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英语残酷共学第 1 期残酷指引

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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。


[Hi, I'm Ocean. I have 3 years of back-end development experience and am transitioning to become a Web3 full-stack developer. My goal is to find a full-time remote job, and then gradually transition to freelancing, where I can take on projects independently or co-found a startup with partners. I am learning English and hope to immigrate to New Zealand or Australia in the future.]

Do you think you will finish the whole CoLearning program?

[Yes 100%]



Daily English Dictation

  • dictation:
  • answer:
  • notes:


Daily English Dictation 1

  • dictation: Mother terasa who received the nobil peace price for her work on behalf of the poor deaded and ???, she was 87 years old.
  • answer: Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcuha, India -- she was 87 years old.
  • notes: prize 奖

Daily English Dictation 2

  • dictation: what time do you have. I have 5 o'clock
  • answer: Jerry, what time do you have. I have 5 o'clock
  • notes: have he her him his had has 略读 h

Daily English Dictation 3

  • dictation: There are 3 things that they never discuss with people, relagen, politics, and great pump again.
  • answer: There are 3 things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumplin!
  • notes:

Daily English Dictation 4

  • dictation: we'll never let somebody tell you, you can't do something.
  • answer: Don't ever let...
  • notes: strong S N L, week d t th, n cancels t. something => somepn in daily english

Daily English Dictation 5

  • dictation: I have come here to chem babol and
  • answer: I have come here to chem bubblegum and kick ass. and i'm all out of bubblegum
  • notes: to: to tah tuh dah duh d' t'. an-ahm-all. kick ass 打人,好好搞定某件事


Daily English Dictation 6

  • dictation: the seceret of life is
  • answer: ... just to live every moment
  • notes:

Daily English Dictation 7

  • dictation: another road trader has cost a bank billions
  • answer:another rogue trader...
  • notes: rogue 骗子

Daily English Dictation 8

  • dictation: German rb is the man has most of xxx things, he has got 453
  • answer:German, rb is the man with the most piercings, he's got 453
  • notes: piercings 穿刺

Daily English Dictation 9

  • dictation: a satellite by a shuttle 21 years ago is about to fall to erath, but no body knows where the
  • answer: A satellite that was carried to space by a shuttle discovery 20 years ago, is about to fall to earth,but no body knows where the debris will hit
  • notes: aboard a train/ship/plain means to be on something, debris 碎片

Daily English Dictation 10

  • dictation: It's a lofty, probably an impossible goal
  • answer:
  • notes:


Daily English Dictation 11

  • dictation: 哈?40
  • answer: New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night doubleheader wednesday.
  • notes: sweep - swept 打扫,体育比赛横扫 identical 比分相同

Daily English Dictation 12

  • dictation: jim haser, creater of puppes from xx street, is xx messissibi
  • answer: Jim Henson, creator of The Muppets - from Kermit Frog to Sesame Street -- is born is Greenville, Mississippi!
  • notes: From a to z

Daily English Dictation 13

  • dictation: Asian tiger mosquitos are, but in the past few years they've spread all cross the southeastern United States.
  • answer: Asian tiger mosquitoes are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia.
  • notes: skeeters 俚语蚊子 , native to china


Daily English Dictation 14

  • dictation: cat has nine lives, and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of the here in New York City.
  • answer: cats reputedly have nine lives. and he clearly...
  • notes: reputedly supposedly there's a rumor that, /wanedo/ to spend

Daily English Dictation 15

  • dictation: changeing every 11 second on everage, unable to concentrate
  • answer: The frantic pacing -- scene changes every eleven seconds on everage -- often leaves kids zoned out and spun up; unable to concentrate.
  • notes: frantic 狂乱的 pacing 节奏, scene change 场景变换 consonant 辅音 leaves sb adj 使得 space out/zoned out/lose concentration/mind is gone

Daily English Dictation 16

  • dictation: flooded, the philippines is been hitted by 2 typhoons in a week.
  • answer: Battered, soaked, and flooded, the philippines is ... by its 2nd typhhoon
  • notes: hit, all wet

Daily English Dictation 17

  • dictation: a few years ago, they were thought useless and ... , not now.
  • answer: past their prime
  • notes: in my prime, 正值壮年

Daily English Dictation 18

  • dictation: if your are breathing, it is not too late, get up and get going.
  • answer:
  • notes: get off your buttom(but)

Daily English Dictation 19

  • dictation: a 67 grandpa has been found alive after being stuck for 16 days
  • answer: a 67-year-old grandpa has been found alive after being stuck for 6 days at the bottom of a ravine.
  • notes: ravine 山谷

Daily English Dictation 20

  • dictation: 放弃
  • answer: Saturday, an ultralight plane crashed into a ferris wheel at a rural festival in Australia, yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plane was hurt
  • notes: ferris whell 法利士 摩天轮 urban-rural somehow/magically, 超薄 ultra thin ultra edit


