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英语残酷共学第 1 期残酷指引

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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。

[your name]

I am Tb, a Web2 programmer. I am currently transitioning to Web3. I want to improve my English to find a better job.

Do you think you will finish the whole CoLearning program?

[Maybe 90%]




Daily English Ditacion 1.

Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta, India -- she was 87 years old.

  • 发音
    • received a: 连读成 receiveda /rɪˈsiːvde/
    • for her: 挨着读
    • work on: 连读
    • Calcutta /kælˈkʌtə/
  • 词组
    • on behalf of: 代表
    • in behalf of: 以...名义
  • 语法
    • who,非限制性定语从句: ,作为主句的辅助补充,特点是可单独翻译,有逗号,不可用that引导,常见的例句:My sister, who is a teacher, always encourages me to study hard.
    • 限制性定语从句: 对修饰的词起限定作用,去掉则意会不全不通顺



Daily English Ditacion 2.

Jerry, What time do you have?

I have 5 o'clock.

  • 发音
    • What time : 两个单词中间有相同t时只发一个t的音
    • have : 7个H原则,he his her him have had has 几乎听不到 h 的音
    • do you have : 连读
    • have 5 : have的 v 和 5 的 f ,两个相近单词发音相似,则只保留后一个的音 (f)

Daily English Ditacion 3.

There are 3 things I have learnd Never to discuss with people, religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin.

  • 发音
    • There are 3 things I have learnd 连读成一段
    • Never 强调,所以大写N
    • to 7种to发音的tə
  • 语法
    • 宾语从句:There are 3 things that I have... 省略了that



Daily English Ditacion 4.

Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something.

  • 发音
    • don't ever : 当两个单词连接,前一个单词的weak音在strong后时,通常weak音忽略,如don't, t被忽略,只发n音接ever, 如 you and I, 通常and 的 d 被忽略 strong weak S d N t L th
    • something : 通常发sump'n,且不发p的音



Daily English Ditacion 5.

I have come here to chew bubblegum and Kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum. 我是来这里嚼泡泡糖和踢屁股的,但是我已经没有泡泡糖了。

  • 发音

    • I have come here to : 对于 to 的发音,一般发 tə 和 də 较多,(小窍门:to是在t音结尾的单词后,则发t,其他情况则d。因为两个t总要发一个t)
    • and I'm all out of :
      • and I'm : 对于 and 后面的 I'm 总是发 ahm(就像阿嗯),且and的d也不发音,所以连起来就是 an-ahm
      • 这个句子每个单词第一个字母都不是辅音(前一个单词和后一个单词的第一个音连起来读),所以我们就可以都连起来读 and I am all out of
      • 所以对于 and I'm all 就可以连城 an-ahm-al (注意ahm的m要和al连读,读成mal)
      • 英语口语中 out of 总是读成 outta /ˈaʊtə/ 所以最终就读成 an-ahm-al-outta
  • 单词

    • bubblegum /ˈbʌblɡʌm/: 泡泡糖,bubble是泡泡,gum是糖
    • chew : 咀嚼
    • kick : 踢
  • 重要结论

    • 两个单词连接,前一个单词的结尾是辅音,后一个单词的开头是元音,则前一个单词的最后一个音和后一个单词的第一个音连接起来读,如 and I'm, and I要连起来读,如live/lɪv/ every/ˈevri/ 发音形成三段 /lɪ-ve-vri/



The secret of life is just to live every moment.

  • 发音
    • secret of 同样的,secret结尾是辅音of的开头是元音,所以前一个单词和后一个单词的第一个音要连起来读就如secrto f /ˈsiːkrətə - v/
    • life/laɪf/ is 同样的,life的结尾是辅音is的开头是元音,则发音连接起来:/laɪfi - s/
    • just to 中间两个相同的辅音(to也是在t音结尾的单词后,发t),只发一个,且to发tə,e弱化。且一般just也是发juss的音
    • live/lɪv/ every/ˈevri/ 同样的,live的结尾是辅音,every的开头是元音,则连接发音/lɪ-ve-vri/

