marcus, I've been working in the game industry for over 5 years and I'm currently working on an AI product for a game company. I started at Crypto at the end of 2016, and I'm very interested in Web3's governance, autonomy, and the various interesting projects that are going on here, and I'm motivated to learn English by the fact that I need to get a first-hand look at what's happening at Web3, as well as to fit in. I was motivated to learn English because I needed to get first-hand information about Web3, and to better integrate into the international ecosystem and establish communication with foreigners.]

Do you think you will finish the whole CoLearning program?

[Yes 100% or Maybe 100%]


What I heard

  1. one the family left by boat,will suffxxx by pariots, after years try, it was found in thiland

What he said

  1. When the Family left vietnam by boat, bound for thailand,but the boat was intercepted by pirates, After years of trying,the father located his son in thailand(一家人乘船离开越南,前往泰国,但船被海盗拦截。经过多年努力,父亲在泰国找到了儿子。)


intercepted - 截获 , vietnam - 越南 pirates - 海盗


What I heard

35。 It is fine,some penguins (后面连读的一段听起来很难)

What he said

  1. It's Great, It's Uh, Been a Little bit nerve-wracking,um, and it's been a long process to get here(很好,呃,有点紧张,嗯,来这里的过程很漫长)


penguins- 企鹅 s 的用法有很多,表归属,表进行 nerve-wracking - 令人紧张的


What I heard

  1. Toyota is a car more than have million make diffcult to stear

What he said

  1. Toyota is recalling more than half a million vehicles for problem that make could them diffculy to steer(丰田汽车因转向困难问题召回 50 多万辆汽车)


vehicles - 车辆 half of 中的 half 在日常英文中经常省略 vehicles - 车辆 steer -引导/驾驶


What I heard

  1. 50 away cheer broken glass ,It was a hoxxx, to be honest

What he said

  1. I was lifting, you know, chairs out of the way, broken glass uh, other sanitary items i don't want to get into, but uh,it was uh,horrific, to say the least(我当时在搬椅子、碎玻璃、其他我不想多说的卫生用品,但说起来还是很恐怖的。)


horrfic - 恐怖的, lifting - 拿起/掀开 , garbage - 垃圾 sanitary - 卫生的 items - 项目 terrific - 了不起 连读 out of - outta, want to - wanna


What I heard

  1. a prexxxx government report xxx it take and it could be decades before xxxx(几乎没听懂)

What he said

  1. A preliminary government report predicts it'll take 30 years or more to safely decommission the facility and it could be decades before nearby residents who were forced to flee can return to the area.(政府的一份初步报告预测,该设施需要 30 年或更长时间才能安全退役,而被迫逃离的附近居民可能要几十年后才能返回该地区。)


preliminary - 初步, predicts - 预测, decommission - 退役的, it take XX to do something, decades - 几十年,residents - 居民,flee-逃离,facility - 设施



形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词,形容词,副词,冠词 需要在 名词 前面; 介词 也需要和 名词 配合; 连词 同样也需要连接词语,短语或者句子 Uploading image.png…

介词:in 表示里面(in the house),on 表示在事务的表面(On the bus),at 把事物看成一个点(at the university) 比较级:zhanhuwei's article is longer than that of Mr' Bao,这里的比较指的是 article,所以不能直接用 (zhanhuwei's article is longer than Mr'Bao)

What I heard

  1. shut down satarday,drug dinner(基本上没听懂)

What He said

  1. Mayor sam adams ordered that the camp be shut down saturday citing unhealthy conditions and the attarction of drug dealers and thieves(市長山姆-亞當斯(Sam Adams)以不健康的環境以及毒販和盜賊的參與為由,下令週六關閉這個營地。)


citing - 引用,下文 demonstrators - 示威者 condition - 条件,attraction - 吸引


What I heard

  1. Eat this better vegatable broccoli,but now a new brind broccoli,a super broccoli,devlelopment in bristn, XXXXX,even some kinds cancer