Daily English Dictation 21

  • dictation: heidi won the world over with her forever cute but slightly confused look
  • answer:
  • notes: won the world over 赢得喜爱由于

Daily English Dictation 22

  • dictation: expected complete by 2016
  • answer: The project to put them online is expected to be completed by 2016
  • notes: ct to cte, monline , anticipated/expected/thought to be

Daily English Dictation 23

  • dictation: sat cheat scandle in long iland school, 60 students
  • answer: An alleged SAT cheating scandal has been uncovered at a prestigious Long Island high school. This college student is accused of taking the college entrance exam for at least six students.
  • notes: alleged criminal, alleged murder, supposed 还没法庭宣判, prestigious 著名的 赫赫有名的, accuse 指控


Daily English Dictation 24

  • dictation: on a cool 9, he was 49 degree on the start of the game
  • answer: st. Louis takes the world series opener on a cool night. It was 49 degrees at the start of the game.
  • notes: farenheit ℉ takes e,

Daily English Dictation 25

  • dictation:
  • answer: They searched for the missing throughout the night under the generator-powered flood lights as family members waited by the mounds of debris -- some in tears
  • notes: ed for -> et for, mounds of debris 土堆of碎片, generator-power 发电机发的,flood lights 运动场、舞台和建筑物外墙等用照明


Daily English Dictation 26

  • dictation: it's the kind of thing you look forward to instead of, you know, some workouts you dread, and you think this work just fine.
  • answer: ... and you think of it as a work and this is just fun!
  • notes: had a shoulder workout 可数 to dread is 非常害怕

Daily English Dictation 27

  • dictation: Superhero custums as usual , especially for recent movies, such as sour and green
  • answer: Superhero costumes, as usual, are big this year, especially from recent movies, like Thor and the Green Lantern.
  • notes: big: important/popular

Daily English Dictation 28

  • dictation: It's a pain, cause the fridge are dumped today, foods gone.
  • answer: cause my fridge is ... i dumped it today , and the food's gone.
  • notes: fridge


Daily English Dictation 29

  • dictation:
  • answer: he says he was simply going by the book when it comes to landing without gear, and that he and his fellow pilots train for these types of incidents.
  • notes: go by the book, gear 装置

Daily English Dictation 30

  • dictation: vegetable someone hate, prevent heart desease, even some kinds of cancer
  • answer: It is the vegetable some love to hate! But now a new breed broccoli - super broccoli - developed in Britain may protect against heart disease even some kinds of cancer.
  • notes: breed 品种, love to hate 非常恨, protect against = shield us from = block our chances of getting,

Daily English Dictation 31

  • dictation: ???
  • answer: Mayor Sam Adams ordered that the camp be shut down Saturday citing unhealthy conditions and the attraction of drug dea;ers and thieves
  • notes: mayor 市长, demonstrators 示威者, cite 列举原因


Daily English Dictation 32

  • dictation: goverment reports takes 30 years or more to the facility, decades for residents to return the aera
  • answer: A preliminary goverment report predicts it'll take 30 years or more to safely decommission the facility and it could be decades before nearby residents who were forced to flee can return to the area.
  • notes: preliminary 初步的,predicts t 不发音 decommission shutdown, flee away 逃

Daily English Dictation 33

  • dictation: broken glass and other senario i don't want to get into. but it was terrific at least
  • answer: I was lifting, you know, chairs out of the way, broken glass uh, other sanitary items i don't want to get into. but uh, it was uh, horrific to say the least
  • notes: sanitary item 清洁用品, i don't want to get into politics/religion. 我不想深入谈起, 讲一点点都很可怕

Daily English Dictation 34

  • dictation: toyota is
  • answer: toyota is recalling more than half a million vehicles for problems that could make them difficult to steer.
  • notes: steer 操纵 wheel


Daily English Dictation 35

  • dictation: a long process to get here
  • answer: It's great. It's um been a little bit nerve-wracking, um and it's been a long process to get here.
  • notes: nerve-wracking, torture

Daily English Dictation 36

  • dictation: when the family left vietnan by boat, but the boat was xx by pilot, after years of try, the father relocated his son in Tailand.
  • answer: When the family left Vietnam by boat, bound for Thailand, but the boat was intercepted by pirates...
  • notes: vietnam, bound for 去哪旅行, interception 拦截, years of trying, located v. find the exact position of sb, relocated 迁移搬移

Daily English Dictation 37

  • dictation: ???
  • answer: A gooey mess snarls traffic along the busy Pennsylvania Turnpike. A leaking valve on a tanker spread driveway sealant across a 40-mile stretch of the eastbound side.
  • notes: gooey= soft and sticky and dirty, snarl 阻塞, turnpike 高速公路,driveway 车道,stretch=long and narrow. eastbound 向东方的, tanker 运油的

Daily English Dictation 38

  • dictation: The music is been played at a church in Germany. And well it really live up to it's name. Since it start it's habbit since. July 2012
  • answer: ... Since it started, there have been just 11 chord changes and the next one isn't scheduled until July 2012!
  • notes: chord 和弦


