Home assistant component for the Wiser Smart Controller (White cross)
Please use HACS for installation.
This Home assistant component allows monitoring and controlling the Schneider Wiser Smart system. It contains:
Support for Home Assistant Component Store
Use the Home Assistant config flow to be setup directly through the integrations panel
Monitoring for Rooms (Thermostats + heaters), Smart plugs and water heater
Wiser Smart Controller
- Monitor the current mode
- Monitor the correct cloud connection
- Set the global working mode
Wiser Smart Rooms
- Status online/offline of each the devices in a Room
- Monitor the current temperature
- Read and set the target temperature
- Status online/offline of each of the devices
Wiser Smart plugs and water heater
- Get the current state of the plug/water heater
- Switch the state of the plug/water heater
- Retrieve the power consumption
- Status online/offline of each of the devices
- Works only with the electrical heaters and not the TRVs as I do not have them in my system
- Get and set schedule for all or one room not available yet
It is highly recommended to use HACS to install the integration. Please see HACS website for more information at https://hacs.xyz/
- Add the Github repository to HACS as an integration
- In the integration page look for Wiser Smart Component for Home Assissant
- Install it
- You will be asked to restart HA
This component is using the config flow to avoid having to populate the configuration yaml file
- Go to integration and click on "+"
- Search "Wiser Smart"
- You will be asked for 4 parameters
IP address
is the IP address of the Wiser Smart Controller on your network
is the username used to login on your local system (should be "admin")
is the password that goes along the username (by default "admin")
Scan Interval
is the duration between two calls towards the Controller (A value too small may overlaod the controller)
To set the working mode (manual, schedule, holiday, energysaver) add:
- An input_select to select the mode you want WiserSmart to be in
name: WiserSmart mode
- manual
- schedule
- energysaver
- holiday
initial: schedule
icon: mdi:target
- Automations to ensure that the input_select is in the current mode by default and if changed sets WiserSmart in the selected mode
# Home mode input.select default value
- id: '1'
alias: Set home mode to input select
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.wiser_operation_mode
- service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.wisersmart_mode_select
option: "{{ states('sensor.wiser_operation_mode') }}"
# Set home mode using the input select
- id: '2'
alias: Set home mode from input select
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.wisersmart_mode_select
- service: wisersmart.set_home_mode
mode: "{{ states('input_select.wisersmart_mode_select') }}"
come_back_time: "{{ state_attr('input_datetime.back_from_vacation', 'timestamp') | int }}"
- Fix climate using ramuel
- Fix I/O loop in config flow
- Add version in manifest.json
- Add valve support
- ClimateDevice to ClimateEntity
- SwitchDevice to SwitchEntity
- Add power consumption entity for plugs and water heater devices
- Add service to set Wiser Smart mode
- Fix I/O in event loop
- Update readme
- Fix batterry value (factor 10 was missing)
- Add power consumption to sensor for plugs
- First release
- Retrieving all the Wiser Smart information
- Changing target temperature on the thermostats
- Changing plugs and water heater state
Inspired from https://github.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform designed by asantaga initially done for Drayton Wiser. Thanks to him as his code is really good and helped understand the needs