The installation includes Eclipse Mosquitto as broker, Django as web framework and Inlfuxdb as database. Optionally, nginx and gunicorn can be installed and configured as web servers.
The gateway forwards all incoming messages under the MQTT-Topic "universe/#" to the Platform. instructions and instaltion files to setup upa gateway are downlaoded from the server once it deployd and running.
Originally, encryption was implemented using Openssl, but at the moment the focus is on let's encrpypt as certificate authority. Which is also accepted by the common browsers.
For this look at Setting up my RPi. You will need to know your IP of the gateway or its hostname. NOTE: Sometimes hostname won’t work. It depends on the DHCP-Server in this network If everything is running and gateway is displaying 1 times “Connection OK” with status"0", it should work and your data will reach the server. As mentioned in Setting up my RPi you can use the python script for testing.
Be sure your Raspberry Pi is up to date and secure with a proper password! You must define the IP and the port of the gateway on your sensors and actuators as the broker, for the sensors/actuators to work
- It must be in proper JSON-format. If not so it won’t be stored.
- Timestamps must be in UNIX-Format. Also the field key needs to be “Time”. This is necessary for the server to recognise this field as a timestamp.
- You should use global time UTC +-0.
- Don’t use nested objects or Arrays!!!
- Do not send multiple JSON strings at once. Send them individually.
- Max time increment is 1 millisecond.
- Send measurement values as integer not as string.
Example payload: {“sensor”: ”tsl2591”, “lux”: 2314, “time”: 1561373832.000}
- For simplicity only alphanumeric is allowed. If not, wrong characters will be deleted.
- Choose your topic and subtopic-levels wisely. So that you can find data later easily.
- Always use "universe/" before the sub-topic. Otherwise it will not be processed through the gateway.
Example topic: universe/luxsensor/tls2591
- The tree structure corresponds to the MQTT topic defined in your sensor host (e.g. microcontroller with attached sensors) and gateway. Simply mark the Sensors or the top level nodes you like to work with.
- Set the start and end point.
- Select if you want to download a CSV file or view a spreadsheet or to delete the selected data.
Please visied this sites/video to get a overview on how to work with grafana.
You will need a REST-API Auth Tocken first Send a POST request to "/api-token-auth/" Containing your login credentials. You will receive an auth-Token.
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"}' https://-server address-/api-token-auth/
Then you connect your applications with Rest-Api trough the link "-server ad.-/iotree_api".
If sending a GET request the server will answer with all the nodes and leaves you have.
Then you can do your queries:
{ "tree": "Choice one or several of your leeds by ID", "time_start": "start of interval in milliseconds", "time_end": "End of interval in milliseconds" }.
{"tree": "gateway1/gatewayself/cputemp", "time_start":"0", "time_end":"1559187967000"}
{"tree": "gateway1/gatewayself/cputemp,LUXSensor/tls2591", "time_start":"1559187967000", "time_end": "now"}
As you can see in the second example, the field "time_end" is set to "now". This means that the server take the current UTC +- 0 time.