复习新概念1,139 Is that you, John? Is that you, John? 在电话英语中,介绍自己一般不用 I'm xxx. My name is xxx. 而是:This is xxx. 我是xxx(这里是xxx) 确认对象是否是某人:Is that you, xxx? 你是xxx吗(兑换对面是xxx吗)

Tell Mary we'll be late for dinner this evening. 告诉Mary,我们晚一点赴宴今天的晚餐 be late for 迟到 we will be late. will是情态动词所以后面势必要一个动词原型,所以是be,如果是过去时那就是 We were late for dinner. I was late for school yesterday. Don't be late for work! 上班不要迟到

Hasn't Mary told you? 现在完成时的一般疑问句
现在完成时:have/has done. 从现在的时间节点来看,之前做过某事的状态延续到现在 I have finish

I said (that) I would be at your house at six o'clock. 我当时说我将6点去你家 宾语从句间接引语,直接引语形式:I said 'I will be at your house at six o'clock'. would be: 将会过去时,原:will be

I don't know when I'll finish. when I'll finish. 宾语从句

by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下,顺便提一下

My wife wants to know if Mary needs any help. if: 是否,如果。当如果讲时才是条件状语从句

I don't know what you're talking about. what you're talking about. 宾语从句

work for 为...而工作,受雇于...



听:Another row trader ... billions.

Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.

  • 发音

    • Another rogue : 两个单词间连着相同的音则只发一个(且是后一个) eg: part-time job
    • cost a : 同样的,辅音后是元音就连读 /kɔːstə/
  • 词组

    • rogue 无赖,流氓,骗子 (非常负面)
    • rogue trader 流氓交易员,做一些非常冒险的投资,特立独行的交易员
    • cost 花费

复习新概念1,139 语法 宾语从句 在及物动词后接一个陈述句: I believe this house is for sale. She said she would not let her make another film.

在及物动词后接一个特殊疑问句: 关于第7课的特殊疑问句构成:不针对主语提问,则动词放在主语前,针对主语提问,则无需变化 现使用专业术语: 不针对主语提问,则动词放在主语前:倒装(疑问句是语序) - 特殊疑问句(倒装:动词 - 主语) 针对主语提问,则无需变化:正装(陈述句的语序) - 特殊疑问句(正装:主语 - 动词)

若特殊疑问句是正装,则该句子直接放在及物动词后,若是倒装则需要转为正装把动词放在主语后 主语 - 及物动词 - 特殊疑问句(正装:主语 - 动词) 如:从句:What are you talking about? I don't know what you are talking about. (现在进行时 be + 动词ing,be必须在动词ing前) 从句:When will you finish? I don't know when you will finish? (will+动原型) 从句:Where is the reastroom? Can you tell me where the restroom is?

在及物动词后接一个一般疑问句: 一般疑问句一般都是倒装,作为从句都需要转为正装 主语 - 及物动词 - if(是否的意思) - 一般疑问句(主语 动词) if 代替了询问的功能 如:从句:Is he going to study English? 他打算学英语吗? I want to know if he is going to study English? 我想知道他是否打算学英语



Daily English Ditacion 9.

A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discovery 20 years ago is about to fall to Earth, but nobody knows where the debris will hit. 20年前由发现号航天飞机送入太空的一颗卫星即将坠落地球,但没有人知道碎片会落在哪里。

  • 发音
    • satellite that : satellite的最后一个e不发音,所以它们可以连起来读
    • fall to Earth : 两种发音皆可
      • fall d' Earth 因为 to 前是fall,非t结尾,所以to发 d'
      • fall to Earth 而 to 的后面跟着元音开头 Earth 所以 to 也常常发全音
  • 单词
    • satellite 卫星
    • shuttle 航天飞机
    • about to 即将
    • debris 碎片

复习新概念140课文 My four-year old daughter. 我那四岁的女儿(因为4岁在女儿前面所以要用连字符) My daughter is four years old.

a children's party 儿童聚会 a worker's club 工人俱乐部

I decided to take her by train. decide to do... 决定做...