Daily English Dictation 39

  • dictation: dozens of white rabbit were dumped alone the road on Sunday night, more than 60 bouny were rescude on the shoulder.
  • answer: Dozens of white rabbits were apparently dumped along the side of the road Sunday night. More than 60 bunnies were scattered on the shoulder (of the road).
  • notes: apparently = supposedly, not confirmed=not for sure. I am in the dumps/ I'm down on the dumps/ depressed / i'm feeling bad. domesticated 驯化的, scattered = 分散开来


Daily English Dictation 40

  • dictation: The wonderful line i comed across. If you always done or if you always do?
  • answer: There's a wonderful line i came across: If you always done... or If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. It's a brilliant line.
  • notes: line=quotation, nike line: just do it. come across = hear


Daily English Dictation 41

  • dictation: Her story inspire others from mtg to indiana to pay off the bill for complete strangers in these days before chrismers. Shopers who heared the story about the santas see the sweet kind ness to their faith people.
  • answer: Her story has inspired others from Montana to Indiana to pay off the bills of complete strangers in these days before Christmas. Holiday shoppers who've heard about the layaway Santas say the sweeping acts of kindness have restored their faith in people.
  • notes: pay off the bills, holiday shopping, sweeping = to spread quickly


  • dictation: ??? But i heard him exclaim as he drove out the sight "happy christmas to call, and to all a good night"
  • answer: He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle! And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
  • notes: spring- sprang - sprung 弹起, sleigh 雪橇, Twas= It was, exclaim 呼喊, down n 绒羽,绒毛, drive-drove-driven. out of sight


Daily English Dictation 43

  • dictation: ???
  • answer: hey, Geogre, you know, my friend goes to a psychic. Really? un-huh. We should go sometime. I'd love to go. Make an appointment.
  • notes: you know, like, ummm, psychic= fortune teller, psy 心词根,p 不发音, make a reservation 放松娱乐, appointment, 正式 counsel
  • notes: i am all ears 我很乐意听 solar calendar 太阳历 格里高利历


Daily English Dictation 44

  • R: Dad, I beat you. Don't you remember the Rayman Spinball? 旋转球
  • F: Ray, I learned to play in Korea. From Koreans.Do you think some punk kid's gonna actually beat me?
  • R: No,dad, you were trying to to win. you were sweating and panting
  • F: I'm a damn fine actor.
  • notes:racket 球拍 Spinball 旋转球 Rayman Ray氏 pant 气喘吁吁 sweating and panting t 不发音哦


Daily English Dictation 45

  • dictation: ???
  • answer: Hey, is it cold out?
  • notes:


Daily English Dictation 46

  • dictation: From more than 3 hundreds years. The power of French king was absolute. This man that he had the power to do any thing.
  • answer: For more than, hundred, the French
  • notes: 弱读for


Daily English Dictation 47

  • dictation: what people would do these days for their pets.. along with other creature in a pet hotel and have a day spa.
  • answer: a wash and a blow-dry -- that goes without saying. But the demanding dog now wants a limo along with other creature comforts at a pet hotel and day spa.
  • notes: demanding 要求高的 parents/teacher/girlfriend, chores 家务杂务, limousine, limo


Daily English Dictation 48

  • dictation: ???, try to identify the victim and figure out excatly what happened to her
  • answer: Buckingham Palace officials are staying mum about the murder case, and police are keeping many details confidential as they ...
  • notes: keep/stay mum, confidential 保密的


Daily English Dictation 49

  • dictation: 1863 on aboard but mind the gap is the world first underground rayway in London.
  • answer: 1863 "All aboard, but mind the gap" as the world's first underground passenger railway opens in London.
  • notes:

Daily English Dictation 50

  • F: Why do you want to go there
  • S: It's hard to express and pleasure and take my fancy
  • F: And why do you wannna go there?
  • S: I know it's had a bad press recently, but it's the place that's taken my fancy
  • notes: n kill d t th, n why d you, wanna=want to, 7 Hs he her him his had has have, cancel h sound, it's the -> i s e, xx has taken my fancy=interested

听写笔记的方法和演示,以 为例,仅参考:

  1. 不看字幕,听写发音内容,不会的没关系,尽量写即可
  2. 反复听几遍,然后继续把内容进行完善,直到无法继续写出来

Mother terisa, who received a noble pice prize from her work on behalf of the pool of india 87 years old.

反复几遍直到听不出:Mother terisa, who received a Noble Pace Prize from her work on behalf of poor and dies of dia cacke in India, she was 87 years old.

  1. 到第二天或者查看答案,进行对比和完善总结,把不会的单词进行记录,跟读句子进行训练。

第二节答案:Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta India. She was 87 years old.


  • Teresa:人名,死记硬背
  • Nobel Peace Prize:诺贝尔和平奖。Pace 的发音跟 Peace 有区别,Pace 是步伐、速度的意思。
  • Calcutta:加尔各答,死记硬背