What he said

  1. It is the vegatable some love to hate! But now a new breed of broccoli - super broccoli - developed in britain may protect against heart disease - even some kinds of cancer (这是一种让人又爱又恨的蔬菜!但现在,英国研发的新品种西兰花--超级西兰花--可以预防心脏病,甚至某些癌症。)


broccoli-西蓝花,disease-疾病,britain - 英国,Breed - 培养

listen again

It is the vegatable some love to hate! But now a new breed of broccoli - super broccoli - developed in britain may protect against heart disease - even some kinds of cancer


What I heard

  1. He says he was simply going back with by the book with hxxx landing ,xxxxx typhoon

What he said

  1. He says he was simply going by the book when it comes to landing without gear,and that he and his fellow pilots train for these types of incidents. (他说,在没有起落架的情况下着陆,他和他的飞行员同伴们都接受过此类事件的训练。)


pilot - 飞行员,to going by the book,you should going by the book(你应该照本宣科),gear - 起落架, in accordance with - 按照,incidents(事件),fellow - 伙计,同事,有个经常用的词,young fella,fella 就是 fellow 的变种

练读:and that - en-nat,type of (练读很像 typhoon 那个音)

listen again

He says he was simply going by the book when it comes to landing without gear,and that he and his fellow pilots train for these types of incidents


What I heard

  1. It is pained,because my fxxx I droped it today,and the foods gone

What he said

  1. It is a pain,because my fridge is...., I dumped it today,and the foods gone(这很麻烦,因为我的冰箱是....,我今天把它倒掉了,食物都不见了。)


power lines - 电力线,fridge - 冰箱, dumped - 抛弃

listen again

It is a pain,because my fridge is...., I dumped it today,and the foods gone


What I heard

  1. Superhero clothes that usually use bigger this here,Especially for rigice movie,like soul and the green latam

What he said

  1. Superhero costumes,as usual,are big this year -,Especially from recent movies like thor and green lantern(今年,超级英雄的服装照例大受欢迎,尤其是最近的电影,如《雷神之锤》和《绿灯侠》。)


Trick to treat - 从捣蛋到请客,costumes-服饰,句中的 big mean popular, recent - 最近

listen again

Superher custumes,as usual,are big this year-,Especially from recent movies like thor and green lantern


What I heard

  1. It is kind of thing you look forward some where cought you,you think about this work,it just fun

What he said

  1. It's the kind of thing you look forward to instead of, you know,some workouts you dread and you think of it as work and this is just fun! ( 这是你期待的事情,而不是你害怕的锻炼,你会认为这是工作,而这只是乐趣! )


workouts-锻炼, look forward to - 展望, instead of - 而不是,dread-令人畏惧的,wrinked-皱巴巴的

listen again

it is kind of thing you look forward to instead of,you know,some workouts you dread and you think of it as work and this is just fun


What I heard

  1. They searched for the missing XXXX the night under XXXXX light,as family members waited by XXX,some tears

What he said

  1. They Searched for the missing throughhout the night under generator-powered flood lights,as(while) family member waited by the mounds of debris,some in tears(他们在发电机供电的洪水夜里彻夜搜寻失踪者,家人在瓦砾堆旁等待,有的还流下了眼泪。)


a catastrophe - 灾变, throughout - 从头到尾,generator-powered flood light - 发电机供电的泛光灯,debris-废墟,mounds- 土丘 发音连读:searched of - searche(d) of

listen again

They searched for the missing throughout the night under generator-powerd flood lights,as family members waited by the mound of debris,some in tears


What I heard

24.Se louis takes the world XXX on cool night,He was 49 green and stop the game

What he said

24.St Louis takes the world series opener on a cool night,it was 49 at the start of the game(圣路易斯队在一个凉爽的夜晚拿下了世界系列赛揭幕战,比赛开始时气温高达 49 度。)


series - 系列,takes 在这句话里的意思可以用 win 来代替,The temperature - 温度,Farenheit - 华氏,Celcius - 摄氏, 49 度 = degrees 连读:takes the world 几乎省去 the 的发音,start of the game - start o(f) the 省去 f 的发音,kind of cool 读成 kinda cool

listen again

St louis takes the world serise opener on a cool night, it was 49 at the start of the game.