Shally was very excited, because she had never traveled on the train before. 现在说上周发生的事,上周节点之前Shally没有坐过火车,所以用 had done 过去完成时

...asked questiongs about everything she asw. everything she asw 她所见到的一切 (定语后置) everything he did 他所做的一切 everything he left 他所留下的一切

After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out a... 火车开出之后,她打开手提包,拿出... 火车开出是在打开手提包之前的,所以火车开出用过去完成时had done

She then began to make up her face. make up one's face 化妆

To make myself beautiful. 为了把自己打扮的漂亮 to do... 表示目的(动词不定式) I am coming to see you. 我来这里是为了看你 I learn English to go abroad. 我学习英语为了出国 He did that to make her happy. 他那样做是为了让她高兴。(这里make是表示使得)



Daily English Ditacion 10.

It's a lofty probably impossible goal! 这是一个特别高的大概不可能的目标

  • 发音
    • lofty : /ˈlɔːfti/ 后面的 ti 一般发成 di
    • goal : 语境中强调非常高的不太可能实现的目标,所以要重读goal,并且不能连读
  • 单词
    • lofty : 崇高的,高耸的,巍峨的,比high还要高
    • probably : 大概,或许
    • goal : 目标

复习新概念141被动语态 被动语态 : be + done be is am are was were been being : 被动语态的时态用be来表示

He is killed. 他被杀了 被杀 = is killed
惯用的被动语态 be born... (被)出生 bear-bore-born He was born in 1984. be hurt... (被)受伤(hurt-hurt-hurt) I am hurt.我受伤了 be dressed in... 穿着(强调的是一种状态,记住就行,而dress in 是穿上,主动的意思) The lady is dressed in a large funny hat.


  • 不知道动作的发出者 It is broken.
  • 强调动作的发出者 It is broken by him. 花瓶是被他打碎的(强调他,而He breaks it. 就没有被动)
  • 没必要提出动作的发出者 A new building was built. 一座新楼建成了(被建成了)



Daily English Ditacion 11.

New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night doubleheader Wednesday. 纽约队在周三的双头赛中均以4-2的得分横扫坦帕湾光芒队


  • 结构分析

    • 主语:New York (队名)
    • 谓语:swept (sweep的过去式,表横扫,即连续赢得比赛)
    • 宾语:the Tampa Bay Rays (坦帕湾光芒队)
    • 方式状语:by identical 4-2 scores (以相同的4比2的比分,介词by表获胜的方式或比分)
    • 时间状语:in a day-night doubleheader Wednesday (在周三的日场和夜场双赛中,day-night doubleheader特指一天内连续进行的两场比赛,其中一场在白天,另一场在夜间)
  • 发音

    • swept the : 连读,且swept的t不发音了, /swepðə/ ,注意:the/ðə/在非重读位置的ə音非常弱,
    • identical : /aɪˈdentɪk(ə)l/ 中的 t 可不发音,读做 : /aɪˈdenɪkl/



Daily English Ditacion 12.

Jim Henson, creator of the muppets - from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street is born in Greenville Mississippi.

Jim Henson, 木偶的创造者——从青蛙克米特到《芝麻街》,出生在密西西比州的格林威尔。

  • 结构分析
    • Jim Henson : 主语
    • creator of the muppets : 同位语短语(跟在名词后做进一步解释的短语)
    • from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street : 进一步说明他的创作范围 从...到...
    • is born in Greenville Mississippi : 系动词+过去分词+介词短语
  • 发音
    • creator of the : of 的 /v/ 也弱化很多
    • Kermit the : Kermit的t不发音(两个t挨着)
  • 单词
    • muppet : 木偶
    • Kermit the Frog : 青蛙克米特(frog青蛙)
    • sesame /ˈsesəmi/ : 芝麻



Daily English Ditacion 13.

