#About Tilted.js
Tilted.js is a multi-browser Javascript library designed to simplify browser access to Accelerometer and Gyroscope data.
##Feature Detection
###Detecting Orientation
Returns boolean value.
Callback with a boolean parameter.
$tilted.hasOrientation( function(value){
// do something...
} );
###Detecting Motion
Returns boolean value.
Callback with a boolean parameter.
$tilted.hasMotion( function(value){
// do something...
} );
##Tracking measurement data
Get current measurement data.
Set a tracker by name & callback.
$tilted.setTracker('trackerName', function(measure) {
// do something...
}, 1000);
Remove a tracker by name.
##Event listeners & handlers
###Setting event listeners & handlers
Set a event listener & handler.
$tilted.on('eventName', callback[, useCapture]);
Note: useCapture is not mandatory.
$tilted.on('shake', function(event) {
// do something
###Removing event listeners & handlers
Remove all event listeners & handlers with a specific event name.
$tilted.off('eventName'[, callback, useCapture]);
Note: callback & useCapture are not mandatory.
Remove a listener & handler with a specific callback.
$tilted.off('eventName', callback[, useCapture]);
Note: useCapture is not mandatory.
##Creating Gestures
Create a custom gesture.
$tilted.createGesture('gestureName', {property: 2000}, function(measure) {
// do something...
$tilted.createGesture('shake', {threshold: 7, delay: 1000}, function(measure) {
var current = measure.motion.accelerationIncludingGravity;
if(this.last != undefined && current.x != null && current.y != null && current.z != null) {
var deltaX = Math.abs(this.last.x - current.x)
, deltaY = Math.abs(this.last.y - current.y)
, deltaZ = Math.abs(this.last.z - current.z);
if( (deltaX > this.threshold && deltaY > this.threshold) ||
(deltaX > this.threshold && deltaZ > this.threshold) ||
(deltaY > this.threshold && deltaZ > this.threshold) ) {
var currentTime = measure.motion.timeStamp
, timeDifference = currentTime - this.last.time;
if (timeDifference > this.delay) {
this.last.time = measure.motion.timeStamp;
else {
this.last = {};
this.last.time = 0;
this.last.x = current.x;
this.last.y = current.y;
this.last.z = current.z;
#####Example of attaching a event listener & handler to a custom gesture:
$tilted.on('shake', function(event) {
Note: createGesture uses its .trigger() method for dispatching events. Also, you can attach data to the Event object by passing the data as a parameter into the .trigger(data) method, so that the data will be accessible in the event handler by event.gesture.