What I heard

  1. 基本上完全没听懂,听到了一些 high school 的词,SAT,has been 的词,很断断续续

What he said

  1. An alleged SAT Cheating Scandal has been uncovered at a prestigious Long Island high School.This College student is accused of taking the college entrance exam for at least six student(长岛一所著名高中被揭露涉嫌 SAT 作弊丑闻。这名大学生被指控参加了至少六名学生的高考。)


alleged - 据称(Alleged crime,alleged murder),被指控 Scandal- 丑闻(a financial/political/sex scandal) Prestigious - 著名的(发音念 tee gious), accused of - 被指控, prosecutor - 指控, entrance - 入学

listen again

An alleged SAT cheating scandal has been uncovered at a prestigious long island high school,This college student is accused of taking entrance exam for at least 6 students


What I heard

  1. The project to them online exXXXX to be completed by 2016

What he said

  1. The project to them online is expected to be completed by 2016(预计该项目将于 2016 年完成。)


The Dead Sea Scorlls - 死海遗址, expected - 预期

listen again

The project to them online is expected to be completed by 2016


What I heard

  1. Heidi won the world over forever cute but slight confused look

What he said

  1. Heidi won the world over with her forever cute but slightly confused look(海蒂用她永远可爱但略带困惑的表情征服了全世界)


opossum - 负鼠, cross-eyed - 斗鸡眼 slightly - 稍微,微微,Won 基本上读成 one 的音,look - expression

listen again

Heidi won the world over with her forever cute but slightly confused look


What I heard

  1. suddenly, in the festival of australia on one was inxxx,and on one was played is heart

What he said

20.Saturday, An ultralight plane crashed into a Ferris wheel at a rural festival in australia,Yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plane war hurt(星期六,一架超轻型飞机在澳大利亚的一个乡村节日上撞上了摩天轮,但游乐设施上的人和飞机上的人都没有受伤。)


  1. Ferris Wheel - 摩天轮, ultralight plane - 超轻型飞机,rural festival - 乡村节庆 amusement ride-游乐设施 urban-大型都市,somehow - 不知何故(mean magically)

listen again

20.Saturday,an ultralight plane carshed the ferris wheel at a rural festival in australia,Yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plane was hurt



What I heard

  1. If you are breath,it is not too late get up and go

  2. The 67 Years old grandpa has been founded alive in XXX 6 days xxxx

What he said 18. If you are breathing,it is not too late get up and get going(如果你还有一口气,现在行动还为时不晚)

  1. The 67 Years old grandpa has been found alive after being stuck for 6 days at the bottom of a ravine.(这位 67 岁的老爷爷在被困在峡谷底部 6 天后被发现还活着。)

learning 18. If you - 类似 few 的发音

  1. ravine - 沟 grandpa - 发音 gran(d)pa stuck - 无法拜托的,形容困境


What i heard 15. The frantic pacing scence change every 11 seconds on average often leaves kids XXX end XXX only leave them unable to the concentrate(30%)

  1. Better so and xxx,philiping has been hit taifu in a week(30%)

  2. A few years ago,They were been found usxxx,not now

What he said 15. The frantic pacing - scence changes every 11 second on average - often leaves kids zoned out and Spun up unable to concentrate(疯狂的节奏--平均每 11 秒就有一个场景变化--常常让孩子们恍恍惚惚,无法集中精力。)

  1. Battered, Soaked and flooded, The philippines is being hit by 2nd typhoons in a week(菲律宾遭受一周内第 2 次台风袭击,遍体鳞伤、湿透、洪水泛滥)

  2. A few years ago,They were thought to be useless - paot their prime - not now (几年前,人们还认为它们一无是处,因为它们已过了而立之年。)


  1. Frantic - 疯狂的, Pacing - 步伐 (Mean high speed) Sesame Street - 芝麻街 teletubbies - 天线宝宝 zoned out - 发呆 spun up - 放飞 concentrate-集中注意力