Asian tiger mosquitoes are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia, but in the past few years they've spread all across the southeastern United States. 亚洲虎蚊原产于东南亚热带地区,但在过去的几年里,它们已经遍布美国东南部。

  • 发音
    • mosquitoes are : 连读 /məˈskiːtoʊz-ər/
    • native to the : to 发 d' 其余不变
    • but in the : bu-ti-nuh
  • 单词
    • mosquito: /məˈskiːtoʊ/ (注意qui发ki)蚊子
    • tropics: 热带地区
    • spread : 传播
  • 结构分析
    • to the tropics of Southeast Asia: to修饰native表归属,归属于东南亚热带地区
    • in the past few years : 在过去的几年里



Daily English Ditacion 14.

Cats reputedly have nine lives, and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of them here in New York City. 据说猫有九条命,而它显然想在纽约市至少花掉其中的一条命

  • 发音
    • wanted to : wanted的t将不发音,直接/wɑːn'/-/d'/
  • 单词
    • reputedly: 据说 近义词:supposedly
    • clearly: 显然
    • spend: (spent, spent) 花费,侧重于个人或实体主动地花费金钱、时间
      • cost: (cost, cost) 侧重于某物某事需要的费用、代价、时间
    • at least: 至少
  • 语法
    • wanted to spend : want to do 动词不定式



Daily English Ditacion 15.

The frantic pacing - scene changes every 11 seconds on average often leaves kids zoned out and spun up, unable to concentrate. 疯狂的节奏——平均每11秒更换一次场景,经常让孩子们发呆和亢奋,无法几种注意力。(太难了完全听不出来)

  • 发音
    • 单词后接的单词第一个不是辅音则可以连读,如 changes every 11中的every和11开头都非辅音,
  • 单词
    • SpongeBob 海绵宝宝
    • frantic 疯狂的 近义词:crazy
    • pacing 节奏、步调
    • scene changes 场景变化
    • leave 使...处于...状态、离开,often leaves 就是经常使得
    • zoned out 发呆、精神恍惚(zone是区,zoned out是把区分隔开了,相当于是把注意力分隔开了,就是发呆的意思)
    • spun up 亢奋(旋转起来了,spin的过去式)
    • concentrate 集中注意力
  • 结构分析
    • The frantic pacing 主语
    • scene changes every 11 seconds on average 对主语做解释
      • every 11 seconds 每11秒(时间状语)
      • on average 平均来说(副词短语)
    • often leaves:经常使得(谓语)
    • kids zoned out and spun up 宾语
    • unable to concentrate:无法集中注意力(补充说明)



Daily English Ditacion 16.

Battered,soaked and flooded;the Philippines is being hit by its second typhoon in a week. 被重创、浸湿、淹没; 菲律宾正遭受一周内的第二次台风袭击

  • 听力记录

    • is being 的 is 没有听出来
    • being 听成了been
  • 发音

    • Battered /ˈbætərd/ , flooded /ˈflʌdɪd/ 这些过去分词加的ed都要在原型单词后轻读一个d
    • Philippines is 连读/fɪləˈpiːnz-ɪz/
    • typhoon in a 连读 /taɪˈfuːnɪ-nə/
  • 单词

    • Battered 被重创 (done)
    • soaked 被浸湿的 (done)
    • flooded 被淹没的 (done)
    • Philippines 菲律宾
    • hit (hit) 被袭击 (done)
    • typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ 台风
  • 语法结构

    • Battered,soaked and flooded 都是过去分词,表明菲律宾的状态
    • is being hit 被动语态的现在进行时 is being done
    • by 表示遭受袭击的原因(一周的第二次台风)
    • its 物质代词指代菲律宾



Daily English Ditacion 17.

A few years ago, they were thought to be useless - past their prime - not now! 几年前,它们被认为是无用的——它们已经过了最佳时期时期——但现在不是了!

  • 发音
    • years 的 jɪ要重读,否则容易被当成 hɪr
    • thought to 两个同样的音挨着则只读后面的
    • past their 中past的t不发音
  • 单词
    • a few 几个只能用在可数名词前,a little 一点,只能用在不可数名词前
    • thought : think的过去分词
    • useless : 无用的,无价值的
    • prime : 盛年,壮年时期,最佳时期,past their prime过了他们最佳的时期
  • 结构分析
    • were thought 一般过去时的被动语态 was/were done,被认为