  2. Batterd - 受击者, soaked - 湿透(its means to be drenched in water)

  3. Useless - 一无是处, paot - 婴儿,prime - 全盛时期 I still in my prime - 我正风华正茂


Daily Dication Number 14

The cats Rexxx mine lines ,and he clean XXXX one of them, Here in New York City

正确听写 Cats reputedly have 9 lives, and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of them here in New York City(据说猫有九条命,而它显然想在纽约度过至少一条命)

练读训练 wanted to - wan(t)ed to(读 d) stubborn - 固执地 reputedly - 据说

只听写了一个课程,明天需要听 3 个课程补上


Daily Dication Number 12

Jim handsomme created more muppets For mysteris,his waring grew those in mississippi

正确听写 Jim henson,Creater of the muppets - from kermit the Frog to Sesame street - is born in Greenville,mississippi(布偶团(从柯米特青蛙到芝麻街)的创作者吉姆-亨森(Jim henson)出生于密西西比州格林维尔市。)

mississippi-密西西比 muppets-木偶 Sesame - 芝麻 abbreviation - 简写

Daily Dication Number 13

Asian tiger mosquitoes ,but pass for years in XXX (0%)

正确听写 Asian tiger mosquitoes are native to the tropics of southeast asia, But in the past few years they are spread all acorss the southeastern united states(亚洲虎蚊原产于亚洲东南部的热带地区,但在过去几年里,它们已遍布美国东南部。) 练读训练 but in the past few years- but in nuh pas(t) few years skeeters native - 本地人 spread - 传播,张开 tropics - 热带地区


Daily Dication Number 10

It's a XXXX,probodly impossible go(50%)

正确听写 It's a lofty,probodly impossible goal(这是一个崇高的、可能是不可能实现的目标)

语义训练,Probodly impossible 可以表示一些强调,其实 it's a lofty goal 也可以表示不可能实现的目标 lofty - 崇高的

Daily Dication Number 11

There are swept xxx,,there are (5%)

正确听写 New York Swept the tampa bay rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night doubleheader Wednesdays(在周三的昼夜双赛中,纽约队以 4-2 的相同比分横扫坦帕湾射线队)

练读训练 Swept the - swept (th)e

Swept the series - 横扫系列赛 swept - 打扫 identical - 一模一样 doubleheader - 双赛,双连击


Daily Dication Number 8

XXXX Rolf has the most piercings in his face about 53 正确听写 German, Rolf Buchholz is the man with most piercings,He's got 453! (德国人罗尔夫-布赫霍尔茨(Rolf Buchholz)是穿孔最多的人,他有 453 个穿孔!)

发音连读:is the man - 读成 一zuh(惹)man, most piercings 读成 mos(t) piercings, hundred 有时候读成 hu-nerd

German - 德国人 Piercings - 穿孔 Rolf Buchholz - 罗尔夫-布赫霍尔茨

Daily Dication Number 9

A sxxx base a xxx,20 years ago ,bug nobody xxx(0%,基本上没听懂)

正确听写 A satellite that was carried to space about the shuttle discovery 20 years ago is about to fall to earth,but nobody knows where the debris will hit(20 年前航天飞机发现的一颗卫星即将坠落地球,但没有人知道碎片会落在哪里。)

发音连读 satellite that 练读成 satellite (t)hat, Carried to - Carried t'

satellite - 航太飞机 shuttle - 卫星 debris - 碎片


Daily Dication Number 4

I have come to here to chew bxxx gungx annd kick ass,and all off bxx gung(30%) 正确听写 I have come to here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and i am all out off bubblegum (我是来嚼泡泡糖和踢屁股的,我的泡泡糖吃光了) 发音连读: here to - 练读,to 可以发 d 的音 out of 可以发 outta 的音 bubblegum - 泡泡糖 Chew - 咀嚼,嚼东西

Daily Dication Number 6

The second a life and just to every XXX (10%) 正确听写 The secret of life is just to live evert moment(生活的秘诀就是过好每个时刻)

发音连读:secret of 去掉 of 的 o 的音节 just 经常读成 juss

Daily Dication Number 7

Another world trader has come lost bank (30%) 正确听写 Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions(又一个流氓交易员让一家银行损失数十亿美元)

发音连读:another rogue 省却中间的 r rogue - 流氓


Practice 泛听内容训练

Daily Dication Number 2

There are three XXX,There never to discuss these people reXXX,policy are the great pump again


问题,过度的望文生义 '听这个的时候,听出了 Policy 的词,Never to discuss 等词,就联想到了政策导致XX人民不敢讨论和反抗的意思,后面就继续往这个方向走,现在我的问题在于听到关键词去联想,有时候想得对,有时候想得错'

正确听写 There are three things I have learned Never to discuss with people,Religion,Politics and the great pumpkin!(有三件事是我不会和其他人一起讨论的,宗教,政治和大南瓜(大南瓜被认为是坚定信仰和愚蠢信仰的象征,源自一个漫画《花生》))

if someone talk about the great pumpkin, Other people think he is crazy

religion - 宗教 politics - 政治 great pumpkin - 大南瓜,形容坚定信仰和愚蠢

Daily Dication Number 3

Never let somebody tell you,you can‘t do sommething (准确率:80%)


正确听写 Don't even let somebody tell you,you can‘t do sommething(不要让任何人告诉你,你做不到某事) ‘Don't even let’ 的连读没听清楚,脑袋里面想象出了 never 的词,强行拼凑,需加强连读和 even 之类的练习

学习收获 有三个强音的时候,诸如 S,N,L,另外如有三个弱音的时候,诸如 d,t,th 如果在强音(s,n,l)后面跟着弱音(d,t,th),通常弱音不读,类似 you an(d) i, and 的 d 不读出来,类似:U 安 I

you can do it ! I can do it! I can learn english well!

Next 泛听 3 篇,并总结前三天学习内容


Practice 泛听内容训练

Daily Dication Number 1

Monther XXX, Who recieved a novel Peace XXX to e XXXX India XX He will be have a poor xxx She was eighty-seven years old

正确听写 Monther Teresa, Who revieved a nobel Peace Prize For her work on behalf of the poor, Dies in Calcatta, India -She was eighty-seven years old

准确率:20% 不到


  1. 只听懂了一些基本的情景对话,比如 years old 等常见词汇
  2. 人名,地名和特殊词汇需加强记忆:Monther XXX,后面的 Teresa 没听懂,Teresa -特蕾莎,人名,地名对于记忆不深的很难记,Calcutta
  3. 连读需加强,Monther Teresa , Montner '突薇莎',没有连读语感,也很难识别,behalf of 的连读也没听出来,听成了 behalf for

Teresa - 特蕾莎 Calcutta - 加尔各答

明天学习内容,2 篇泛读,目标提升到 30%



阅读 a-programmers-guide-to-english,结合自己的情况,了解了以下几点 一,需加重音标的练习,第一个通过结合 IPA 正确发音去读,第二个通过 Google 识别去纠正自己的发音: 一些连读的训练,可以观看一些 youtube 的视频: 二,带有目标感的学习,需要设置一些阶段性目标,一种方式是考 PTE,一种需要分梯度学习,我的想法是通过泛听,提升准确率,第一阶段准确率达到 30% 即可,第二阶段达到 60%,后面达到 70% 左右 三,英语思维的训练,转述或者教导别人就是最好的学习方式,你需要去输入一段英文材料,在一段时间听或者阅读,并试图理解,对第三个人介绍和输出


音标练习 资料里 48个音标的标准美式发音 链接失效了,找了一个

Next 明天将会开始第一篇泛听和读写,并将准确率提升到 30% 泛听内容